SPoias** jWildcats claw way to third Wt Halions Thic W.1l Dick Wlc*4 mted theur way tolan oversil died p laelui finis lm weka the 0 Halo in Tc ad Hîghlighting tlie champonship was nuiner Aaslcy Woclcer, Who won bath dit 100m dish (13.66 second) nd the 200m nui (28.46)1<o anchor liet intemnaliate girls cate to a second plaire finish. Also tuming inia big performance in tise division wua Tcgan Millet. whw was fini in <tac 1,50Dm (5:55.94) anal <bird tn tie 400rn. hesica Sinmpson wus runner-aus in the 80Dm anail liAIS in the triple jump while Natalît Beaulicu andl Nicole Cannon wcse thîrd in the long îup ama tripie jsmp-rectively. A.shley Lewisy Ieskn bonzed seona n t h 2 0m0nDm.r n h almad ahisè Ssn iceal d second n tey 400Saum fth iho pt 8009m. Tenurnener also scorcasecond in th n jnp hîgh jump and third ins the 1,500m ana' l Tanya Azzopardi's silver an long jump pareil dic junior girls Io ln overaIt thitd place. Saepisaniç Stickers also look a top thirte finish wilh a bronsze medal performance in the 200m. Nathan Perrot led the way for the senior boys wîah a firsi mn the shot pua. finising sutd of teafmate Dave Meek. Meanwhale. Jairoal Blincis look second in tde U,0Dm - heatig oum teamnmae Kris Beal - anal thiad sn tse 800. lntertnediate boys' participant Ion Webbs was the othtr golal medalist for Wmkkals an die coipie jump, as wel as. fourth in dmi long jump. Shaw McCoaviehl uasl ahard an tht s4i put- Ryan Skn- mm anal Adam Haller wewe tht top finishers for dmi Junior boys. with second place effqta in aie 200mt a shot pus respevly. Also qtAllis in top smi finialies for WlI. Dicr lmt week icer Amy May, Ashley Thomas. Stephanit Mclvor, Richard Chaunteps. Rick Gallinger. Kevîn Corbin. Ion GleedAndy Strazlmns. Elîmot McKerr. Sean Magor. Robs Hester, Healhtt Stepisens. Ashliîga Lewis. Garion Sparks-Austin, Mart Smith,. Jonsh VanKoo. QuiusYoung. Krith Dut. Peter Initie. Metass Darcets. Joanne Gunding. Jasmine Kuyten. Cam Ivens. Dan Merrtt Thomas Hldiagoni anal Maut Moffita . Mustngsdde t~ k - tôpy' Optimists sponsoring jiunior golftournament lThe Oakvulle Optimast Chili will once Mgain sposo a quafy. * i tourmnt for <lic district junior golf pLa.rdowma whiclt in tut u t o <lic Junior World Golf Cisanomiolp in Florida. Tise tournament will bhul Satunlay. lime 22 as die Dreerfielal * GogfClub nt Noua Sm6(c sia Bine Rond in O.kvi le. Entry fées for dth uiiclmnt am $15 pet petis anaqppica. d or~*mis am available ai Derfielal &,al allier am golf cluhs. Far mma infinutisai call (905) 634-2511. DiNima Umm b. d u g p u la ': Tome a il à.Vw AIUUI..ipWek4h ~-ayoWsU.kmkda 'a- ~~bta~ S W.h*gddujm w 5w ~Iu~ B~ * .iiaby,~bu~ coumuawuv numigum .» 7he CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI