Separation seminars Dateine - luoee rgely -qw or ivorodi &Wd m.*%u sme support ar invle 0 Acn a atpport group -a by *la C8" MentalyJu 3 ! 4H"l A.aaôc4MlOn. nie aeven-week tori esig o he WdadyJio2 4Squérue will lie itel on WeihiesdasYnfrein J binAm tA1021 Ibo Odyse Tomt Centre inv SI lit associaic's office si 341 KrrT Si. in Oakville. b« e die a( 013 and 19 y I Topl4 Io ite addreased are athgea of mepara- fritm grief 10 rocM im :iê g Ratienake groue*t paccramg 'id corting -n-ICgS lThe conis P3. 2 . reserve a apace calt 876-076& Fae Te register. cali UÀsa L&cisaplle ai 84--«M4 Mie Asitgrve Wcmen's Insliti __________________ it* nid Sbuwitenr Smc LOSE 30 LBS. THIS SUMMERI Milton Seniors' Activily Cen AiualngFatLos Fln ~Cilds Dr., at 7:30 pm. Adrass il mdqFatLmPla Sbnb$3. Prima ard refreuhns mnelt IWalst Hips & Tlb* mPer fast! Ibud- jwa 2 *Boosi Metablumt & Enrrgt' Milton seniors hcfld theiri O ure fat & Caloies e- DIDOs Club social gel-logetlte Success 1~00% <isaranieed n and gourmet dinang ta a neulyn . Cosi only $2/Day. Cati imm cd ail>for bxcitung Delails 1-800-545-7256 ti. To ia $30. ste holds treb 500 ld. monihi> r for fur tumaula Cail 875-1681 for dleune location. Meni:3 ftaiheMlonSirs cy Camr for a ride or meet si lte restauant gd 6 p.m..- OU LOWS $ l ieVcto=a Oer ofNue h"li a foot cas lll .tteMiliceSeniors' Aclivîiy Centre, 500 Childs P.. fîcea 91 a&m. tu nomt. lie éca la $15. For fudier informaionoe In appcllimnl cail 875- 1681 ., cltiucu are by appointent only. Overé*tera Anonyzaoua merlu every T.itursday ai the Milton Cildeen and Ycluth Centre, 917 Nipisuîni Rd. la, fliompson Road). ai 8 p.m. No dues or fer.Ca- Ctetn 7-09 flac ~ o Mimnbact0 ua li. Clii Care Providan Amade"l holàs a meet- ing mi Kidz Kaner. 150 Nipassing Rd., ai 8 p.m. Milaun daycare providers inierestel in becoening memiters aie welc ol atten.d. For mn:r in<formtlion. contact Eda ai 878- 4m9. FWMdy JuDo 23 ie Odyusey Tien Centre tolsaJa aear i î tram eg a am u.r. C al 8 6 ino nfonniauL lIbe Strawberry Socil takea place ai 6 lte Milton Senior' Activity Cenmr. 500 ChiiDr.,m 2 ,4 n Ite evet lO - tunei.strawberry sitercake desails. tca. co11feuatconveraio. Cali 875-1681fr Ebenezer United Churcit (Guelpht Lmne itetween Ne. 20 and 25 sideroads) holds the Sivau4aerry Soda front 5i So 8pm. Ticbms. availaiie me die door, cost $6 for aédullsanmd $2.50 for children under 12 years of age. weleooue la join in on liSe <rer eveni. For - *rnigiu. catît S7ê06. The Seo"l~ Entai itqins wiith a parade cf pipes and drums starting ai Milaon Mail ai 12:30 p.m. and endiS as Rotary Park. Ai due petit, te event wiil feiantr highlund dancing. fond, drinks #M dit maciting ci pipaIrs. -Peel pipeline to be studied - froin PEU on pop 2 Afler the meeting M* Savoline sald opponenu tea NUS? are learnkmgering" ity itringing in pceived dels t lte laxs payer, Site suid teir conemrs me tics up- ported ity facis. Ilalion Region itas o obligation t0 moue atcad wilit HUS? unless counicilloru are usaied wilh the proposait, site added. The private sector. witici bas uhown utrag intereai. would noitb it ying ta gel involve i n te poject if lie nis wrre net nuameabie. Ma Savoline s"i Au la Me. Scitoltene' concero about commercial and indusrial growl>, Mn Savolmte pointait ta.lhe ituge ftontagea of inàuuirial landi on blighway 401 and l4igitway 407 West witic t will be cre*ed wilt nçw water aervicingt. lt measure calling for an investigation ~ot Pl'r proposai "n namsing lte short- listed consortiums still bas go pasu fuil regional councril "ody (Weêda"yý. If il dees lte cali for deuiied proposais front the shgtlisied companies li corne in earlv Seelesuber. Spnn;gers-, - SGYMNASTIC CLUB FUN! FITNMSI FRIENODSI AD BLN E OYUSM E! 475 Masin Stm.t Emat - GYMM ~CUi ~asea878m262l &Clair 1 1 1 \ 1 1 R 1( )1, 1, \ 1