WHEIgLS DRIVERi "11.4.ýI 1;LTD.0 New, Couwss Stait JIJLY 2nd et 0.« m &wu. Pab. aE- Ç SWa W. ris. seoqÉ but Mb/CPERISH R.glstations now bothg ur40k. NURSURY SCHOOL CON 875-4636, lhMdpiçn 103 4,IhII fr, MIi ~*mI ?£l *Tum-up Mnd emmliwSo oonluh *Auto air conitloang 18 THOMPSOWR. MILTON 878-721 n en PACKARD & OTHER PRODUCTS. .Haff.aSqfl Hom awde 751 MAIN ST. #2 MILTON 878-4fl Rockwell Interniational: Worldng with the Corunitt'1 to make "Ilton a botter place to liVe. I. L OCIS s: drve defwenively'h iyfef!nedfésv drit ut amytu>eiuyh. Heme a* soro mffis "I~hr' on cfteet or hlghwè >4» e rsi.not b. aw»nga' tU iy b. cire- ~2II ~ %bf dLtbm gdaiq uçpge-, pied t;réact aecorclingly. J U~ Watc foi cMgden.to dash o from b.bindpaiiectcr 40 4 jed by othèr cblldren or pets. E ocuats *ni"i Qo ,prUor nt onconýing traffie. Watcl> for 4ovemhent in1prled cr otpne niay be reàdyto opçn èdorndsè -out in frontof you __ 80 Immi» 1 ýSound . hrn~ Centre ya&mtïC« or OwlrO7en MAE IT A SJAMESOUND SMM~ 317 Min St. E 8784067. oo Thiu'd LikW 875-105 M 8 Third Sid" Rosd 875-1140 0% "mpàl% F% ST P 6,