N'o. ward changes-unti afteir tuirn ý4fthe century s% NA Malle *a *Mg of pcu.tile local Slloms. liy ".a n m d seat Sumeplr~e h4eîlcdah n»i Qsanmpd% mu. fla àeu coqrtnu bga.e u*rprtt lggoen. Tis pr lne. .i I Ceru I'eti*Ie deidduledseyas gutlonby CaîmsdrUn R %* %te adssmcd oxp >21itaboo C finI i di. repoup wliân al. Coeflors he Salid. tluelly hmex lpet opin' Town coicil voird Manday nigl W mauint W p bicg inpu be<gr dwdd if< > mm.d sii*v ea haeronsd go amplcait laa o( amms belbre snakio deelamisl in lie argua quo mn wud boundeuiee.md nundiaut severel ohher counicillome Weho w.. williss toi souRions aBer tse finlcosiderallo. by tise dia eae lie couasciflorsae mql'uaiedt <cuciletuiula lmi200. 1ei smli dewd f peaime. commssion. cMmunt boetaisei as. lme=utjc <ass Dese waemng limaï waiting tintâ gfler July 1 am'lh han bu initiasl bounthiies étéd i Mr. îbdLno dlo ugus4 i wu "mire dan- sami. souhi etlectively put off polhia cimauige utI ali aill urgent Io hew front CWi public,'* eid Mr. ceaie" co delr deille on pubilic ipt beýama Cousmillor Gerey Brooks lotit council die9 @11ereli mîunicipal elctos coimcil becked m h o téid se1 ortestiltssuaen s mnosed pub>. sevrai long sing cousicil maimbêt oues mo Miltois chief adnstsratiie officer David plan 10 gel public input hefitre lthe end of lic input on bina on sevrai occa"it. 1 in attendance Mondlay naglit. M4r. PuTik said *ilpgmve ad Mayor Gord keantz 1mh steâ d Wspmr. ' m '1.ot aeisi public meetingi"- said waisag onlydelayedai importnt am nocessuy' dur nord fotr action wai immedipte. He argssed' Tona clertk Bill Robers bld counicilinteraj Councîllor John Cisallinor. "It's îme timîng 'Wi t proceas dutma coumcil Iiâd an obligation Io tise public o hanges = Issd have 1<5 hp ils place by lie and of don't agree with thc timing. In ligisî of tise Sesena coicillors clutifie timeir refodlsi posu. provide in aeswlaive in tiinç for tise tirai eec- uly to give the provincial govertisient lime Io Cromie Comission anossaoed on fllxmrsday. lins; Coqaseilior Merla Howard laid sic voletd lionm ppovc tlsem prkir 10 January i. 1997. Approvsl couicil mall an excellent decisioni lait wrek t ageinst the publif meeting, despile beingjn "Politicians and diaperi have oic lhing In suer t[han tisai date would nos allos changes tu wait." 'favour of msny 6f tise principles of reform, comnion," Me. Brooka quipped. "'1mey should e in effect for tise Noleniber, 1997 municipal The Crombiil Commission is a provincial ticcause tire seas no( enough timç in proprt both tic cisusd mpWluy and both for tise saisne lectîons. Only directio froni tise province seil ' pend esc iilI make quick studies of sewral accesu public opinion. She puuhed for a iraln." The s;eel'canvass - -a h tour is undetway trona CAI4VAS8 on puge 9 mient productions, <le sorne hypodcical design work, or delîver a major exhibition go fuiall iis requiremet. 'A loi of lime people in theclass are used in0 wodting alaise raliser titn as a génp." said M.' Buste* "So tsai's pan of ilse Chalnge." Mr. Busse said varied jobs becmon in art, lleusisc lise wanings of so many naysayers. He poinard in jobs in point and computer gràpmics. desigsm pholograpsy and computer animation. "There are many jobs in graphics that yoh don'. even thjn& of as being ain jobs, but tisy aré,"1 uaid Mr. Busse. "Studesits ne discou'aged kutbecausenpoy"e prospects are rail Students in art usually go on lo.higier educa- tion, according te Uic teacher. He said Sheridan Coîiegc's acclamed animation program,1h Ontarlo Collrge of Art and Humber Courge wr sausits with studenls, as weIl as finle ait degrec progra in univesies. "To gt iraeucute nt lie Univeraîty o< Toronto you have Io "5S5 sketch bocîki" Mr. BusS said. 'iliey wanh to ao a creative mind.. Biligs arm realy jui sculptures >aiu cam walk Wba. flscy tea eniotional tois." ie Co-Stid pitsject Winl involve dire. min themses suidvided inta threc simbgraups af UgLrt Mr. Busse said il ws lie hesu way 10ý âmes; tds studert, individual sbwcfglt seiliin lie gniu acaîmo 4il0m imoport Car entre WE Mfi IE WHAT WE SELL T&AIfI JAM Sboe yui boo, îraiw orR.V. In GERHARD &RUDY 119 7 _v~ Il "