Ilalton school board officiai charged in s ex crackdoWvn Bv KAAN4 81MITIl titis monte aitti sexual assait in a HoMUban- Eigl odrer m'fln er(csaed utith commit- of thse charge, suid director of educahipn Bob The. Chmpies Wentworlh Regidol Police undwScver opera. Ing an itimet so WlJisnu àon The daytime police crackdlown came in d" lifs la verY taI«otumac sitoalse." tic A senior'Haion Blourd of Education officiel Mr. Bairmen, 53r of Busflgto and 1l otites tespone Io comnplairas tram citizeut about 1h- s"d "Graem là onc of tise finest people Vve was a"çn 20 men arressed in& polfce crack- meiCwere charged with sexuel assaultin W sa e"am a"*vl in tihe cily's viest-end packs. eer worted wid." *dcown on illegal stuai activity in a Hlamilton Opergion Rosebud. ainsed il iacking illegal said'damilipn-IWcntworth police qiokesman Scisool tnistors will locit t 5siuadn to ptua . sexuel actrivity ip tise park and parking aa %gt Desl WJsddle.. determine what ifwny. disciplinasy action uîll Graeme John Barrit. te boadis superinien- adjacent to York Boulevard front Dmsndusrn Mîr. tuam wess on sidca luel Priday. tise ic takan. Mr. Willims"ii dent of e<kcation servicms wus charted calter Surtee to Plurts Raad in Hamilton. saine *ay dit Hakon Bloard of fléiatin leuaned *- m AAqRMTTon pop 2 ont. CommuunitY Box 451 _OAKVILLE, ON L6J 5A8 NewspapOl1 A~6olad omssuamyNewiagcv VoL 137 No. 41 WFDM~DAY JUNE f9, 1~ Lpckoutgem on sHydro. bosses rëbi1ff union's plea to mueet Locked out hydro worker amc lpse wîbb hydro omnnufssioim for refusing 10 m widt them to discuis dieir ongosng laÉour dispute. Hireéa Mr-dn week barbecue The Canada Employment Contra for Shjderft ie cebahln MHin A Studet Yl wfth a barbecue on Frdaoy (Junot 21) f rom Il 30 a.m Iol130 P.m. Ïsaatasdae oerçqtme coIle. ne lodalU 310 Mai >%mO Eau and Mo open for bu*-tas fron 9. &m. througis 4:Sb p.m. mid cot,-be _'. sd i 878.0410 es& 27. Thea oent.raWà havea gboB à« up SiWda, Jfum 22 at the itms motu MasboL Leters....................... 7 DakieB Sports.................. 1.16 Chineld ............17-19 Afice the Milton Hydro-Eli.cte Co,,saoqi dmess d c xr' vtubl md alla, musfor a face-to-face conkerce, emplloycs iImowcd Up ai a Itydro commission meeting Monâty monting. Howrver the commission oefuaed ta diseuss any I unt noified about 48 boum Mmocin thc agenda being drawn up. "Anytinisp ie cageda. wain tuibe dcalin wibi taday.WrECesan o -Mwiaylqnlis laid nige uniamzed eiIsye ho cam Io lte meeting. Ke. Inglis steppd tp as aetiU cainnai eo aktr tisc l*bour-oeli àme sites =msm".o ChlIw Robertion. a un4lademployee ul miaaaa MLgb- 7nwrChmqW- afler là ul atas qui tihe clcctsd commiaion'a place tu discuta. labour disputes wits employaca Tsats lfta enIdu commissions negotatag canmittec, stade op of Milton Hydm maînesusat. "I den't beRette tins mwjgb,"bb. Robwbmo sid. "we repentirs neea..t nofs 5ieeL idedale de di mauulo dheopa w s btI But unionized employec Iay Norland sain ha betieves the canssion hos a respotmb'luy . a goe mavolvcd in thse labour dispute ýr ants ot know Wh= ctiey ud on isuea Wed dt ie cornawrssuan hm Io tic wicmt," ha The hydro wcekers. uiembars of lte Powcer Wotitaua Un"o. ulle lodkcd out Ptday <leuof aftw die eonmiunjatt oraplinytesas tIma - Millon Hydro OUi csiplofae they amti e lobd ou e n430 p.m. Pridty if dm te ien luesd doute Imm eono paou - Thse uitq hed hm a a Bite pola. Élos May 30L No WbR have hme scieuMa . -J'asM 754 «wmd." àww o b" in e oma dwbm eraDm tî u m No Peter4P etma stinqu aWGsiod àial P"haq4oam Trais 0.Clths tash Mà~ aisikonàffl 24 o &t&, IWdBJO3 D&"am "ou cm" cIoé *. ~God am "ruV à mmss 1Mawr fareve 2 l. C ocdlhoe. MwiMu etS Mia NOMlDl pue 6â* dflal Whieq.mdda hme 150 Mss. 61 ~du w b b.~sd."e 96