"Coopithinghot bats auI4 up to tile afor dions. -Cu ewe - zlh ac iaag, CC convincing 72lupsvràfelsty Oshawa. J em. nmsn ie dahs iu, "lchna Mas bats, he Miltontep crew. ie local sumVent a earl«y &W ied duemil." mi meer N" m um HoU s e bnemsileaim captiued dm dabiquhip troçly aayed éluni, 1aeh laItsM nm - Imaghta 'flOna m i& Nb"is eMaISnd ed 5- u MMlsp includ MotS Sick. David EMIOka lm I n and th dmmusi fichu Tourmeutait diegatne. 2-r willa Vie carning the win -.and lient Markt Griwood, Tlh9mas Hoialihan, Drynie Ilite Liom cqpaplese a lour-pm sweep go Ac pitcher Rym Harper wSqjwd au «Miq bombed Bradford 13.0 oeil hms Eçien 13-3. McComb and ssistant- coaches Peter win die. W né ontacorei their opposienta 38-7 -.ýfinp in emminmg due wmn for flsa club. Kevin Michoel Volpe a Brai lnkbelner conalined Oinuoif Dave McComb snILd Icif Harper. 11,n .,uwcken 1hcg Co9per and Paul Duff crankol out mufid-bis for &im *mda i du Dadfod win ie Coope "Were Mailly plab a a bilan dia Yeue. lite.r In thme loumranunas finale, MilItai.claimed a effdnas utile shoreliop JeU Sdiauéen and cascher wu dm wiaueg piècdur agahi Bahutý âg no amund m no edu in tis liaeup." SPOÈJ qw *Tough break for this MiUton racer Todi Para* denisSa tO cvAalonflhled C~rh umus. in du Minmeass Mp coi a Fkaioe ISsuay «i lae duis a ol l ine. gm a sia un moi hsiiio.md - W dignme Jeêp K«4y of Mué.. ip itu o RedEng shades 0- WverhousG tý sweet revenge to wti softball crown lm u nE!IJ AÉ Muciml 10ynlua.5.Ird imia l sly %viils a ile lia *«flo.QThe Mm " ", *fdiait «n va seuls mof à a"is kiul @ imi edi lm Fà%w &hml en ach avegeLbc& im age.g li W. pmali onq LaCinup. Who M in go an* bu4t. uhu a marna q=hfldip us hi du o over du amodu swb u som -f ai i.sulmW§r UmduJMilhm laqua - mal Yome ye " m o, laig ah. , v Csam affaias macht. vsser due *à&i MeMnie msies close ois lima eaady 60e 1 01 1i a ~lu ied 6-1 fir somplae biini li die mmrmli. êt wu bMei4 sha for du biebp PiamE Skia : a . .lu hi*dpsvhi lo bunimai de p gamd m u du vIcm- Tkumhy .nOsBf et s bdbm'a Ibm lis Isck4o.hsc winospe ai lie a ry. 'We Jus joai pIlehq sied vont puat. uhé wsy av-Pdi - 8-3 UMM% plaen mwusé. "noll Il Mi boving sosl *0 du nl u « Msi.Iw MM lasrU ososs lm ma* Md la pu bsn mat spM§ot in oegn 11l I' - ~ 8 W« n a mimimi la ettdaetwplsiudu.q 6= 1 TMa4sUaL sI.*U ulê s~~~~~~~U.C~~~Yý [MIas6 iu-Pmhey sdlN mmqp ba Zpa ve * ayds PI «OU*s " WV '864 uqM %&C Ilsy 4«M6u-2 Imd ao-;i.Ielg ia u BbIahAt~. ai-