Date/mne ,. Datalina la ý *fra. 4159oeosnavanca only. Tha colus1n as avellate to fcal conas.a nity groupa to as"a id prmcig thir bIssa averts. Ostty dcwrial or rton-pm< rmsnss- ly groupa may uun li-, ila W u ri "Mme oua ia imm e oful"ily dout1 e tal data of lita occurrene a&#hm*g more isai- bos tir pouliWa damand la tolu. Notices for Comafna sltculd ba wrIlin end harWa I ai a oS fic The l Chamin. 19i Main St. E. mfal l us ai P.O. Box 248, ~. Ot, ., Lir4NB, or faedu la (911) 87&- 4943. The final deaediln. la noco Frélay for W«edYead écilo and non Waeiaeday fo erW*iyas adiln. Datatina Nom sa net ta aaeeped by tephone. Friy Juse7 Ilillcret p~iited Church holds a beef babcue hqn 5:30-7:30 p.. The ceai is $10 for adulte and $7 for chilfren aged i2. yeam and u=s4 Thse dilater inchitai. cnt beef. baked pcoo ceasar salat. roll and desaugi. For ticketsfal M. Hryciw ai 878- 7189 of M. Brownridge ai 87-9i45 It's Hoit NMeaI Deal Day ai tisa Miltn Seniors' Actvty Centre, 500 Ciid Dr., ai 11:30 anri. Sentors are invited 10, enjoy food and fellowship. ýrIdy June 7-8 audtions f cniioren aigea 8 le te yeus front 4 t0 6:30 p.m. Cail Nereen ai 854- 1 fil1 for an audition lime and location or fsiriier inf'ormation. lse uMile Canuiity Conultation Co.amittee meets ai the Milton Tcen Centre. 174 Miii St., ai 7 p.m. me citizen- basait saut ccibe-oed- concerte in tise comnamMy. Police offieen are on basdai a meetings. Everyone is wel- cam. Tbeeday, Joue 11 The Hdl a fl Crial centre hosta te .eventls.annua generae meeting wilh guest speaker h5tfl7 Letick, vice-presi. dent of finance and administration ai Shertidan CoiiW>. §e Idiscusse ideas on commsnity patfnePships and the centre's mile. as a consnunity, agency, in maintais- ut8 thetn. The meeting takes place ai HopedIe Mai. 1515 Rebecca St.,,Suite 227, ai 7 p.m. llefieshitin served. The Ilalton-Péel chapter of tise Aniwctis Society holds flic second annuel Halta Golf Claaalc feturitig speciat gueaî apseanmoes a & £-Tyanfdaga G<f Caltme. Thse geai is te, raiae $ 15,000 Wo artitritia researcit attd educational progrmi. Cail .M DATUUt4E on pa 12 -- MILTON muon ageauL HOUSE LEAGIJE -là RYNE FPURIK ReiMax RIty Major Mosquito- XRyne tteiped hif teamn to ah -exoti- ing in in.a ciosoly piayed gamo, crushing a mO- 1nster grand slir home lun Io centre field in .his final at bat. A car wu*t in support of ASL litemaure M! l and junior deaf schooi iibrary projects / cakes place ai lte Esso service station (Ontario Street and Denry Road) (rom 10 a&M. (0 6 P. Fnday and 8 &m. to05 p.m. Si. Paul*s Uniterd Churss itoids a halte * A~a salle aithUe Farmers',Markel downtowl VA5 K Eg> Proceeds go 10 lthe church's refurisini projeci, Towards 2000. A dance mn support of Bloya Under 14 Rep Socçpr cakes place ai the Italian- Canadien (Iub on Townine Road a[ 7 p.m. Pioceeds fuid the tearos trip le tile lois TAUMJ 01- tlN COuTo IL. 1U S. US.o Cup in Minneapolis. Tickets for lte c VwsaVu 263 ksa Mi 0A 873A itas aý 10343 W.. d 055 U.AS 4ta .i I01 dînner-dance ct $20. For more informa- S645a.i.29e ~ SO45... S9aa S lieu, cali 870-3835. The CanaIt Red Cross Society Iselds' soirgenq lirai aid Boit sandardt iAt cae acu AOê r. aid 7 rid. Ail courses meet indusZ . ~ e.0;-.a 28. .«o* la-.s5 SAs usat 0.aa4 62A, t6 standards i d1875-1459Io registdr. i 9. 5 SO4S..i iGs. $.9. a Ssa. Biis Mr of Norths Haltes hoida the z :derfli Victoriasn Sprla< Tea a( 150 *.Meadosalandl Cres. in Campilville. The lmeatUlea- 1ISFIB lenes rie o m- *-event, wiiq features musical entertain- 04.M km,. « «grl* .al47SAaq ment; idclues two sâtngs ai 1and 3 pnL $4495 $14,49.5ai $279frao, -$14.5 $1526a. s Por tickets. exal 854-2656 or 854-9953. Nassagasa Presityternan àiurcit bolide thse 16»0 ¶ mary service ai Il &. Tite guest misîster îs Rev. Desmond Howad heclbaion aise fecitures lma VWO a. ~ a.Am.aoeam110M muia ui s 11MGys from Knox aind lWs..fleasug.e@M, ON1 oeS3SAfaedtAOs'yISAuI* a 1 lnh Ag me rai sel'$ce follows $23,495 . ab. 1kOao, .$201 !... m'..$9Aa si ai thclurc cmetapm. mie HalnPelctpe of lte Autisotta Society' itods ils finit annual StumpOut. Artîh l ognlry D)aneA-Thaa at Nasissle lNe1in sNorval front1:30&a. iaVNu.AeMa-î. a i- - saaa, 10 4:30. ib. Mie goal is le, raise $30.000 OWI ps,*sýa am hmolSetaael oe.asisesa t for etnchaîne rescarch, and oducaionai pro- S329M. S39 2e si' grains. The grand pnizc à a one saeek's 8o0fl Mw p»MtSI bu" on24. mungis am front OPR CRIEDIT Io qu~it rffl liolwya OAC. Sos itoiiday for two le, Nashvlille, Tessnessee. ~ 9 S uto ~ aietimsssie.lyeai~pe Fur isformation. cad (905) 712-228 1. ~."Il Loveý te Readi Miltamas Lltsrary Fembiva f*t Clddreu" cakes place at tise PmioA4iulws Museum fron mmo uo mti rsine. Tise renisg fesiti- val femtureo u chihsléta tors. illua- trators. atôrytellers and psuppeteers. Ad- missiont is $2 per perse. or $5 pet faoWly. -Mocéday J... le ~The Mt.Cbllr&a'a Chaeua Iolds ýMss»sJW ------- 1ý r. I I. t.. - .4 1