Barbecue Day tomhlg itsa OUVUN onumS ffont 9 ar. - b 1.m.. saurday, JAm 15. ".W;y of tei-ax platers M Z-9 Hot týss. 1I7 I8Or Ochpead el a k--tilmusic pe thin die b 11he 300-pron capecuy, ame ahi bce 420 Main Strie m mm fS & miniu .tckhIgsic w ic d e o a isfied all bcd- $2 tiifuSi scoouhg âne 1îcem RSmà e , wIR . Govmmni tMisé. RPf MfC -d play en ftiây @Wbi whice bwed Di's i IOmd busines ' fm - iu l kc wc*- 11e in Oold Rush Couity on Saturday le ha lic il êt vomtes Ila sic hngle eveninp. Vidilr auId expoot a "Ioud dey. fiacre eûti Idâo k face painting go ti.ung" exweience aomdeing tu Jes Phde. InP »M ldm W& Iavdlwh ie - saon spokeunan. tint1e "ovitkmL A mnber of evets ame already sa to guub the gond tinul roIing. Va"cl Sbhm ueW atill 1e sangins a Sth1e saloon's mpenns nei Fruday. while the band Suralght U W Wra.glc (for'edy taOu Shats> wa bc C"s Neffd of New AM Radty-DcESw playîng Friday. Jae2l. Froc luindm.cing P mmlGedcm an ummtn eovel a as"Uabeing oe>lcd for Sanday, lote winë. ufM .,& , a ri m rMm 22 and lie folkm1ini SàktIy. in [Wina. Mr. Noa.- mikd anotns tic Ihi kmtop 1 Caqaiathaa gi ~odesa f~ g Iy - Sw awaad fou 11 oNoMzqPM> condidts M4 dmc .ici - x s ix h M M Mai Sbep la pecine au le lth* fcu rj for caâvora Oiiky.>twme Dey, m cvii atici Tic eqfflence w- a .etdo oflié oaw 176 Canadian ( amchises reise DButer Homes 'Md Gardua service $402.000 for tic Crors and Colitis btMp Club. Oy ldc top aalcapople aixb OCaudalmtyen. -er invid fanq dkie Md i m um 'e Miton franchise hopes tomaîe which includes 1.500 MfIces acta. lie $1.600 In this year'c event. whIch runs UiçIcdStol=s.Cuaa.didPuntoRioen -PCB study groupformed Environsment and Energy Minister new computer model. Brenda Ellit recently announced a new- flac giroup w111 put lhe comiputce model laternational pautnnrsbip to develop loch- int use at tic contaminalted Smithvile nology that will track PCB groundwater PCB storage sie. ctettiaaon. Odier members of db Mw patnntxlmip flie University of Waterloo's depars- include the SmithviJln Bedrock men of esth sciences wuif Iead the team. Remediation Progran. Envirotiment Tihe grota, hopes to peedict contaminant Canada, McMaster Uhtversity and th1e flow in lactuzed bedmuck hy dnvelqeng a University of U1ahr No, DmW PATIENT. No INTEMST ýNO PAYMENTS 7'1L JULY, 1997ý %' Study the chart below carefully end pick the furniture store that No's best. W. think yau'Il ogres, Stonsyý Crsek Fumniture il Iight years ahead with no hiddsn or extra charges on any service we offer. Corne ta Stoney Crssk Fumiture, choase frrat a vpst selecion af fins ftimishings collectsd tram araun<fthe world, dan't pay.for a year end get the service Vot dsservs--free of charge. OPTICAL LAD j FrFast P10sonal* SeM. - WEDNESDAY, med I JUNE 12TH. 678-0554 I S 8MainSt.E.,MUoti Thene Brc ES Eston's YES fils YES NO tES 1 NO vts YES YES NIA NO NO NIA tES tES tES NIA '- ES âSrs ES YE ES YES NIA YESt zWý a -e! Ji e MoedKM: toY 1nds Prà - m 9 PM Suatdy 9 m le 3:30 PM Seady Nom to 3p Lgis d the Ui 0W. S. service Ad.. SlS yOch. OMM >WM dbel NMPWId ud Ftty Rd. aubt off de QMW