Maplehurst teacher showing 113#aatîi hIlai~ ~ -inmaties a different pathway 'a j I j oinwp schedugulmed imio Prlmy lussei. wccorins luiml rugi- bu b« lb&ui4 bu laie be position Aa fat filaaomuum IWued 99dMr 51% m~u I 91 pK Ibere la no change, ilili buai" à$' cm lnfvôoswàdaaih. NO11O TO.P W. Oliapwo W.B, 890m»s ~ "MW 0~ wo TO 01mlrd~q tew wn «W hmO ft Imm agaku "u bol in Uqu a, %U'm -Wlonl ofoeutcl' là mae id OR OFMJE oWE e YEUa S"uà Ebick lerwa rewud cornes front liki students, S Sil uys seiq a soudent pais a course For giadui fImm hagh sehool ia mone gras. ifyh'g. lwwvee sWt's "u knackin the Itenru auoendy bestowcd on lier. Ms Elnck, aér ~etca Mqsleluma Correctional -Coe, wui reemly named cof M lTeahecs of die, Yeu y Te Toronto Sun. flite Canbuidge teomai was given an A+ for effort wites il cornes o lielpmng innules mu lùh achool course credits aid wott towarl Mher aecoadary school -gfaàma"o dipiomai. SIts really ice Io lic rewarded, Wu 1 get lthe rm reward feces niy sludenls." Ms Ehick said Monday. enjoy iméchung Mie studena vcry IuIdI."AAg A Mspkdsa adctioniI Centre instructor for about eiglfyeus Ms. Elick lesches flse courses a day - hmsa Engisit as a second laqguage lea - advanced law classes. T'he p<wesn il indivsduaazd. s*t said, aid stu- ér ic le qw m dents aie lresed witit respect. At te sante lambe, stu- conre a one oft10 MaPb.utra @dCo$th dlents, wao must lbc pSadI tork ar tuh 10 , otel oeol narcoaacosl respenibly. 1..priOnuo fli106Tocha cf inue Y Ms Elîici was nomrnated for te awacd by Esnad *lam in ltcW livt7 Elguinidy. a former Maplehursi messIe, who lias tance Each imahe wito won dite'Ieir of lite Yel ide suceSsfully appeaicd lias contricion. itad lthe support of hisflter entire scliool cesriîy, Inhs km cof nominationiterepvuledly statél: sad Toronto Sun education colummsi Dr. Joye "When 1 camne tljait, 1 did nos know Illich about, Nesker-Simmons, wlio headed lthe contest. ~ lthe law. l4nkldy. 1suspected the very foundatton of tEaci chti lias bien validaWc by uihiiiealon. oui justice systcm liai itecomne mpre coani litm sludeils aid parenls. SeleC5ions me nct cana deci- m4Wu. 1 becarne Mes. Elrnck's sludest 1 taiedte w sions lait ail have hme made wsrI l~t unte insensily *know the law befterAme lias sitown mie lec law as die ltai Miee Incite give t0 du job they love s much." essence of oui civilicasion. 1 have hien more litai for. Ms Elrck begai Ieachingtaor dlim 25 yeae Mgo. lunle to ke cm of hei student. Site is a vesy pallein. Site liai#W m4gl ugrade levels frSi kiglergoaten te/ intlient, younlady. Site cai teacli udvançed law gratde 12, bodi in the separate scitoMimmut amd in