A hîgh note Ilh » e Bo ne Jofueon Mil Slv Mola -0o b"ue ~llo reouy %mon a ulve amWl tg --,, eW Cou" th Udeu li dkIue lion of10 SmeOule, the laid compla misono mmt Wlm 100 et the s lvloa OunI4hmé liIn Tiroola. TAX SAVINGS & DI.VÉRSIFICATI.ON' Oi & natural gaý limitcd partnerships (or UPs) offer invelor tax deductians in thc year af purchase and tix prefcured qunerly cash flot of op té 10% tax-fyc per year. ibe LPs puuthaae producing gas and oi propricors in Western Canada. l'he inveato reccîves 85% of Uhe revenue fronu Uhe sale of thc ail M gas. Depledon ad royalty tas credits flow thrnugh ta die investors to tas shefter the cash flow u'eceived. Ukimately the whole iovestmnent is deducled. 011 & gas ar-commrndits and hav a laie correlaîîwUio mto bonds and muia funds. Adjusted fosr inflation, cmient cil amd gas Prcim are near the laie prices ai Uic earty 1970's beore dmc Ars"I embargo. Wadd w*4 demnand is gyowingpy 2% per ycar wliile suppl*% ne falling. lbm Ncn Se&, Gulf of Mlexicoand Alaska& ai ora pan dMr pcak production. New supplies ame mucli mure exrcsiv wo prodiece ia Hibernia or Uic Tai Sanda. 011 amd gis litilto poutnbershipe offeér excellent divcrsiflcatkmi, repulat cauh flow md taxsaevingt Tbis documnent is n w bce consthued as an affering of scwities Whic offening cam only be unade by a peivaie placement, ofafing meoadmor prospectus and anly in dimojurnsdcio" where sudi stlvicea may be lawfully ofl'ered for ail. For mmi lelh à" ala Mr Peter suraimw Preidma £wwssg Resaur UauugLmmI Swfbsg&oe Coqfemu.ceCeaw H"ias Hail 5420ONonu Sani Joad (ai boda) (M05 694M7 (24 hur il.) Man is charged in seX astault A Wasaga Beach malt facs boule wÀ ,oxualy uuilts by police -eî couad and a nàm dw ira soumu w. uu M& *amoe" swEe ue. flue aoec was . Tht 19.yeat-Old Misaiaauai thove lu' -àmf t Hom"e md A 23-yea-old ma isaml irngb fde.Arthmi.deàot trudm t usHko plc.arl! wounan waa attaked by a maile dropped lbar EaienWddtm wlth sexuel minuit cauming hodl> iesluae aI boux 11:13 puam. Hasno-Wenuwonh Rimal htm ud duokhug.j Wap fu*unIq go somedurg. Habn egomiHighe "ýschool gis say cioiehe, sidHItmpolice /1(iher «cOSted them The wonua bris re, police fSosim15 No gid Sis eporied smx-foot-ore Wb a slendr buul,J said,lbig berautackor ýe 0 police recently <han a Min 20 go 25 yeurs or nge. wi<h, liglu j3 wis h àahui isan e posed hluaelf gtimo <hus tluey bmwoe or blond buýr <led bock in a - -lummulenhen beato punchu wee watking near Sixteen Mile peyui. du Ihui* iqiedd an lie làde - eM a Cwnmu SiemL .Ho was wearing a I-shin and Set Phuipe sa" "Evmnoslly lue TIe aius dspeulbed et wbie. anu puls, di8tincUive- 1adics -fa8hions Complote se(ecton of maochkne-washahl ndx and match co-ordinate. Available In 100% Moftn or 65% - 35% polyester- caftn bWé?d, Slzes 8 to 20 (your cholce of many fashion colours). <,ANNUAL KDR ETFrancsca. ALE .400kQFF. MANY MRE IN-TOA5 SPECIALS SHOP EARLY FOR lES SELECIO o AU SALES FINAL MILTON MAU. 55 Ontadoet 878-1414 TamAGA VILlAGE 25 Orna Ams,' Umm -84M BMU4NTON MALL Gum*p Um» . . AiAwumga&iw-