Dateine h reèugaleei sllon. e ow "1 l locel ca.wueaiy g o a ènl~ omm prm fr uu 9Mwi. OriY A -,s or Snon. mu eouaau, lsuvuy as dais af thé occurrence allhugl fluo insertiun are possif I No»ifs la0Dsau OMjM bi ~m ai hifudécl bi eu. f l Mm o Thu Chuspbén, 191 bêd St. E., -us 'logeet P.O. BEl 248. Wtn Ont, LJi' «N. or leid ba (B0)074N 1w The "dusau bc mnu Fuday fer Wséudaya edoln ud nnn We*$sd@y for Fudsys sa- âme. OnOM asu nu nt bd hooepd hy ç Ip Ws Wedsmisy Jen 12 Itls Hot Mi Dmi My n the hiha Seniors, Atvity Centre 5W0 Childa Dr.. at 11:30 a&m. Seniors m lnviied te enjoy foodl and felkowiùp. flue Mikon SeMior Activisy Centre 500 OikIs Dr.. luold due Evcim Paluy as 7:30 l.. Iue social occasion inchudes GANrIGE EIEI OFE W Congratulations to the BIGNELL family of 653 Elliott Cres. in Milton Winnus of a 3 foot Subwey Sub bmought topu by: - redearest ad Prises. liec tg u SI"5 par Patton. lm i.dy Junel3 Mru Ciwmea. A.m aMd T.muso Cadtre h"id iii manual general meeting ai tue Liens Hall. 471 Pearl Si., in Burlington ai 5 p... flhe speaker is Bçan l4ayday. Ontarl Preventien Cleulsu Homs exoeulive (mireo. 7%ue public is ure- conte. Cai 634-2347. flue Vicorin Ortler of Nurme holàs a MWl cae dWImc ai dhe Mikon Seniors Acsivity Centre. 5W0 Cluk Dr.. firm 9 a&m. go nsom. % ucost le $15. For futiper informaution cr an appoirumment. oeil 875-168 1. Font cue chaircs mre hy appountmnei only. Frlday J...e 14 flhe Halou Cros Ççuntry Ski Club ledi a bâta ai Dundat Valley Cotuervation Ame ai 6:30 p... For more inforain oeil 634-2012. Ille Milton Sesions* Activisy Centre, 500 ChiLis Dr., h"id Ca"s Evmâq ai 7:30 pi. Caino games. bingo mail a gei atumon ne Maiued Adumiin coïts $5. wluidu uncludea im Saurday Jam 13 CE Yow Twanug Pint, a pmnpoud centre for teenaged substance aluusms luol a garage mi out"id of Zellen tu Mikeon Mail. Tw.-dey j.- 18 Boalon Presbyterian Church on Tluîrd LUne holds uts 176lk Tredkide Alveruy Supw ffum 5 o7 p.m. Thue om us $8 for admitla uud $5 for childeen qed 6 100y. Clekhn tauer~ em eal fiee. flue Viclrin Order ofNueuehoa foot av; duic a he. Bruce Aputnts. 40 Ohtiseo Sý.ionu 1:30 to4 p.m flu cm ius maaom % 44 pu *m wmuc a"4 -m ~*m &W,fa.d WIPW dMuof"