1< sa t.... .u.".,y nome îevauring 4 berooms, inlaw apt., naturei gas ca"i, format livng & dmîing roome. Cal James or Joe. $299,009 'This large 4 bedroom home offers may upgrades and quaitiy fealurea. Vouf 1love due spacious entiance and h1e klch'en. Greai value aI $239,900. CaiJmsloday.b 87 1 . 7 7 825405 1.11 HEATHER ASHBEE M AVWA5 a"e Rwpeowdoaév h- SEMkO*r.h.*.o TOAD HALL Rr;;NOWNED ARGYLE FARL 0-acre estate. woods1fWkbdw. I/G pool à 48 acru conlete **Othe no-expense-epered reno- Lmn for iuxurioue executive living. Custora vaied hailitud 5 bamil uith a IlU of so stilis, 1,2 mne Is a'I10 euh sep. nany's quartars. A mile, &ld "Pempai 8Pt - almrivlng siandardl.rd un ae' S571VMO br.ed4Wmlr ANNE- Broker- Tow'n &- Counf r> fries 1i/ at * *1 g "~'W q. - .do- IdoMM.«S hqâ...gem.n~g..s... -m MalM M L4d od m»o id . .MM,ý t . -ou - ~~n ~. g..sio. . tAnt Wdo4 9" dOtM ~ ~h o b~ a*,Oe u &5 Intro ducîng TH E TEAMA TO EVER-GROWING REIMAX MILTOWNE 22 Ontario Street S., Milton, LOT 2M6 ACai now for a FREE computer- assisted market evaluation 4ith NO OBUIGATIONIII * AIn-house finencing avaitable at discounted rates (t0 qualified purchasers). A Unique Firsi-Time Buyers Programt A Rentai prfperties ave iabie aiong. with home ownership consultation. AMufti-lingual <English, Italien and, French speaking. Joe Mançhisi (centre) - A Seasoned Professonai Domenic Manchisi (right) and Tony Vidiri Uc;ensed A"Sitant" %THE TEAW Direct Un.e" <W) 875-0W9 office Un. - (M0) 878-7777 *Residentiai, rural, vacation, lnduetnat Ancommrnrcial praperties êfecîot arlceted. FIrst Tltm Buym - Spve tho.usands through Land Transfer Tex programs and RSP progrâmalf!' Lot us sbow you how. - Our database id filiecl Wih cliets 1ookdng for specific type 01 hothes in vauleus prices ranges. We owad have *a suitable buyer for yoti horm .......... MW50 sq. filrt :3.78,fq il. offtco sUorat 'I£MOhdl Grif Poien *Off.c 170-2500 sq.I *M- 1 L M-2 apect up f0 15,0005 fq.Il *5.000 . Il. M2 atm 0.1310 Moage, tu. h.a. c WUOO SOS