-MPP says Halton Police force a model worth looking at ft HOWAA IML. fecuz )ourlt CWooe. auudoe Mahaa a he di dm - smàs 1 an 119pu cmt of th. pâlie laUW udu ilh d dse .%c ta iTe aC *n Vlwrwidi lmeà ms inc i jas n t majroebctud - Aile beu have bee. wSof odu (oce. a" Sdaoed ad mm cillions pu o mdu niai. Na, beiNg tanad ino die mi. is speculiin WIIh die comaieu comple. options open m, CI'a Ca a pièch dut wlih mau only Wih dis q"pl grouli of Hoqmm'a popula- chat Haito c5l oaauhu aad TA Quso ;M tuioi = pMlcan in Cauio. dm ftzqomtti but 840 die um M - batn. bouever. dit cmuablesado raoa wll i h' police fonce along withl I adein.HaLa MMtOa isl àaenfrej model MeU temuit ted amalgmil police foucs i die Gusinu adkr if i. dwa4nc nos ahud mllon fine " t80<4 bawdVoe Mr Ymti ineeitug uay am yCur. J Torons Aiea (CITA>. Hie believea bodhisus -dima doat Siles .. insant i uu on p e helievea due big picm nai ho consieeu. lits ÊviII SmUhMM> Ihscnun - , sacmIed ami he te- MMP wo nduismu du wiIjconuiaaae Io fal." sald Chief Camplil. "Vis have wo decide sa àeociety whas we ueeuy folboula a umarenion by Chi nimees Hlo hm lnçlqunue to mui du -Iime m coerne o dÏ th N i" A du.M ma tnpolic e. h d. Peter Cam*bell wa dhs Halton Police Services force - in Bond Chai We.dy Robais' w"ud - is. Hallon ai" bousn. a 47.7 par ci cimei Chief Campbell explaineli dia a sin& OTA Soud Vhile Mr. Carr' rephive, nuise wua "lmoruive caring and opmimOuJy mmd" ce m ire biewee 1908 and 199 - Min% police srvie would lavolve ore dmt 11.000 nà aw blun e ent of die local organisa Chief Capliels poiisa phm bei 1dise- above dm 31para coq lorad"avumll. people and be ans of the largs In Narth tacut, he said ho sate many positive aspect- wo tratd by die tact l cous the avle Hal"o Evea sa. Haltm. hua 10 afficers devoed Amimla 1ýhe cen of nieldng av"a forces l u- Chief Cmntdsl's report homesimo only 50 mis a dey wo "p.y o-L:à umay lajo lamopns ut ad m sd âme ans o asch uanwleldy dimensions teomaj be 1 hope and pmajM lie t e n uught decFig- g-e\cost of a doughnut. suid te ChiÎL and tomears for a vansty of .aaded pro- bcmcdo. ho@4. "m».. mid Mr. Cri. «Maty people us sayig Effortsa wachieve tais have ont been easy. hç puis, Immu tue teqmm trainingqIo CPIL Aloo Aller ail, incompatible coummunaean sys- *dte regls ona iqu c ham hm e ie beoL" explms. but dtey'vs pui&off. b meunn - e 990 difft 'faons ofila. fta and.otnusr - Mx gw mention curs uad fflton CauW aMPP Térence Youatg aïi ho Viuuhout hiluon, due Hlton burce bkpt mu. 0"e us a pqardriven orsuftnaion" maid, uniforme - would have ta ho hamognized. teas alla imprssed by umay af HaaM'e imes-a- ep 4etela a levai squel wo duai fl yetus ago CNet apilI Thers d asoe du intanibles wo coupider eap tiona, pauticularly the aggreuivOaharini ai and mnuindu a cont per tapasu well belote la epie of evwyhn& à )j9t5 Px"s ,sveale ChiotCampbell. T. TIEDCI- PR- BOCIT r B rng Dad to pàih.* ft Bu B-rusnch & Buffet Sunday June 1 Oth 0 11 amn - 2 lin flrunch froin 10.-2 for $9.97 .Cali for resevations. Dtnnerfions 4 - for $11.97 Kids under 6 years eat FRIEE I Jn -cr g, g WELCOMI'S YOU TO &OM AD CHECK OUT OUR Mad table. 6S Milv, DJ chicken + ribs ,Thank You Booki" with meal deal coupons avadlajle now! Sunday, june I&h. &%â10:00 amn - 2:00 prn Treat ][ad to a delidcous BUFFÈT BRUNCH ait TrAP & K.ATrEnYF 55 Ontualo St. N., Mikon 878-M97 hmi MitnHon&a) feaurng: Prime Rib od Beef at Our Carv.uy * aoSauuap, Eggs, PaucUces, Rondt Potate * Chfrken Cordoni Bleu a M & dheae * Roant Véee *7 Iladt, Fruit àCho.ue a Fesh Vegetablea, Dip. J RKm"Um"p D.a.e, Tabl, Aaaomtéd Buemuluo DY& dey-RESERVE NOW 878-6697 50 Market Drive 870-331 F0 FTIIRSDIY DINNERI Om e%* MLAMY'8 RESnTARN 58 NAUO! dieU. M Our -Friand Bar-"U om ______ 1W orom