Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jun 1996, p. 6

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I Box 248 t 91 Main SI. E. Milton, ôia LgT'E4N9 (905) 878-231 Fax:878-4943 S Ciassifieti 875-3300 Ian Oiivçr ArPN, se Nil OU"' A, a.ie P.allîhe, IRob Kellty Uîir, tr Hubmn a in aaîrý,11, Manager Tegi Ces Offi, e Miiager Tue Cestes Prr,duî lin Mar..ir SIis Sau" 1ieir), dî- rî, Ted gMin"y - Rail> Saler Maîgr VIMENT Lookine-BJack .- . i c 1m" aI 011111laffl WsO â am Folatre 191 ain si E. Mlilio. onit. [91 liii (au. 2[li i4 un. uihe a f:, .'ir Pubiaflui a =i.luai Liii y" a atomi lionnes. Br.rr5ior Gar. .Bo.rtsa Pist is %W u, raB-PB, 1 Wsagi Conniciiîi. Easi Yurt.Mirrur, [imblînke GurdfIi. Geoirarm lndm liS/ cSciF, reu ~as nlbmi Il- Pas. tehob as, Tis MiA. Mluimi tslemnt 9 lSm. Inssti P.,aergsiui M0i11, M.3sîshaagh M.«.. WOamatkei 1 Asîra Ela binal. BNoiharbell8u Bos [tT lois Mir. IlouWeSisun(, flng TôdS. flAaa J Wh fty 1 Cliriga 0,11 &M iWal Pdilioia, 71. lassis, RirSIond N 1 TWnuil i Veiigl8f Lftn. tci50s Mares, Uxbndp / Sîlol. TrSiune Toi 1Ol StasA*iMrn n a mcete Mam S 00ft la -1 s 04t lm d floflrciptal ina,. mial P~u cdiihe ailliilig ixac 05555 i the nnWA.,i Wlpilr *0 à nissossitit afttaincam o iigdkq! ralis ciSargfi l lii Wl ans - affl o il la Sfluilisemia il b in, plmo ai thés aiis lm the 1 1(551514555 lsse a 5fllo ilO chertoral adllflliuw wr docées The sum of fears' On rniday ibis ncwspapcr reccived a paoriy craited and uns4antiated screed crilici.ring tic educalionai rcplorting which lias appeared wîthin oser the last seyer- al months. Ir was a form Iciter, with a hiank space aI thc bortom for the so inspired ta ink ticrr signatures. In essence, tl siaied thaith[le educationai coiscrage was bî)ascd, ersucous. inflammatory and exaggeratcd.' Furtiser. according ta Ihis mystcriaus peîîtion. objectionabie article., are .dcmoralizing" and "offensive" bo [cacheris. On top oft hat, tl was rcvealed tisaI teachen, arc facing îttcrcdsingiy difficuit conditions" and "significant personal hardsliip.- Soon tlicy may flot even 'lac guaranteed" a lunch peniod which, anc caïï oniy houe. they would use ta recuperate froin the aiorementîîîncd psychoiog ,cal tor- ment, given lheir precanious cmotional smares. DlIt Upon li rher and gcneraiiy haphazard investigation by your humble servant, of the 4,0( whose interviewing skills arc naw as rusty as his golf swing, tl camne ta Iight [bat DU'.iv.u the cranky missive -was pcnned by unidentiiied insiders ai [lie Halton Eleienlary Teaclcrs Association, [lie union representing those employees. It tameti out fiat ta bce à dialiolically hatched siîbpiot in a latger conspiraey ta bully and influence the medtia, altkiough tiiat probably would have been more fan P sa from a journaliostic standpoint. lnstead, t0 hear icacher spokeswoman Eria Andrews telli t - and she was for the mnost part (orllicoming - tl Was left on a tahle duning a regalar meeting of union diehards tour tersa) sa they could pick ilOne 1 up and pass it arouni at their seboolis, if they so dcsired. This, Ms Andrews indicaied, was in response to repeated compiaints front tic Milton teaehing fratemity [sot tIiee arc geffinglcked on. - Ems When pressed, bath MàAndrews and a I It school principal, who was also "lt ce open andi pole, about the whoie [bing, saiti il realiy wasn't biased reporting aI ai L.terauurc [bat lhey laok issue wîîb, bu(thrle opinions expresseti by columnrists fromn lime t0 turc repeue f imie, and peiliapa even in [lie editorials. deaf ssdens Thus wie have, from bath the union whicb concocted [lie protest note anti - OPP Pip somenone wbo signed i il. what scems te lie an admission tisaI rite news piecs in dhe ini Ouae papier aic fair andi accurate but Uicy don't like somne of Uic qptnion9'some of tic brating [lie lime. Neither do 1, wlien t comes to letters ta te editor andi eolumns. but paW of dV"g"nite [lie exercise of freedonn of speech is affording pople lecway to Say whaith[ey Many arrar want. as long as il is within [lic confines of fair comment. annversarry. N it mves outside tirait purview steps have lo be taketi. fial For example. columnîst Pal Kelly. a fncend of Rusty Gdf Swing, was fireti a lem.Tb fin fèe weeks ago. because of an improperiy rcaeaodsed comment lic made ini a col prcautions umm abouî Halton Boatt of Education dirctor Bob Williama.This was no fun for aid Rusty. andi probably not mucli for Pat citiier. So you cran pesisaps sec, Ms Anti- 2 rews andi fnrends. [bl we arc sîriving [o piptect the~ iniegrity oýf Use proceau he. 2 *A few quîck noes, in closing. Since ianuary tfîerc have been 34 local educationai stories in this papier, and 38 more [limugli sister ncwspaper chain syndication. 'Utere have been 22 plits. ' 7's There have been 13 colusans or oaditaijalis ticaliag witli oducation, not couifing Canadian wli appeats in today's papier . . Miltoni Came *A gooti many of thcace arc mtories of accomplishtfint witliin [lic stiosoi nysteni frn %I am anti most phiotos ame of funtiraisers or awartis. wor icihl ln a review of somte of [lie columns and elditotiais whids bave hmce publislicd yaur agent lias been liard put to finti anytliing beyond fair comment, andi hlte [liai d lias licen chllengeti as sucli. Last week a similar formn letter, fIom Uic scconda3l school tcaching union, was sent to two south Halton newspapers. the Oakville Beaver andti li Burlinglon Pog. It repîrtetiiy indicateti [liat [lic union woulti not circulate ganse flyers througli those papiers due to piiilosophical dîfferenors ovcr oditonial coverage. / This sparked salait barbeti editonai rcsponas.s in effeet weil iliouiht out noie- thumbing.« ' It's a totigl timise in edutcastion, no questistn, as an even touglier cma loomi.Wt[bt.P,! rtat damret peuple yielti to ail sarts of fecars and prtjudices. Wliat we are secing aI prescrnt is not unionisnis finest bsour for Halton's teacheers. And mayVae. since . times have beens so challenging for so loug now, wc are ail too sorely temples:! by tiiose samie prcjudices. thosce samie fear.Ro-el out hot doge wun a choc. foi thila cwr et thel Hônmby Gargoi Pari lni Juiy, 1M6. Mlany Ipeople Tabot attsadc seaded f or [the food boothli lu De*e MeLeody, Oumi Jubb, Ell ti Houan id Art Brook$ er lni cha... ges of the 'J>ast 'ear Ago wn lin sch llsy was hedlthe curlng F ronta the Ju 7, l su club Iongll by [tie executive Ssant t f Milton C6- Operative Niimeiy School ta wsnd up dlie achetai ycir. Dnay Scisool for tdc Demi temiers anti * Thic onsatiusga of [lhe fence between [lton lebra[ei Ansencan Sign Language (ASL) Cenusal Manir anti a neiglitiodng tievuopn*r- Veck. The woek highligiaq ASL litera- fakedt again al Milton cothscil's meeting, anti aithougs nmerl cof thse niot exci[ing events fer a soltio acensrei imininent. il bâti yen 10 bc acuicti ts '. WhetheUi neighslot'ing tievelipinent built [lic manire, es anti Driums Majo FSdt Aitria pmpod Uic develoWe, 0" n d tegiona couraeils wcre arx niglican Cltureh metuben who werc celc- tsssua ne tihe problein finaliy resoveti. churchos 1 00h aniversary. A 4nup of paratiet nigh ffiwnawm Ibsts ehuncir. < cdtin perioti coutume to celebrate thse 50' Ya ars Aigo al [lic Ministzy of Naturl Resouicea saiti Front th. June 6, 1946 liat 'i people eoucfto about [ie minee prlt- flMr 31 t a"a meeting of Section 2 of Tarama iniatry suggestei tahuing comsistnt asei Presbyteriai oms heiti in Knox Church, Milton witli andigettingaccaomiedt the coutumes.. Mm. W. McClure of Brampton anti Mrs. Edigar Roibertson of Miliais in cherg. irs Ago àâ 'Nigt fMtn Cadm Club ha aro Frn the Ju , 17 mladies anti mon, ton. The speaker oas Mr. W.C.> 1 Kenncy of Toronto anti tihe subjct oas "Frozen cati annuai preamdcnts woekshop frteFonds, Yes~tiday, Totiay anti Toenomrt." There wem *amily Camspers Fetieration waa hel4 aI snoviea in colr on die saine niÈsject. ppstunia flic gsoup rdp«resed campers , * Tise joint meeting of Milton Junior Farmlers anti dma tieountiry. Tise fitatioe tiid a lat of Junior iman itla fsield al thse honte ofiM. ast Mm camping standaiils anti oking on on- C. Fard. 1 ous ocfl suaete. b>, Steve Nese,

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