A MpmWmad Comu..lio t Nsupp bVLI37 Ne. 42 VHDNDDAYJUNE26 196 2Pgi 4 o .Tree problem flot as bad as thought:- Matthews (iroup tg save museuih holds a picnic, party Thiit ira wdetmWg avant fo Ve future of lhé Ontario Agalculturat mua.esra le aated f or Monday. Jtiy 1 . The avant, orgcnhzed by lte Ontario Rural Moritage Pr.- s.rvallon CommIt.., lncorpoatOn. a picote andi .vsning of furat music.. *Savlng lthe Ontario Agricultul Musums mlina,. i chances 10 patcpal.' Molii Lashy of Roclw. teh represenla lte Fderafor!0 Womén'us lno#Uu of 00"ul.. Provincial futding for the muse. um tel! endi prior lo tient natation endi a votunter group ha bison mseeting =u Docernber lu ~ht a futre for tiis heliag llîtpr deubsg HV~wmy 401 in Milon. TcmI are $20 wlti a plarétiea 5:30 p.m. followed by mulic fm Ian Roi nd dise Oêwrbnreoeuu and comedcy by Dans Noeces. auilsor of lsg 5 194856.4«3 orbyfaxéng 519- 763.883 Two cothr aecet. am n i. ln nasig stage. A majr fatellvIat informtionu m.Ing te plcned f0r September 14 wma auction sale of donateti Itemns ia scitedud for October 12. Lett..........% .. 7 Diâteine .... ..... .1e Sports.......... 1i.2» Clmisfled ... ....21.23 eReaLEstate .... REI-RES 0Problents thi tehite ash trees in Bronte Meadotes anti Timbelea ore nog as b.d as teas finit thought. according go John Maithews, Mituos14relsre<pubicwoeks. Mtj~nf = 7=Imre and Dronte Meadotes subdivisions have been celIing Town:Hal to1 report significant tuas of foliage and w1thering floteers. "A bliglflglas been altacking lte green bu il's not asbcd os 4c finit lhouglu." saiti Mr. Mauthews. "Vie weill comrulence htaim in lthe fait. wltén we cao put bogedier the appropetate spray pro pan". fThe Towen bcd on arborisi look int the situation recety and il teas desermifact Iwo problemri ere ocaumnu A lfnqal infection tdm maturcd in lIe spring and is cualpoundetid by t teeiher fias been camsng defoliauin. In atidision. anotiser blight is Causons lie Dme batts te sther. l'hem are ut mmuy as 4.000 tehite ~IL grcen asdt (mics in te subdivisols. aith an nfegtls rate of between 10-30 pet cent among whbite ush trees, according tu Mr. Maghesa. Thte straying programn wtt! cost about $3.000. *-Sonte of tbe trees are already begmang Io refolt- aie," laid Mr. Masthews. Deidre is Fâ" expectcd home -on weekend. Deidre Scholtz could bc homeé this weekend. Il 1 Pinact father Clem Scholtz reporled lte news (romf hia Satok Crescent house Wcdncsday night. "Sltess ic -r flodadpe. Tie doctors are happy wslh ber condition and hosa she >-progrssing. Thé\ rnpat appeala two= .Witlt escit poung dey. the odds sel bètter for lte five- year-otd girl. tebo locatty became aý rapilly due ic aptasti anemnia andi. aller dtug therapy filed, grt desperitety areed- cd a huile n*tw hirsqait. A suilable doaor was found andi shte underteent tbe procedure at Toronto's Hospial for Sick Çhildee May 24. Her body aptposa to bave accepeld ie transpianieti bone mprroWbt*litev'a c sttsal chance oee lie meil two raint dIm it could atili reject 0. -Yo<n ilways bave d lit111 douait! Me. SchoL4thcL glie only coqwllccllo Ob due ina prob- lem with lthe Hl4oy Rosary School abt- * sas MMAE on paop 2 , Wet weather means higherapdies Tha mphcplon Mm> fariet bavcn't liuan able Io plats due lu lie Counoetint i nS a&i m ite dest or loca pua drenchati sou!. he ait soins penuloe sait! bc avait- duce fiolloteung hetavy ris dIis spcing saya ut officiai able lIis aurnuner. Prites saill foliote mie le of supply, teit die t'alttm palértioj1 ofAgryx1lutre o eil démnat. Tttie teasher tel! affect pies of ai! crops," said Mr. Andrets notiet be sas laty ai la plt coin Ben Andrews.- federatic pass prealdent and loc.il * aqeCWOPon pap e ýSummer Fash ion Show FaShdon by' Ge%~ MM and Dour Dont miss oit on oure .fflUU.4SO.e ' ont. community Vewspaper Box 451 OAKVILLE, ON L6J 5A8 - 32 Pd@u Si ISr"" ai