CLASSIFIBO HOURS Mon. Fni 8:30m-Spm Classitied SELLORS, Mir, à Mm. James; Andrea of Mion, are pteased Io asounce "ii biih of their san Thomas Patik. we.ging 7 ha .9 oz. ai Milton District Hospitl oni June 14. 1996. Prouti Grémdpareuta are Dit andi Mns AJbert Miller of Cincinnatus, %Y. and Mr'. and Mrs. Josephu Sai- lors of Brampton. Mas>, titanka f0 Dr. Glou Hunier and te staff ai Miton Distict Hosputal. 111oh LM thse Camadian ChampIon mil ehMI Win b. IeatUwd wfth photo ln eur Baby Edtiom n iJanuary. *IRTHDAY PARTIES at Springndge Farm. Wagon rides. fatin arnimaie, mUidt a aluadena eng. hayatacl jumpin, privais, party mom andf lh il ton, 878-40W. 21AN TILL * WEARING FUNNY HATS! LIlY Mon, mad& KIM PIlOORAPHY W"mingt, Portraits and ipeil occaions. Rauiail çriWiî Roferesi . Cm Steve or La9uie OQ 878-M.6 14 nefi vc WEOMW PIIOTORAPNY 100-i is pinots mn album Pluaseala 16 Yoam expertis. ais- ibis itid murasaha Picatr Prlant Witidsg Pltoagrepy. 05-w4710. CAMPBELL., Margine (Psggy - Petâefmiy, it St Jasopiti Hant. Guaiphis Sabadell. lune 22, 190. Puggy ta her 871h yoe, hilsti wila of lm fat Hàa m C«mpitail Losta ami cg Lor- ratai MoDgn.eld ai Wily, Serene McDasaiti di 01,1811>111 id PiteiMomuid 0f Owes Soundi aind gree atny aof Emlly McoSidd of Gueipi. Pigg wilb hrci cid ues dmae by hi mesy aiea andi nÇ' m. Predia--meir hier higuer Nil McDanalti. Pnienseemire receved ai diei Shoam*e Pusie Hm% 55 LU Seif Euf Adtas on Mondait fron 2 - 4 aid 7 - 9 Pull. Funera Suici tome huiti nt Punira Hont on Tuesay. Juive »i. 190 et 11100 &mn. ta- ternies PakIeli Curable. Aclas. Ai eeg..-. soni aI sy.mgity. dmab mm nlq b mide to lie HiesM oillait Pohattiiffas. I -- .. I -- -- HARNDEN, aaresc WIlm - Smuddesty on Thuraday. Juni 20. 996l in Calgary. et ai6 Clarence Hanties of Port Periy. bulov:d hua tad of Vera. Loving taotilr oi Dannis andi hio il ot fActas. Datae and N iaule Lisnde of Sudbury, Caithy Krkt of Port Credift. Davmo andi hie aile Kim of Milton. Diha. and fier husbanti Bar- ry Benneft ai Caisarea. Robert Gray and is amile Denise oi Prince Georgi, B.C . andi Michael Gray and ie aimle Lorna of Pontypool. 10usd grandiather of 16 Donr broter of Jean Digmn oi Coltiorne. Doin Harnos ai Orono,- and CiraIjle t/ of Owen Sound. Cliasce miii itho bu missed bit hi slathwe- Josepht Lague of Oshuawa. hie S ice andi rolphew and hoe muiy Mondi. ROIEti andi ruda mi bi recived at the Wagg Puneraf Home, *McOirmott-Panabaker Chapel', 216 Oseen Street in Port PenTy (985-2171) on S&nday front 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A fuserail iontais bu heoi iu Vi. Emmanuef P*niscoit Chaidu in Port Perny on Monslay, June 241h ai 1.30 PM. Inftuant Pins Grov. Ceaq.u Pione AJbort. If doiaireti mernoril otntions mal, i maode el, lie Em- in uit Pemicat Cturdi Min Outroeachi HAÎYNES, Piler Raugleai- Sucdensly at the MI- tan Daiat Hospital on Ptldoy. Juan 2lit, 199. Peter Hayna iN 3M isir. Lavirlg hustant ai Darotmy dm Mohair of Tammy. Tai, andi Randy att of Milton. Sadly miaseti by hie granddaughtar Andrea. Lovlng saut ai Eva Limitai n of Aberlt aind tos-i-la. oi C"ad andi Dale Ramier of Uuàaiammg Dia brotiuir of Piaf andi hie aile Cassandra Hayn of Gualpht maid Mark and Nis aile Tant Hayon of Pergus. Lovmugly resuosberiti by hig broftherunlm Raon 'and huita Vaivne Bosler of Misaîosauga. Sadify miaceti by hik nees andi nophows Ronnie, Licitell, Cilnta nd Andrtea. Tii fuera hia u hrost lu M«ww&,i-«iher Puni"rai Hem.. 114 Ma" Sitiot. Mittor on Monday. June 24th, 1996. Donations ta the. Heirt andi Stroma Pommdatian womuld b. ap- precuaied i t tihe faily. 190 Ontario S.% Miltont 37-8-6522 Monuments. MNlcera, Bronze Mortiers, Cemptbry Lettering IGUIEN, Haroldi John - lit loviing mimory of a dear anti befoveit lter alto poussi sisit on Jwmi 25. 1991. In my heurt a masmory *e kapt For a Daid t vomumreti. Anti ail mver lorgit. 1ad se* @de" faavu daimgh oratie DICE. Alin -t ioving mm of ui dose Ded mile paisotifa Jute 29. 1994. Vuhat M'd gmve if u muild sq tub iad ta q mimn aid way To hmi yam, "a4i. aie your smita, To aà il m yau nid due mifis. 9 ou whi lo have a fallit Chinai fim wih cur, For youl nW Mm Itra Utiauate Adu&. ~7 in Mantawtam. DUC!. Alun ta loslng munmary of à sytucia husbanti and laitier mi, passati away June 29, 994ý Tma yuars aga me lai ou. Andi our hivs more torsapart, Peruapsiun Ume amie! moeines. Wuil memd ou, broumn hures We more ot ry ta lt you-ga, But pasu mere mot abie ba stap, The imnpunies dtua surrounds us. WilU uever. iver go amay. Now anti Parise. Vuffi lov, Your talle andi hit ind Bondy. RANGER, Phirnp Richord- ln0 ring mom&y ai aur Son aid BraVi. - June 7, 1967. Front our hippy haum asd his Gad hmi talos ose mi tait He ta hast. @my frontion anti mmn To a sabler reat ihove No as. funam ha, muait mi mli Nul None but achlng haigls cam Wi Lait on iarlm, but lacusd ta Heuven Jesui doalh ai 11159, maIl LovIngtly Rentmimbeuradir Monte, Ded, $VU%, 1111, JosahoN, RIcit à diii We hart a storybsali weddis8 asti a tovely scuen day cruise. Att tlwmls to aut vondrfu parenlts. jacki & Dina Maopt& Don0 asid lemn Chrisiensen Specmalt hanlis la aur Honoui ariendanîs: loiti. januine. foainne. Nicate. Tony. Dmattw Dand siMm We tave patm ail semy nmucti vi ~a s, TUE miLTON DISTRICT HOSPIAL AUXGIARY Wlîlii ba haîrt al tma mita aat #0* 1 ns, airicea or mmhs m u io pwrchaatg ticiela for Thiehe Wai. There ft 1. Gdfâ -ia Berm» 2. Punil - bOsm ply 4. Diii CliCflii a aana W. ner M a Uit Royal Dods liieu DoreR on Das pm WI4ALIY - Su"el Suniflisul Thti mai- shite mwu oniy esaieded it5' coi auW immtila and amew aiu faet"e m cellibr. cour SMU WiialAt*rn For carcle and gil mis ta 10e but yeur priaslre, wu ai' fnumnt Te ai, W*ll mita lose. Tegee a u -.mhav oratnmtal ii miidaoaen M. Ray Md aine» MIouwnd JARED ROUSUI 1LI Par at your liard mark aid didicioa ftti acllevemet 0 yaurgoila. Congratulatios andi "Mi oit Lucu id Thie Unifveraity of Gulpht Love, D.d, Mmnt Du.rrt à station FiNIT ANNUAL BLOWPITCH Tournaint, Orgetaan Slais-pit Lm"u. Jmiy 5. 6. Rai ate July 7. 1991k Mins lAxi Tia«i. Cait 150 .Cantact Klit Go~e - 1-519 853-4435 AIITIiIEN Lut G 90"7 wIIO47 P'U . lm e T1 ât te EM al o am Salhioi li-i RU Pm. GQousci filei bullReSAY Myue 1or des le.&.erm Pcurnmfl. PM". Srm pday. u smtiins laseg« ai.deip. A. &Y T12 1i11M - Frr*à Mmd. ?al* M 1» tio,1*e Nulia sonmoi, fos.,»*alea ais »i m" Go AucnomEE. wwu oNo 47m AfIIITM, t 29 AGfT 1 M &M. Fer deFmllo-ly ori THE DeAESI THTCRS 37 ln uàkhwmm& 1 4fTr8 =8 illi