I.Date(inüe "I ne la a fre Ill, of comI*ioaavailiAs I"* cew nl. MWu oekmnis «a 8) MWT Uvtag M&* C"aer Grmei lied0OiViU5l~ 0 a4> im rét mi asSi. Plawls lSnhcd Cburch. M" ewG Nun* a eve.fr 123 M1ain St EL, ut 7:30 p.m Lod by me or w4 om nurses, group discussions pra.vide oes isiu et pub1c1ly doStJhé d mal ioil.20euujPdCSd cfm lasur occam ors paouuA endr thSu- a loin ~ ~ I usW poi*iat laui sumr n1ulM. cail the Tbhtsday JUe. 6 The lte@ Jeuler,.eorucro OversesM Aas.ruum d aMS e Amsýdshu miels a the dilionu, ar P..ati e Mihion Chklren and Y"uI GrouidS aiS p.m. New minhsers am Centre (Nipissing, and Thompson welcorne. Pot nxcr anfornaition. ciii ,uls.Coouc Caaune as 7l- 1039 John> si M839811. fo mrsmform1o. abyuuiing W Vicions» OMmdro ushols a Met car*eulle ai i Milton Scudon,' Activil Cuire, 500 Chaldi Dr.. tro. 9 ana. ino m. The cmi l $15. Per filiter informnaion or M, appoinui. çi 875-1681. Poo c.c eh" - a b Jfm -« Iay HilAcieal United Chuich holds a beba~rbu front 5:30-7:30 p.m. MW ai c à $10 for aduahs ad $7 for chaldrn qed 12 yprs Amt undui. '1 dAnnie inchades rod bed, b.kc&pota in, ceaaar 'Mile vil and desser Por' bickiti Sail M. Hrjàcw si 878-7189 or fat Esuw*ids gM79145. St. Pauais Uphcd Cue iN dowagwn. roceds g go he il Acew u i haupPot cASt. Mi- cMua"a prdject. Towuids 2»OA aimre oed juni deit achool Mqm , A donin ha u mc.e Bell Unji Fjec ies- Placee *a o aMaice 14 lisp Seuer i.kes placs al 1h. station (Ontario Street and Dirry liaai-Cwaadn Club on Towli Road) frouai 10'jn atu 56 i.. Prdday Road ai 7 p.m. Proceeds tuad Ihe sud 8a.m. tuo5p.m. Saunby. li'tam's trip to the USA Cup in ~~ ~ Minnoaplls. TicketW ifrOe dhm- dance cmi $21 Cail 8783835. iai Hao Cois CoSauay Ski Club Sero holds the Wat.rdewa Pub flîke > tarong ai 1 û ahin Pdr intontnatca, flae Cinidian Red Cross Sdty call 634-2012.' % - mDATELD ona Pagie là 742« FPifth Lisse (RR. #4) Milton sa WrPU 'Eaat end of Main St. 876- 11(M) or Mis&.'W6-44 10 Certified H ortie suturistsk ADOMSS The l (0, l'or Canada'. W. s i. A h.,. 1 1) 2> d f 11101. 8oFft. J3to 9.w Sturdeya --J to 6:00 .rdp........-Coud o E.,-MII~on - *Moot advanced lnt.grel flWhmctinpbng 9 AutonuatiC flah, auto*ocu and shutter, ued co~traiDm * Aii» UiMelon ma *oubsld entanc 41111o *4f«o yau oonv<Mnc) onl Nè4àmn Rd. 0 Pet A à 0 Sma àoyCam Mlfton Mail .90M-817047? MILTON MALL Oui 5a *1