Lovely year r'ound retreat ÇO pyrigh SELECT HOME DWMGN& *Covered uled veequh it in thed living rmn wsith wufUing filephae. *U-shaped kilciten wilh breas buris open te te dining montu. *Convenient msrelleI mied mmof dm lt bdk Nmiser bedroont opes tea front view bel- DESIGN fQr LIVING -Ahandantltr = ducugto Sem or C m m-gels plan bqok with mm dm 500 home plan. uwhsUq a widle YsInety Of u chua iles, fwMn hmwwmn WUr manauxi te affSdiaitie bungalows. only ,$9.95 (incluu.t slippiong md GST). Te order umg VIS or Maiesard ol I-free 1- 800-663-6739. <as (604) 251-3212.01 sCIai cheque of mey celles le riesgn for Living# clo Thse Canadien Champion. 0301. 611 Alexander Street. Vancouver. B.C ' , V6A 1IEl. Trained consultants are standing by bmondy te Semdoy in Me yoew aider fur dot pla bock. or k> provide informaion abou ie Wiu fenikred in Ibis cokunn second lovel 007 elq. ips for getting your houseready for sale Il 's almost finie for the ad woodivol. Scnab sink. Fer sale aise te go up. Mod luNiel beli and kischest lime to make surc.your mppliâno, lIi du y sitine. boeuse wîll be Iookîng il% Cleap oui the Cu ~ords best teen the fie prospec- under due unk. tisaI due top tive purchasers walk of basebomir1s and wash ail dm* tghed door. window coverinps. A dean. uncluaered hùuae Now is due time go fix flic Iook bîgger and mms invit- crmcked ighl-swilch ples. ing. so begin by packing beoken "ô handies. "emy away bulky or unused furni- 'Tauccîs and squeaky doors ture and ntakng due best use you*ve leaned te live wilh of your spuce. Be ruduless for yeurs. when you go liogit clon- Shebby krnchen<upboad ces, spart moins and'cup- and a grubby hallway wilI bc"d. benefil fron a freait ceci of If yoa Iavenlt used ltai paint in a etuival colour - bread-making machine for a this- is nol due limie. te sienl while. and if you're not like- expeuimenfing wath duainait- Jy t0 nocif lhai exIra set of kc peint schettes, hin or cud<fy in Wwt nexi Simntlarly. beavily pal. few weeks, pack il away. lemed wallpepcr beiglIy fiose knick-knaes on due coloured accent wais my mantieppece may have serai- tend te dstruct buyers front mental valse te Yeu. but other fealures. or makse il diuyII jusi lok like knick- bard foir them te1 imagine knacksl I he people teho bow ihecir belongings teill comec l>srough yoor home. kbot ind mh ot,. If yoes can. a Take à deep brelth and repeint or paier te tealis in. fauve dlimu~sl of saghi. aa sle colouE. You ciel mate à hess ien Ils& cli.. worlh replo1m on packing by cleanistg off carpec or floor coverin s bookshelves. clearing tl a re in really rougit cIodhel as. cea soiwels saole. If lie mma of your and bedding eui of cklls. Ilmces floL,w.qd and boxing lthe kid' soya. lime of Mecrot, o mn-cf-usmspomueup exact*l. lexpensiv stick lm sied. " L foo d peel diu cala matle a imtes a oi f ym leitea &%nok ffm. aitnd t Malle o 0 ailhoe Aityou, if imroe easy-b-nu. Mmc dmi mied fisalle stil uj a good clhanint Wasit oe hu os mtbe dotee als.indmows md do uhyr jmdly e - Ordus ~ ARNOLD SASEK %a Ri. Klnsbuy Rsi sta 4078-1 5M « (90)56&2121 ALL AROUND IWILTON.. R -_ N . oi KILUWO 2-114 ACRE * S425A00 vSteÉ wai - ,no k> eneui Mre âne- pos offie - -rvey " -w country Ilving eameured. An l needMbe wall-buIIl honte wIli saiment beetlrtg cre> onservtion WmW. Leetii tomtiie «M Lij se « B-on stopse et lii UsMr9mee MMmt Mion ce and Fallsiell N e th Sm aienr Ma & isam cg IPTeI- 1 jet. ign59if~iamil lotit cole home. Il.- o 0 m OUIm SM -* gepilp HO S PR 41,000" 104.JO ACRES 823,90 Minuées brain11ofuà A*ewey. comt- CuffIn buél 1< Paisn omir M11 le Yer pbbhlymbmveld hont mISS kbrouatd dul11111 is d by a &. U~ilsc hs a Poo, modem bain uli 26 boa ulula. hgplac ejur, mil IMMu ~Oii am ire md e pWen feneed Oaddocka. telle thé cosseruilén am A 24'xg8 '&=u ;"mdIU< hudwood butin. nslîdoreop la suitable for mian 3= 1tage ueÈlhan A YGUWA-i domu*ldat 1(0 .8 LOT.RTOWNJ Aj~$78000 Hgh nd ryon ownwa~rbuidsr.1mulavailable.