JOE MANCHISI, DOMENICO MANCHISI, .TONY VIDIRI. Sales Representativies 875-0899 or 878-7777d * eu~ t.~ lbisç ru CA LL NOWIIU for a FREE market ANALYSISfoe RE/MXftw Reat Coep. ke W Ioka each cimer iMual wn& nee«s hopes ad &remm Asacct Birmler t120Oflf AIOVOly atone ana DYicK ff~ y sU~I0woslUs~I bungalow, sitting up bigh, On fibhl m05b liSCIlaaf~ll u li et In. hom Opu enop aa g ou #W% r mm odalsVie * overlooklng the beautilul mm wrhwapi uolIO o CM0l0oo throughout. huge kltten, 2 C.f1 1011S........--- with lane fareplace, Wight, aunny Floride room. Vast roc om witt fireplace, 3rd bedraom, kitchenette, plus nisny, inany extres, make _______________________ ils a ho"e ta be seen!l IlWondedul Split levet home bickig 0010 geenpac ravi" nea on@. of Mmiori's finest *"u A èê*m, Shs i 8 asnoal VWIr en appolaaally. a - . SolO ~ &MW halO - b$glo NUIHadssa Nom's lailifal th Mal kg & hW* dcutWqa ad à taaahs*J bo«Wm . -~ ~~~~m àalas hassa apw usa MUWN v.>tI 1a Q Str~mstiuOe. ~dI il 1225 quais 1.00 U151- I auatina. -. wsCO suS viaus se hi - a aaiaiia.u ta,.* a. I la idag rai. a .a~ - sdi ~sm rs hfrq.~ s~aiqh Puai - *141.5001 .2,O~ - - m lage of Killarda foi- ra irae wuM mmada -t th o Ga isiu ml ban.wIO ai «aaa~ NM$17 apa1aDag= ê*. sala flair lasfy sial Fn au s,.... la liai *al su ~- I - - S ~aila~ 101*g~ or am due". -s.. N 87 777 FIM: