Milton RC trustees aren 9t likely to be swayedon council issue Uv URAD REAUME The Champion A controversâat separate scborsi bourd policy requir- mi; mendier', of parent couaicils ta lbc Catitobes Miay rloi be olticiai. says Milton Trustec Mary Lou Lougbbin. but site is not about ta change ber stance. Policy changes requtte a iwo-thsrdn maJM<ty of the board. Ilte anginal vote aon te matter iti flot fuifili tila. r-quireMt. su0 the issue will Irc tun"c ta Uic culmiaie eVel1 and deah it th agatn. Ms Laugltln. wito voted in support ai t palicg . whcn il passei 7-5, said site [cclv sttaitgly abou~t Il and wiii tnt likely change lier vote ai the lunte 18 commit- Mary Lou LougOliîf JO@ Deuil tee meeting. She diii say sitc has nl closed ail and oeganu.e parentiontthe isse. avenues la resoive tbe issue. Ms Filtrai sait site was told by board officiais tit -According ta, the minister (of edacation) parent ber banit coulti sprak for her as part of the paient councils arc advisory hoards but 1 brau about, Okaced coancil, but site fes abteis entitird ta ber awe voice. power witb trustees in the future. and 1 itdSr tliry rsprcialy inigiit of tOr subsntial atiount of volit- aiight taite over from, truàieca entirely. Righti naw teeling site ducs at thte scitoal. 1I calme tirait "ubec truates msust kc Catiolîcs, so l'in only ratendîng tilet 18 mofftlis ago anti sac my trglets as an anglopitti requtreaient over lai the nec councils.'ï sait Ms iaËn away aile by one, andi ail the white Ople wec Lolqghlin. Site atitid site wecaaies telephone cats on dotng it with a amie." site tauad. "By thte time anyanr tihe lsue aitit woulti like ta finit a solution wchi satis reali7eti wia was happening it was tonalac. l'ai nlt lfies rvetwone. é. gaing ta 1cI anytitng like fitat htappen bere.' "Il upses ;ne tbai people ink wc'tV.trying4to Ms Fîlteau saiti site couit accept a compromise excinte titrai» Ms Loughlin ssuid "flr ame places cbrie up la a third ai paresu board pasitbons wouit kc on subcotnitcv for non-Catitofics.-". heki by noti-Cathulics. Alison l'iltrau, wbase buviranti is Catiiolic, ant ill io j Deoni, Milton's rural waurd icparate scitol bas ico cbtîdren aiîtendîng St. Peer's Sclual in taistre. sati kc Isa ta vote for flie Catlsoltc-oiily poli- Miltan, is adamianity îîpposed ta fli p)lîcy. Sbr says cy gîven tai of is 1,073 consvitutans. oniy 42 arc in site is being dîsciminaiedai itzim on the hasts ai ber interfaith aiagcv. rcligion., dspite a convtttioal garanic utl frecdaai Mv. Deani %aîid thei rtgbtv of Catitoltcs anti non- froai religions pirsei.ntion. ('atitlics have ai bren drcided lry tkL couifts, su kc Beause l'fil nul Caihulic ihey say lani sot god refuses to dtscssthe issue on itose gisnands. enoufgi sivt on gas'cmaini-mandated counils.' suffd 1 stand by aiy vote, 1 have nit) boice," ie sait. Ms Filtru %hbo .îdded site was a sirong supporter af 'ith non-Clthtaiics citaviant a say can vote tiseotigi ,tbr sparaie. scxitsl systcmr, and ssanted berci.tfdren ta theîr Catbolîc spouse, so they do have %amettre ta have a Chaistian edaltan. sprak anti vote for thercm Ms Fiteau saitd site is pondertng speakîng ta the Mr. Demni sai if people disagrec st it lry cmn itoartis camaittc aql wîli continue ta lbby tvustecs say su in the nentt municipal election. 0 put The Sizzle Into VourS uMmer with a Halton Credit Un ion Loan Now Off ering- Râtes As Low As PRIME* a To help you make that major purchase whether it be a new vehicle, home renovations, that vacation you've always dreamed about Don't wait, tàik to our friendly staff at one of our branches today. Ofters ends July 31,1996. P J ALINCRDTNO 44 Main St. Et Mlfton Iffl Cal Eail or Sharon .OmaimmM87&i41 68 w iaki- 'OUR LAST 1995s 6 Extra Special Deals il! 1995 FàmEYC i 995 FIRffiW - Dual air hep * N4iFM oeaaattê I1995 1995 RJL DulM biettje * Ny "Coiosi Aks *Poiss Stseîing 1 *L Rsg cuit * Casa *Autotatc *ABS Braites *Air Conditiot*sg HURRY IN - 7oniýYesc 6 1995s rm 'AI tais pfcat as pls #"Ni' à Wu. Léisfsm 3s initraand have mh ti a ni oqasiihri ni - SMa tiW FwN5 and Grand Am;: sadmat M i fiant Am and Pirat dMm parlntri Mi ta1Ira idtari destY 116101 s ne dons OAC. Casý nia aie enlca$ s tirn. '~~j Jseal e 1 -