-1 t.A'È SA LE KELSO ANTIQUE SHOW Sat., June 8t 1 -Dawn to 4 pml- 250 Dealers Offirlea à Ulis Sslicllof Anétise a cofflq<tiis at IOELSO CONSERVAION ARnA N"y. 401, IIN 320 it MN"ta Aéailion $5.00 Fres Parin FLANMSOIRO ANTIQU SOM%, (905) 685-1225 3-WAY X'. Ousi Cms&"as Lareefseea AiiIloal asti asailalas legoyauiai et SfCAIT N185V EWMNN FN11111M 1111U-7W Dyooami yourOanOf Wayns Lai Cuailsit. Riaidnoisl kus «Mm. L*me aria. JUat ctel 876-9700, maik fo Waynie wr liv GARDEtING MLE, manur, égand. gussi sa, thrube. pinas.aa Ennua, mata gordien suppliai. Tylor Nursery. 876-4100. MATrTweW TRE SE-RVICETus pnning, DECORATIVE PLASTERINO. Insérions and etos.i bast raa, an cardais ce&*g can. pmie mouidirg. columma. restaration mcii. Iupbim "d cam= mori In your design. For matypai aiplabmon boom d/ym t ai, cal 825-8700. 145-e I M WnW se $ 2004M0 WEEKLY. Aanmbly prodoob i haSi. «Im Na asig Yea u psu iroit, lull, ogramta No exppirienc noeaaa. 14-5c 641-7778, anit 024122. »NOTICIE TO ADVERTISENS Thsa On"al Huma, R4ight midi proibaeis- cnimlnallon bocaus. of agi. tix, maltai statut. rmu, çéed, naiongéry. imoeay or Plas 01 meInl canplamivle inis Ucomdi Uhs inssapipir réserves Ms rigli i méIsa nsoaiay d-»- In comtodlgmpy. CONTETANTS mas5d8 kom Orenai. bstunm 6 -9 leasi ta compote lm irs Yomu lm6 Toron fi, pqgianta. Ovir $20.000 in priais aMW aduo1laulslpe Cael taiy. 140-367-2126e. Erd. 221. DRIERIS AZ mqubui l b.ay7 hUtanu Compaesy. Unlmum 3 yOsar orai-bonrda orquwwma. oison iaiict otbumw ida -,C= midl con. èib tas posa drueg tait Appiy ta: T.8,8.. 10862 solidei Avenue, Mitari au for Chip. (906>678-881 EXPERIBICED GRILL PMC ami Cenfair w&,"a Raos 864-0441. MAIRSTYUIST, èxexprbaad for busy salo. Pliai O dan, 68-007. ihig 87-20. - iRINO CREATIVE phooaone at for fai hntua in $uInvite i Haubaln am&. "5* b. ahi taaI o aaeoioerc Flu eNt. q-_gpus 864-47U LOOKUNO FOR Casaci UsiNe- hijiube for Rainai Sieoai d -. i POui AM U06754740. NEW BUOM in il hUm ai bmmdt opi- igt for luit t.tspin a it trmsar/ -p*t and CliA*beRO&ai Madiail ehould b. A/C quaaud ii haeasicial bedgoa iAualo m ber Pam *mi/&ta haure W rmcfoay. Piton. 1106-876-3445. MATUREI PERSON rsqaisd for Réildenel Cleiulng <bes balisa, gond houir, Ddvura Sience aquiru. 876-1672. SECUUITY GURO mmriei for Wnton am&e Funt tmm. aod Part Tim.. 18 or aor. Own haaapOeio. AbleI. t d ra mm mita EngIioht fluartl1 Final ai. Cal 1 -266-233 In sa up an appominsnt Münclay, diooh Friddy-be- « Min 9 à.i. «bd 4 p. IRE pirsn maniai. expurlsaoe n fde or paangsr. truck and basa, bua. Broke mili truck amiptd U3-3"4 aml for Vis. 1fllWHl COMMER0WjEMMDOJdAL HVAC Servce Mîchaic requirnt,. minimum 3 years experiencs. Plei. submit resums to, MARC-.lfM 78M SaoCrtait E., Milan. EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS NEEDED For ThsmWiPalUFsasiv aping JulyS in ffin. Gaai magis. Shaoo havesc ois. kbat have flamie leOparlonce Piai.8j Ontàl1 RenaSuan Feetityal et: 1400-734.3M7 GCRUD AUTMO0T1VE SERICII CENTRE CAREER OPPORTIUNITY1 AUTOMOTMV SERVICE TECHNICIA Du. ta OWnhabi exiseun hi ria, ta mis Ouruasions naa i ma on for a Linssed Tidmlalion ai/ar ardn or lords Teanprrdo e O u u m«Sri M quhi qçpft* uS b. oemlird. Pliu» aumt nésmierca d 1wintaMi KEVR SLAOKLOC, 400 Staiha Av. milion ProoSuLiUned. a Rlam Marreaacturer local- ed in OueiM. Ontario, hmas jhé eeÈ IEOISTRIAL MAINTENANCE MLRO Sullabis candidats mil ihord an 0rnfd l0 Cerftificat@ of Oueiltadons and havi ft yeaua #xpirliens ifoing In a miedium t& hesvy hiduaii iniwkSami pasamf adhydemias. Rim pffmwdOfm Proco UrMIi 201 spectre Rond Osivlta, Onitario LOJ SEI 1 lU umvo~am MoI turin - Yd kt 11» O= = .2 moué pliymallai. 8-W1217. CIU.CARE ma"alin, hivtone. kt"y Yiaa ; ps , a. 676-2606. SCHO OL 18 GOMNO TO A CLOSEI Sonsaer dayar u" ~In mIr honme mli »00"N agi childs Wisudy muipg, seiviii- au. Pus ciming 6*78-504. WANTED, Rieponuhu and blv4a 11011111e1111 nai ii b er o ai écèu 10 maniis aid baby i Our han». swaUo Siptaiba I. iAnut hau Ntio*wi hase. No miii -is-s-. RPain- 11 AUM R*? LOW bu'ça -ai b 1 ' - eriqa greala ose. No expérience a.c.asary. Anpicants masI b., 21 toes ad soir. oeilin u na nd fay ID soilronlyWa Fu a pmualInbn Icali lm!1 <sms>332-1711 S. V. solodb leaumii hai Rsnai Nom" Rý of 8aSi Dmi a ifDeMyta . - ,l*. 00"a1.711 m Nce A.LOMY Swoy Chah 0t thé. SUai Iiio u drl VINCA Nwisr Ochool iglairalet TUESOAY, JUNE il - 4:00 - O.-C pins 256 ONTARIO STREET SOUTHl *2.3 or5 dey mon*,g pragramus avai. for preschoains 2-1i2 forS Ysaeu *OPUBmea Sipentar ta basa *Prolesioai, dsdeums SMi * taiag inadroe>in dagnsd Io loitir - ysicu, inmww.i cogniiu Intraion cpogram for spudiipd FOR REOMMTRTION INFORSTIN CALL. OAYCARE à AFTERSGIOOL CARE £510O AVAILABLE NO T1ME for the ihinga yau ha moit? ClisMng iaomôy. àopping. ioning. Parioftoe. 875- 3174, KuaM. dag Emyimpymnt taiQhita FAI IIUE Divnq Cshtrp mai.s = . Plines Immmassag. W"ias . sa taina ali" sieais put mmrifia donUtisAaI pyaienti Cochie hm*isn 4-aart Sm rabaid e. oiii 00trmm d Pa. himaiepgnq alua moif- Thines ~ ~ h Hi- Bemd a SdMWiln ilgÉi. Fux ééui tai: 00640112 6m iaua 130 Tomin #t*A4N -LTON ROMAN f wflouc '~> SCHOOL BOAHI FINACIAL SERVICES Anbe accepbahu proafssoow wccoç désigaion *Escalieo rs i ora cosauecafo $m1 DM Oi lora bwIiarsp qalei *Souaf hluodge 01 firneoclal and budgetary tva- *Sour rer expérience in hnviclal ménagement. The tuccestul caniidae art report tllradly I0 rimer< SoPerrnteadoal of Brasiftsf Services and Treesurer Tire potifho siclovohiws soirs interaction wb a nd. Présnttornstto o urd of electeal Trustles. The0 Admlalatretor. Finiaclel Services, mnd bc respo a- Si*l 0 fo r Iia5q tihe préaratronof the SOurd's $133 meiio budget, the tmuincral statements at min usthe1> ovorait direction 01 îhe Boardas Accountunig Adndisalresponsllites ma1 iscrode administration of tire Peyroll, Budget and PurchIslog Oopartmuot. Wrdllen eppicatirons statins quelfllcationan xpritp enci il b. ree bre h e unelrsigosd anil »nea Writteo aitraeion to contact références ts ta he includef 50 h the application in accourdant@ wklh tire Frieddet ot Inormation andl Protection f Prlvecy Adi. SALES&I LEASING NEW & USED A FAMlLY WJSINES8 WIT FAILY VAWES WE - BUY - SELL - LE LARGEST SELECTIONr OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON NOOI ARE 1.K! 1hy Indspa Ilsa =caiy Phm o bi rtn emi:. 6M76-27 lm yaiuu Siam M8. 200 rifnsi ba NOW YOU CAN O0UR CLA8Sflip 876-2364 LVOzIRS.g - 1ionriu.o4 829 Ries. 24 tee.. lumo,. 1-0004514703 ARE DRUO aM12ra C prailrinu? Nacig Annyru ~i iai.W ieFfli. nioles et Gras AeigoanCheaoh Miân Mm, ti Au! VOltSE a ftaa0e- -b, acnsanea Aon IogM - Anan FiUO% <oupm @md MMMWa nàghl a p.m. ai Se. Pa United CItdi, bua dor (pabqa lot m scg.) 1-809- 4862. EVANI.V RAvS...POIO. Ue us. Pabd fî Si- lan on Canss, a. RelWieul Ma.bi Lovn. 82.ooemlaut 18+. --00-451-M08. iM MRNKMN oalaha trou prbmiuoi?AI = Anwmisa T-ediy nlghè;a i 1 = e= 7d k4in sfai 8.30 p.m. PRÉGNANT AND NEEO A FRIENO. Cali YOUNG manrna r cAhacap monditon lochirro for seççovl undsnatin mdvilui Io lxMaappe bFaohumss ta (905) 463483u4 Or sr,'i Us ifadon of Gad Hwyman 46 West eonui.UGaqpa. Ortrio. LOT 3T6. SCRAP CAMS maniai sdW or AM. Prompt PldW aid Oeinuoy mod itationof a uara- lied used parts. StreeîavriIî Bush, Auto vviu. 670-777. - - n ehi s for Sae 1802080 $TOMS 2 doo<., 1 15.000 hlm . gresu. tamis driua. liée rusa. $7.600.878-9780. 1992 VOLKIWAGEN Cabwolls convrtible. 38.000 basa., air condW=n, powas mradowa, AMFMI alam. sin cnditon, auosmrw i wintar rSm. t*a nw. kdln Sg $5,91111. $77-1074 @fie 6 Z67 FM#I TUPO CiL, 4 dmr, ato. ai, 4am auna. passa vrirdowns. posser icor iotte, im- macua miniion. $280. cillied. SI"&- 1840 DODO£ AURES, 4 do«f, LE Msu madc, AOC., 13ZWO0 km. pieMs. $1.001. i78l1 or 110 fust l-41s.5600058. lu$6 CAVALIER. 4 doair, ml. asm palm 101.000 "bs. 1a1ai mihi .l0 6q 3811 or ail bu 1-4164680-M06. 1978 FORD MUSTANG Excele ciion Pabuqsngbu $M20. CsWUkd 8764-3M._ ONËMT PUOLEN No .s* or bd irmitl on UtC, FRA, WICI, Sankaspo? Ne"u anoihier citms? W.ll mi heip. FuAMmi Aura Cuit 878-M30. m 1 1 0-