Canada Trust looking for worthy non-proft groups Ili ICAABI 111111 ipâlily witere Iherest a Canada Tris Th Ch.ampi#on brIfnci - 115 chiaper in t"li Fwast m ris.d Imgit comet donations. wiWc wile ma@ty rganiailons ad business- a i acited by te bu&ti "W. doni't Im Set m desperai. for nuwyjanadaTmi ituadreds cf ltaouands of dollars or Mny is ready le give il away. . ting." Ms Buolnit "but we've Sot Canada Trust is lookirig te Iielp non- coupeof deus" iidhis" proflit groups fund Mier cnvibcnmnnlily- Local orgànizations sucit as sehools fniendly precs titrugt lite Frientisà of te envimcrnerlal groupsanM ther ra*m-po j Envimament Fouadalon. agencies ame inviteti le requeat filsaul fa Tiie batik cretd di. feuiteatien. sup- dieir peojecis by filli*,oul am aopicalia poricti by Canada Trust ad li custenuir s. Project fupded. in ie paiu have suag six years ago te help procec ad improve front reccbsn d coniainsg lMUMga Çlowevcr. "ne6t evesybody know about *lhli Msoe idea is gSetng thne n" iV" said Cinas Butin. ,numagoe of Canada bac* out ia jh. comm.aiiy doing sii Tnust on Main Suest oM *i u. Fr ute alnn- The. foidation is active in every mnac- lion. coSiacit Càsadà Trutt # 78-2834. Odm.Cosuuàlee a a cbd ol m b oplait byi. mW of Osooenw, VMli poilu mIn hgto lii. bulidA oeldy I 1. On ChildsDrive Dstric HQm moves-to NMitoxn Uv KAREN SUTU.- saidi Kelith Moore, co-ordinator of planning aud The. CQiùpin reearcit for Hilto police. Plice have bies unitappy wit a lack or privacy for Halle Regionl Police have beokten ace ground. detectives inveigallng cases and Iirnited secunty ai Construction of Milton's new police station Sot lit Kcing Street station. und-ray recensly folloteing a eDyear tait. Thic 22,0000)-squure-fool building will featurea l'bc siat-of.iie-art facility teill replace the King Miultiple camiera monitornga sysem tai teili allote Sstreet staion, the. former district li.alli office. whlict fron desk clestol vicew 16 diffeen am of tii. sta- polic finit ocesipui in lte wtdy 19M asMa lemporuy tion on one sem, Mr. Mooe nid. ltcation. . PuÈ strips teili lie inaihll.4aliong llwoW wais te "lte prejccl.d nedsoaIMillen for lie next 20 improve the safety of olfiçers. Whes pressed, an alarm w eill b. accommodaied by thii facilily." saW Hsllon will sounrd. police Deputy Chief Ean Algar ai tihe officiai ground Tii building teili alto feaiue, a gym. cemnuiuly breabtng -esoy Friday. mom for public meeingi. louaige atm a&M plenlý of th. oew building, to e itlu.lon tic souehi aide of putlng. aecerdig s: Mr. ?NOor. Olki Drive juai mai of Oauwo trt tili si. "We'm. really imtei cuffen age as fa, as pelice headquuters for police District I - àade up d(facililles g. cnld Milton ad Halt Hils Ile nid abois 65 efficcrs tili inilially work it of Disict 1 headquaaten., whieit itandles admniffstra- te nce swio liv. dues, is currcntly localed'al the police's Dunlop Pitute Arcitcts of Torenéo designed lte *GMorIMonjadio. facility ad Cenaolidated Canalian Contractors lmc. The. $Z8 millions facilily witl bslsg iniproveaiens in asm building il mu mite. die mmres "teniprYm m gaio allI% al e m POUCE on popge laiassea~sd s. m o! t . sie