1* C~L# N~PW~ J >~f ftWat do fheyfeed ~those Remax boys? j Witu anaxther lwo-wm week. Rljna liu impmuved hgM o Swe Meach tlie end of thie firt tlied of repilu at snpa .Led by Brad Hommes' fise for rive nighi in defeatmg nIe jCey Centre 13-11 th(le Realtors alsa go@' salid (lme bit peefomnjnco front Merv BaIL Barny eHenderson, Bob Newman and 'S 1 Eader i theweek. Gaiy's Gang lad an equally impres- Pichve niglu as Bob Cmot P iti/j wffia Ilomer in li$ ive for six = g was joi ,ned by Bl w lb a equal number of lisa, I rlyran and Harry Barens.cliipped in with four safeties eali as li Relies Iiumnbld 1ise Legion 20-7.. Bruce Hoad Travel masdlied Rems with two siclorses as tlsey climbed huit ta the .5W0 saan mark. witls sins of 12-11 oser 11ce Key Centre and 15- 10 oser ýpussoer Engineering. SLeading tse offensive parade for the TraseUer were Frank Okis, Deug Simploaa and Curlo Virnini, as they provided'key multi-bit performrances in botis ganes. MautI'î Mates bat! llestear- lier in (lie woek te (lie bassl-elarging Pansas Plnr 18-I 1 andi esunue ta itsuggle wltli anly one wsn la far in (lie camipaigs%, For thse Printers. *ciew chief' Phie Dimas a s aassted by Fred \Masse, as bath We the winnmng atlak seltlro dm it outinga. Halton Pool and Pat" sit tiseir wSik by pourdding im Locit 27-7. as Howofd Mon went four for fvewith pair a ntsen. Add a feur for lise witl 9"dnger"fer Hec Cunipbeil and toaa in a faur for tise for Tans Lsitz for goed nsemmwe and ie Puogem caaateciin (hs san. Not se Iwe nagls [a as dse Pool Cres ell go ie Waltsin Weasel 22-16. lise "dancing sarmonsta' were lW by, lmi Grant Rick Parker and Bab llsotm wlio ail went feue for feur front the plate lise Dacisen defeated Wally's Meala 17-11, as Cirze Colsin and Mike Mo ains pmovided (lime for four appear- ances forte senners. w1ile Bob déRyk and Deug Tbhomson %ent eur for feue in a Iaaing cause fer the Mme Cuttems in hind- aigli we noul mention kicli Heinnan's "ihusd salami" fer dlie Buicliers in a (osa ln Halton Pool tseo seeeks; alio. Dl AM." W L. T Pt., Go Ilie Dickens 5. .3 r fi Bnace Hood Y 3 9 1 Haian Pool 3 4 1 7 I/i Key Centre 3 5 1 7 2. *WalIy's Memt 2 4 3 7 2 WalwMjs Weasel 2 3 2 6 il. DMvo" " W L6 T Pt GD Reom sReaIty 8.11 il 16 - *Primus Pint 6 I 1 13 I 1-t regits 5 2 2 12 2 .m îLck , '2 6 .2 6 5/., s lise Bay Ho( 2 3" 1 5 4 Spencer Eng.. 1 7 1 3 6/i - .,. -Imm Milton is in championship drivér's seat bail teuns iajua cm Win sseay (mmi play- 'ngAl tde SkyDeuss (bisaoUli. lise top ruioed 'Staw lave bous tihe litOat "an ai the 16-enby, doubioknocf- mei lqhae iAY Cap playdose loumasouit oser (lie pute wz:k ad la a en eI Brampion cuftmwl. Wîsli MD sutting 4-0 alla rouad-rabn play and Beunto.annal &É 3-1 wits their mlone 113&aniN in 84-2 final se Milan - ti:sanasg need j=t aoie win en Mach thue Bob Prenluce Cap rialis nem Weéssy, lume 26 attie S&yDVmsse Braniptoni Coiteuui mmawhlie wuld need lu bois MD twice Stady le datitis tuip aseay lira àe= Ansdsith esel puteiser aliowed Juat 27 cmtadvogsm ie playdoseiu. MD aits in excdefl iieading tlct Samiym iiowdown. "Pa Lyncl itil hm 21 au udleemyflideyhla 5wleiinmn., C-angi>kstp picher oy hmtnet InsuqJim Ridley. Whle(le'Stap baue gin gris plisfimwPy, LangUie, Jiiein Ridles. Adas Rainke and Mail McPhail in dic pat week, tht big "e las baq1lC' liuttiag as tley lave autcord Ock idao- im"t 40-5. 'fley boga omn play 80F.lay in Oshaeaby dowiing Uniamaville Il1-2 ada deateying Michmael PowehiS Joaspila of Tomaumi ff-0 Afee weeknd dlown- oMna seasled tai thie rem of *àe* ganmea (bey -eaie play Tùeady h dey1 odpd Bramptan Cenema 4-2 and dmi folUowed iqi wNih a luge 10-0 mm mer Orcliard Pub of Stonsey Cre&k iCivin Wilan lia lis (seo bomttnau far wlie Meisail and thse two Ritiey brotwhe dam bâti bment. Baeh ploy- er in (li lieWu bas a leIt tso lia oswr ie fisse-sanie m idm jiClarkek Golf« *19.95,, foro.w 0 IZo ftP Double OtTUPO$72.95 0 -o-lms&o '~- lB NOIPSON IL 111011. IlOJISI w1_1ý T17 ou," «