DruInk driver, can get his driver'. licence back wua (0 agrrl tpubliclycamiet muc ae*ne rning. whicis' oppaaed by the Crasen. Ha did say ha lsait pleased with thse saie- inmand bhllves overtiting tht ouiginat ;eatcacing la such i marnear seads the wroag massage ýnd actually encourages d"rnt driving. MÉ Lake pleaded guilty te Iwo charges of impaireil iriving causing deatis. three collas of impairail dniviagcausing bodiy harnt, Iwo tomns of crininal neghgeace cmirng deails, thre of criminal negli"nc causing bodity ,herm andi one of drivlag' with ôver tise lega] boi of alcohol in bis bRbad. Tise crash iajureil tise NissaiVs driver ail frna-seat passeuger as weil as tise diver of 'a Toyota, which Mr. Lake's car also stuck. Court has iscard Me. Lake tltd police sar tise accident tsai hae oaly bcd con- sumeil a couple ai heers. However, seit- messes testîfieil ha drank about a kiozea belore driviag. Ha was seateacedjan 1990 ta six years la pisoa. Ha served 14 months befMe heiag grantedl parole aad tomt tac à lway hanse for a year. Ha was also banneil Imm doi- vit for ife. How;ser tise Court af Appea tank into, accoua -hat th1e 44-year-old"Burliagion reuint bas shawn greal ramorse aad hms baguea ccrus"d ai voluaterag bits ounie ta speak ta groupa about tise îragic resuss ai drimking ard drlvtng. *1 Hilton Regionat Police Dat. Kim Duncan said Mr. Lake, wbo no longer drinks, appears to bc *totally reasoisaful" for bis actions. Dat. Duacan goltu1 know Mr. Lake Ibrougis public education initiatives by Hilton police's regional lrafic bureau, which inveslîgates accidents involving deats and serious injury. .He.I tae only oaa in 80O fatalities I've tbarisait bas bren remoiseisal,- Dat. DImm talid. Mr. Lake spoke t0 studetirs andi other comnity groups on babali.of thse bureau and naw ofian visîts scisoots tbrougis Metropalitan Toroat Police. Tb date. the fomer Ostiville resident bas stand baeram tisousands or young people as Car away as Alberta and Saskatchewan telliag theai bis slouy.- Mns Gregory quastionad bow in gond conscience Mr. Lakte coutl hava lasaached hbi% senstence appeal. knowing tise tragedy that resultet freim bis gatiîng babbîd tisa wlueal. *Everyone't makiag him out ta hae a sali," sha said. CMe Lake, wha spoika ta Thue Chainpioft la a mmr media interview yeardy, said hm doanit know if ha sul avarl ha able ta diveaaia. Mile appettJ wus buacissd an bis Iawyer's advice 30 days citer the aeatamciag. hae id. Hae tmhiall> WWl bts lcwyar ist ta fila dia appal banreue ie ddn't ti hae nouli get beind tise seheal of a car. IHawever, bis lawyer idvised hlmi ha eught Wi ifereaty la 10Oyetami.ad by iban the appei appoetuaaty wauld have Me. Lake addad dix 1ss a day gS by ufu eh doamn't dur* about die crash us] ie asing urtedy. 'hflueîg bic spaaiting engamumens he aitd1sb las choaetot le put of due anima- tioa"timpaired daivlag. Altbougbha ndeestirda people's cn- cera ao hm is timving. hae doesa'I beltave lue's a rugo tasociety, 1'Iomai laid tise sa/M 111e-at ail usy- more,'* hae suid. *1 havea't bqd a driak sirie the day of lte &@M." * Ha suid hajirfars ta kaap ataow profile so publicily ilaas*t disluib 'the isnsily of tis crash vidtims. He alto dorsn'l wax controversy ta Lue- l bis chaOis ia spaakiag t0 young people, seit, hae teheves. banafit greslly from bis efforts. '1Iuey'resiunned by sehat tlsay hmi," hae sad. devliin asutbe apbomedb W' A "' ora~.i ~ fPattatd voing Paoe~ Ou atuag « Lait wear deqison docanit 4 labac inthehave seul* the prapasci poljcy Iq f oallptrae gahool batt 0e dur Eaghs s ec - bo« omb.. d 1'ucea,wko appovad the Mis isueawll ba discusaed'el polky bdid by a vote of 7-5, non utauha meetng, nd even s- tit have ta reviait the -issue flirectar af Educatton Fred bocauaeaia procedrallertor Sweeney is.pea ta ageçuatian- made diel table. 'dm die palley eauld look pila Goder bard bylavia. poIley . q» c cOUmNI, peIll 20 s 1 .