Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jun 1996, p. 7

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r *O UR R&4DL7RS' WRITE Attfack was'uncelled for and just sad Diar Rditor. wbole, but aIsor on te Parents. leacherg Peritaps whig saildetta Ie even mare bow- As ant educalar ai the secondauy level. I antioher igtjidguas who hava wogked ta ever. is the fact lit jutigmenhal andi biaseti arn oflen quesianct as la wity I chose ta liard ta raise their ciities weIl. Wtl ail comntns, antd pcaonal atres on the wark with taouhlcaorne adolescents" anti the education cois surfacing anti dismuption -charadtes. intelligoije and integrîîy of .rottn kitis'. Despite lthe ladit I s'y ta in te vaiaus boards, I arn allen asked if I buntac beings surface in sucit a mannes. enlîgitien people as ta lthe more postive amn çancesneti about the fnuue aI the Attitudes luke MI' Lawrenson's "fae nie points of teenagers. the negatîve sierea- ieaching profession. wasuy not only for thie adolescent poputa- types iowards titage gsup pesis. The passibility of flot being alle la 'tiaht.butfor Society as awhole. Il tavrse fails ta, arnaz nie ibgt in a tact. speni nty days wîth titesr yeung aduits is *Jodl Zaraaf ety wliicb stresses tolesance anti condentins s*eihisg whicb gises mne gréat sadsess Milt prejudice we continue ta duscrintinate against ltote Iiati wbant we have te clos- Q fo est connection - our cbildren. lihasthe worst tiisplay aI sucb ah Give teeins aoreak, piease > edior on May 29. in which shte made*per- songal aitacks fot only on ane of my* ou. dents, Andrew, Hyde, but lthe adolescet population as a wbole. by refàstng io temn as a gengeralion wbch is "socially stuntet. ernationally ravaged and spiritually insen- Sitive". Wle 1 will oi resorta o aking persan- ai attacks myself. 1 would like go clarify tantie points regaisiing lthe young people of ioday - people for whomn Ms. L-awrenson seemsto have uitile respect or regard. lTe individuals 1 tekci arc bright. sensi- tise, pole, intelligent htumt betngs. They ait creative, entbnsiasic wîtty andi outgo- ing. Tltey are waetn, ihoughtful, motîvateti yossg people. 1 would ivite Ms L-awrenson Io conte io Milton District 111gh Sdtool andi %ce the studenis worktng togetter la raise fnnds for cauFes such as the Twenty-four Hour Famine anti the Diedre Scholtz fund. Corne and see ihem nt tove i n school clubs, organizations anti exira-cumrcular actisîlies, Corne andi sec iliem rallying ta support lte tenchers who, unlîke Ms Lawrenson. beieve they are goati people. Ms Lawrcnson's letier was an atiack not only an the adolescent population as a Duar Editor: I admit 1 have ui read fQ'Nts but I bave beani esough abuq it. Hontever, as a par- ent andi Citistiwt I arn surpnised thai agi- ers are %a barsit an oupcltîliren. I ton ihaer raiseti two childrer, with lte beltef gial nty esample and faith have awastiet gtent lthe directions they take is file. Ih is ans only duty as parents to guide and influence, not to conteol and jutige, our chiltien. We do sot credtitient enatagh for iteir intelligence, nor gise gîtent freedont of choîce ihraugh Goti-gîsen grc wilI1 ta make the *'nghi" decîsions. lIis no surprise gîtai ntorallye7are dtf- fereni, yet sonte who becogae good and leadîng citizens conte front a background aI abuse aid violence andi not sures«ingly. sonte, wha endi Up in jails or in psycltta- qists' chairs wit insurmountable prob. lents hati parents who ntere stipponisng ltent ail the way. We, aIl perceise lthe teorîti and lige tiufferenîly asnd cho:ose ta behave as ivr do) Haw Ca- chîltiren make saund decisiont if lheY are fl shows ail sides of a situ- taon or issue? Dentionsltating anud Icadita: thent. thaching themt ngit (ront wrong. Corne Celebrate Ir as110.n DOWNTOWN GEFORGETOW$i- PRQUDLY PRESENTS, 4-ýt., F - eSmem . Cï 'pet clarp utrar . 1 amnd lc -tW i bone Urne 'Enter THIE VILLAGEYFEST AL, T1hargidly go Sat.rdy Juan. 13. -15, 1996 Morning. Noon & Night Tbansday 10 am -l10 , Fnday 10 am, .dntb Saturdey & amn Midaugtt giving tent lthe respect titey deserve as humait bit.ngs, aiftrds giet gmater educa- taon aitd chaôces titan domt the example sa b lsd-ntisded, accuaing and miforgiv- i;ÎpeoPlW who expecl ltent la "do as I say, not as 1do".p Çasdentning and rebukîsg ans youlh lead lten torte so-caileti rage they féet towards te a1ier geratbon. We shouli-rentain cotnpasstonaiie, finr, yet provade uncondatanal lave as is out Lord's leachîsg. Rententer Mary af Magdela? Lei's use Our energies ta toteste lte iI lerences and help ltote wha nerif guir ice. raties thait condcmning thent. DIau Chare Uinon ,We're looking for you... We became the Ie4der by attracthsg and keeping ortiy the hest -peoplewho afe compelie, independent anîd nelf-dscipltird. Adlievers who wià unhmhed bicorne potendal adi a chaance te buil a profeaalr.udW pradaoce. We back you wltb un etchîsve training am deloptsn- pragrain. If you're lntereated in our opportuohty, *lUotwc us. -q Burfin"o, ON Phorte 332-3400 .FREE DeCk Clinlo 1 SATURDAY JUNE 8th. 1WQ CLINICSAO0:AM & 2f.PM Everythlng you ever wanted ta know about building docks 1 We'rbg hoelng two-hour lo>ng prgsentat4ons on deckconsrucTlon using pressurq tmeated wood. JO?4 Us AT COPBA1IV LAMB FORMH ?*OoeAwtm PR4UGION 1 700 MAI Sr. MUON. 8784171 OUR.NEW STOR HOUR&WB%.% MONDAY fl4ROUOH FRID^V 7-10Oam - 9-0»M *AUDW7:3Ooe -zCI

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