a- * -. -~ V lihi ie « hw foui,és of .ai hetteil N14,U imlu. fer y.id aux.r CHOICE IN WAGONS. .4-M r - taluve 3.Ha, r41h (mse Caml MP OWà i wdil  Wall rnsmu [ - - L ý -ý -1j ý ý y] 1 -7- forMaiy* appiroves' new levy Ti. ca ofa buying a new home je Iiahnons u q by aboutS =3.20 Local separa school board trhatesa J- t- Mib «sa Word momer- mu hi uudmously m qepn - m-oe M.dm developosent byla. lm eekja The. Iyla. wull ut v. baone oceu mu u $1.269 lawud ie m of 0 bwUqk ncw sclioois ln develcpigi aveu cf t9r rata.& The publc oc"honn badill on $764 Wl duci mooey. euth the rmwamm S50 goût la die CUhalÎ - ccl band. Ne ad imaaLad catpaercial-uas tndkflng wiN bc ch.g- à lm 0<31 Pa cm of di b imigs vein. The. byla., ebici came ita effact mo* exmeI&CMI c h OMÊbK mai -~o lea, s. ucip buildings aid mou-for- - k iipivismchoab lair Taylor, an Oakvilla lawyer rep- smii nine locali .dependent &cho".s hâd à". die adioci bmàd la exempt sil priva. le hmtny MWi muMy mchosik -ycinsfeel dm rhh dmt pluc àureonpMbic utd mepuala boa Ulair Moie i. eactly the oppocsite," Mr. Taylor laid wmoea, If &Il =lae mool MaM ~ ind Halamooo dms oil Io dia locaw Suld ha a blEu a 11.4 millon uauuil. maoud M. Taylo. BSdsold aim hm. up Io $21.8 millo in caplua coila th hom bagua daudmua ba à"d 'lidie .oul be on cogye4mjihm nonnu. in MeVUma since pares of prmvaie sciaci studoula already puy acical las.. in addWIm.Ia The Hamilton Hait" HaMOWulds Aumoldu alffl .ic dr mm home. limiers associations rqpraed by dia Development Cbargés Calition, bas -gS nosx la ch.llenge 1ia byla. fMla- I nud, unde ie h.nmofiatid Amia ni.g by dia Supra. 00m of Càamd% duâlq mid diu oe dul i y o<edmhq If te Supra. Cem xilhs donk dia dura, the bau have iRud on rama aIl malay olhecd iaeth byI@%ý Io. Barrist.r & Solicitor Nqh.ry P"k 2nd Fao *Makon, ON Ml 1 N3 * moeny Lm,. W96 à Ebisa. -"aou, & Enlyia m