Merchants reogniz their onM l'lie Mihan Mrchis Junior A hockey Rookie Mf the Yeu hourts went Io Rkch club hooored their top players over the ltend who collcted 49 pointa in bis ddhu 1995-96suo Snuy nighLat the Muddy seait anti established lumacif and a pre- Durit Remmtam muer spectal tram player S Taling the MVP award w; captain Steve Goalie Dave Doleeki andi Winger Phil Carkr. who was thard in tamn sog aid James were the of the Most was eantuabng centaing tde defenisive Uie Popular Player award whule Steve Adiants Sphoitin the votes for playoiff MVP bon- too honm the Top Scoting tmophy. ot were kff Haydar andi Cory Hollanti. The Top Defencenwa award went go fion-t H4aydar was Milhon's top scorer through year reargundt Markt Mc!hai. postseaaion play while Hollan# wasa MilLon's Unstang Hem las netisinder mnspmratmonal leade ash lyt~r h Stryt flewley. Despt toking on the role of naoing injuries and ti ttîIlktid bis hack-up main. lIr played in oser 2D ganges.r qgmesuve pliysicWàrah.' N posied two slitqzts and reçordeti a goaW a Haydarwas a doublie winger aith'ýiîlled agaitt averageof 3.13.Y up the Most Impmoved Player trophy as Vetean defenceman Davîid Botdovitch - -Weil in bis sophomore sson lue almost won the Pmpgit Award for bis ovetali tripleti bis point total to 70 aid anchoreti dedication Io ltim aid his scholasmc Mtikon's pumire Ucne lo. efforts mi York UnWemty. Eyes on the skies Mnbom oda Mi#e Swapm lbien prmstld tma flddhsg durlng a srm-up dilli - thir i Satad.y miornhs tornamain gummq.lnot Omo et %Wy IIII Milton Merch ý4t sigfnd Si 0"ii Local hockey fans should reonz iat otEaCnei~Waoe2olal ~~i trne in Hamitons new Amena~HcjegeIsjaa'5~oddattlo 8gasad7 (AHL~) rosier next sesson, as th aet~ ton sts %W mis ltr with th ivse H*wks. He Oieng lbre recently sigid foroeMîto M ~tu s teamt mn oals the pou tw Umm. Whilt tdm JeU Daw. 24-year-gid si bc Siven the chance to mate i'he 613". 190 lb.. centre played f. .vihT ýF yeu wdi fl tio aonlit la cxpecied ta i-t the meason Unilversity of Munschustt in the NCAK's H~ockey In Ilbmdto LOCATÇD AT- MILTON CHRY SLER DODGE 81 ONTARIO ST., MILTON, ONT. LOT 2T2 875-2799 H tand Waxh/ta&rs NOW LExIrnAu~.3/9-----------------I S1 ONTARIO STREfNORT, MILTON, ONTARIO LgT 2T2 PARTS/SERVICE (M)5 878W0 SALES (905) S711,4117 1ONTARIO WIDE -0-MDELS180-003-M57 Part Departmnent 18 OPEN Saturdays 8 arn to 12 noon (except long weQkends) .10% OFF ALL ACCESSORY.ORDEP1S .0 with this ad - - E~UtIUU JIJIV ~51IMnt PACKAGE DEALS- ~ barWash Ask @bout our Fre* M Truck Wash sawtd. s.ri4c.H la 'WWPoIIshIn i -- a Intlerfor Shmpoo r WtE.yTnig ~iDTIiitIng WhEryru in a Pro Buff-OXWMbo. EE~ lSroe ie-rc"i WASH & WAX I a We Speewlalb h~I Oniy wfth o@ajpon I EurapemnCar - - - - Qà WlndSNSId $ton@ ohlp reppir aI Autowmuv Accassor"a a TraiIer HfIch ALSO AVNILASLE: Nasca, Fl, Ind%& Etc., Souvenirs, »f à ELEC'rgY fflO OROMNN.. 341 BROT &T. s., MLXO#d 818-49114 ru________________ E.i <1 't r