Trhe Canad!an-,Red Cror»ss Society< BLOODDONORIICLINIO. Please help 14<f maintain the fZEU Rlnod. Bank auotas bv .am UUES o>878-4444 LAVIER tduSHROpM ÇO. VLtD. ý78-0375 North Épd Red Cross Soclsty m~ hR"O comiflg out to our Blood Qonor Clinics. 'Please 'brlngo a friend. WHEN?: THURSDAY, Juge 20, 199P 1:30 PM-,8:0OOPM WHERE?: HOLY ROSARY PARI$H HALL (M4artin Street) YOURJ WGIFT US LIFEq Trhis Mossag. is.brought to-you by these communtty-mln«JOd,, busiesssff. Milton's Oldost FimiIy Ownod Insurance Brokorage Esiablishod 1934 21SUM SaTMm MLONf' 79MAN ST. E. 878m52539 MiTON. ONT LOT 1p7 40)878-2355