__ Girls-' TBaft MRLPtreigs 25 Veru's WaterSre 20 lie higtitghl of lte garne wai i gru. de(ensive gec hy Jenniier G.idd of' MRL oho made lufe difficuli for &be Verni leone lcading hilter, for the wuintrs werc Jcnnifrr Gadi scith a double ai but and had thier oul, un defente Nulkui Mandarino wib isso sigles atnd a doîuble Elyse Garbnait wuîh uhresiungle%. Jacqueline Guing wulb iwuî singles anti à duble Leadung hilters for ihe 1--er, re bc hunis lîuum Slephoatie upuu Patit t Lcopoild, FEmma Ko.tl. Muchelle Shepherd. Kaylt NutNhTegun Smiuth and Il ,asu uu'luclu Hertz 311 %hopperà Dreg %tori 281 Tbe hughltght ofth ibenutue ou. tb, tot runv sep0rolung ihc%,eo b ard voriung ieauîu, un ilu, cxtéuung n-.0iî p I eudunz buitic, liii lth, wuuoer, or Meliusý.ut Kunnuu and Erun I ettu buuub gol a duble and iwo single% %hile Roin Gaspardý lui ihrceesangle, .Leuotung Hiîiçs loi lue luiteus oere io douuble and a single b> Jessuto blcCoinht Thec singles b> Aluna Feigusul). Sîmanutha Ne-il, Daielle ltru,h andi Kallyo Mazzaruitt J. Scoit Faarty 24 Wlckens Inofantrial 21 The hightught of the gante tva, goiud hiiuling andl defensive work from buulb trams whooti mode fuor a close gaoue Loading bitters for the wiitners wcre starsi Meagan Doucette wti titrer hts. Luidsoy McMullu miti tirec hul, and Amatidi Obsoei with three trfis DENNYS VOTORCOACI4 MOURS 1.510.833.01 Hasntatn, Crise ITih. Jure 13 30.000 Musaid Saut t'm P"er Sund " ouan. Mut Lak»e Niss yorti ltai. watt Jura 26. 27. 28 WeilJuily of iusale Inu .taiLuc Tomuy 4utu Huiron Cootnlrp ,Uspremstu, Norlil. Ontario MoW Jatyl a13 Incitaient i .PIs leam aep a t)o Tru Atug 27 urne. 2uîni Leauung bitter% (or the oasers oec stars40.his hrui Ctidoee Trout. Augoei Ifaudra Hobule ndt Kiteu Anlopa Leodisg biters for the lofs erc a Leadoug fit fur the sinners inere A a 29i fae~ lirsi home run of tir' prr fur Nayf or orro hume ruai Laura Wetlmiead andl upmu MlliiUsuwe 22 * Grqap by Haley Viekery sculh iie hul, qpr1ehomc runeoeti (rose Karen Ctorliey. Thehuglugl u( 6e lou ~' h~~t.front, Emoly Hurt antd swon f(ront Erîs Lindlse>' Couok. Tanya andl Stacur ion by Colced Affatri' ILah NItNeul Ragot Hrrng wtuiiuh tielpeul clitti a vitîuc liii 6c hr OptIisa Club 20 Leadtit i tter, for tFe stars ocre a eau. ' , - Dsaffeslas Aggaeàe 9 dioutie andl songle (rulin A.lilisesn, ire Leoding biotter,% fuir the wunners wec The tiighlighi of ttc gaoue suai six songles fhom leonue Kecalp and owo sin staursLisa Sawthak wufti three tut,, Sarahi home ions; helponli tha Oplouisîs moth a gles hy Lesley Sberoiod wtinch alsti h ag Gosuans wiît go("t delinee at shoirt ,top tousolotlg vîtorp osver Dua.fferun penit 10k Lclyî fust gante ever and Ashîce Jaronicrott finie lieldunit as coather and Otirce tu ii aI l Leadohitbler,.tuur the t1Sise sotie uhee lois culi fruont Kelse> Ilf orjuird. Vitoria M i t n à c* o s (ieuunu. t aunen Giuud oîî OCuiipuiantIErrutfcrerinpunfuur Greg Robertsoin ond une toc Astoun linegrateul Insallation 19 Smbft Sinne (riseren Stables 16 Seuîrung It [Dun (ber>'* s c usre an rhei hughlighl ol the garie, . Hasn-PlyusMst Chrysîni Wler athn ftic.Mtunu home oir, y Conren table Victria, Brancees Jesslers 5 W.k, ,te abi akn, bute uns b Cuidrer iltube, Vcluiro . ilîman o-,btur n eth and lilsutu blot thi, could! rui bull jntegraTtd's meus> Guoal st uui g tir Htunt tva, tirec fuifr nbro bfie luuuufg and 'situung tttTente un uhustooard Greg Ruibelson, three fuir Mic huel) tunu: hiic totughî antie ' . Birown Assusîs luur (',)d> Chou. Mute Beassd.c'q insiellees Il .Leuidtng bitter, lu,, the ounner, ocre lte Devrue,. kesin 0llurnon anud 'iliusu WalTu Ponti9e Bssick 3 t.ot titas Iteather McF.urguo.. , I eslua Stutring ir, gfmat ' ue wuu luit Brod caught pip il>, Jennulel Shepurd and Goal c*t,,,ng fuir Brantiecr, %titrer MeobunnesN. one fuir Jbtin Fereira, ihrc Nutuile Juuhnun o-tub orne gtitd ou huit fuir Ju,t un Ple i. o uuli Cuile luur A lex s erdi ard tu< f or Coile t cuding houer, [tur the ltter, oec Modansky Assisis lui Ry.tn teck, anti Madaitsky Vitoia %olu slarreul w oh ou buimer, Billy Wt)lunuun settring tir Wallate unt eutfj fui Teresa guut e huAne rtn a(mfl Nouin m Cheecy's 4- Michael King. Geoffirey Sîrout . nd Eric ,tiured .u humer nubie (il,! i bat un, lte Wallace Posinta-Balek 2 Il,,rsi ng oal stuurîng foîr Duin Cherry'% Oas t DisitChtey's 9 Neill tsrporato! Il fuir Greg Bull. one (uî*liuc Sullivan ond b.a itru, Jgethes 7 Naylor (;rosp 11 one ftir Davj Treniuti Scoiing fi r Don Cherry's Four lue, The liiglight of lte gume mas% oulid Stcu glio Wallace was tire for Bloke Frilienbtrg. one lot Paol lionestit. de(entr and home mun, hp Neui GetfreY Sirant ad oune for Grahamsuo tfi or Ryoe Walker and rue caeh fuir Transpoirtaon players' who gave Naylor Sharp I 14 Chrus Roîy oui Desu Medl ond. Assisto Groap o lougitfilie Don Clseery's 6 Muka Soltivon and Chro, Roy Leadung hittenonlor t6 muer i nuere Maut-PlyisouÊ7 .Scoing (tir Itrouters: Fise for Jusie home runs hy Emiily Heunleman, Kom Scttrig lur Hunt wo% two fur David Fereira and tire eoý,h for Bradley Howasrd and Justine Williaoms plos two Gobtolug. tirer Yr Mictiael Brownon(e Mewhoune> and Coile Mailnasky, Axss '->-q--- M TE HALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION JXSq "Edocaflo Ceine 20» Guelph Unse, Barlin".o, Ontario, LîRII 3Z2. PA). Bûîý3ffl, Tel: (US) 335-366 Te. (905) 842.3014 fai (905).335-9802 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ACT sNOTICE 0F THE PA&SING 0F EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGES B*Y-LAW BY THE JIALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION TAKE NOTICE ltae th Ballon Board of Walâue paaad a By-Lawi enttcd thc Hiaietouard o) Edacaou Edcaum Deselpuen Chartiea Bp-La. un the 23ed day of May, 199, ndl .etmin 300of l. Dennîupitien (lhuty Act, R SO 1990. c.D.9 ANDI TAKE NOTICE THAT any pers n r inaâion noar apçtea Io ha Ontario Municipal Boavd mu mrec of hi Bp-Lau hy filsug suodm Somtruof t<he Haltu Bardi of Éducatin su lath. hu 240h dey of fiue. 1996,. nutc ni atpest .utoug ùut hobjfetion thtp%-Lws and tir imniton lu &"pm.( ieoltione Egplabani de àefop aie n uprd iuderf hu By-La Mlic Edseuuu Dcsrtopneu Oeillet mn opeued ou ail dertouln uf larda s the Rqgs of Halle. >.or"gly, à kep nant fwia t h fueseet dah l.sa às su pensuded su parsof0dits nmce EdacMa Des4ipsta Onde dat b.1. tintenitul a folIoasv a sile Joue 3.1996 R*"Rtcn Dencupaten -57608 f(ita diellotsntg 0) *Noa-rsadcta f Ceemetoif Dercltopmne .0.47% (psr ent o 0<ueular constrsuctantion ues mueatoal poriis wnh crie eun floue ares) Ne.Swauemy Emptsoa *Hositsis .4d places of wuiulpwh mteiar ton teie; *Cmmtnny Collttes. *Hydra MIettri Coremasm of. m naoioaii *Nca-reddsd air<e hoatugi. M Onsiute.I hSà un am ne o prifu.d owa hiei ma Wad *Partit taisoctatres nuet"u aieamdluy lu sou au. *mm C wetrosid au tu exempt; sComnusutl destielpita vrais àin.. (lui uao 0<19 @Pem fecio etu. Tui"ea Pinsssa: Initie na id aod conspite appieaie fir a tmi >fl ient regard i t du o rela couarcoal beulsu et au auiati h la ad accqusdti o u u nuipdgty aor nelir Jour 31996. chimme declopnaidâbla duil selb halin nspus sac dmcl4moelp. peunld.d the leldani lise maltéest By-La. oà &alable ai hi Hallte Buard ci Edacalsea Plasata Deputu, Aa.tl rei office hum D& i utd ity ofButo>e..du lu dey ofMy, 1 Direuisi Bh aij.sd Soucier, aideh Board iThe BH. Baud udal,C 1W. Sioslie Éucation Cairn An TEHALTON ROMAN CATHQLIC SIEPARATE *HOOL BOARD Duckgtm., Ontari. LiN 3y2. Th(905>632-3G Fax: (US5) 33>4661 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ACT, NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW DY THE HALTON ROMAN CArHOLIC SEPARATE *SCHOOLBOARD TAKE NUTICE hidit. Halte Be.edoEdwaumpaasd a By-Las emtlcl die Italtoma o Édacaton Éutcation Dkerlpau Çuep By-Law on lite 23n1 day ut May. 196.. adet siunne SI o lte Densopimnt Chuai ActR. IM AND) TAKE NOTWE THAT acf piaseai nimpaa n mari apical hulte (".eu Mauipal Seud un tentano th By-Luw tiy fokng wuith SeiM ani he Balla Board of Édacatio m ut l"e th. hil pippu fdie obct9.nion. dpmstmuhotetelo pLr nlieeaosu exptanaiuni f d clopaitet uer *ccd undr du By-Low: lme Éduocaion Dcsclcpmml Çusgfm e end in aIl deeloio f Faitds hd Regc aine.I» Accuilty. a kep nol ruait tghe. loain of du di tad prnntded ar patnio lin cuoce Edutieats llevelnpniirit s iuait bc nspeg.da faonus: cnlYemlmue,1996- *Rmelsl DetetlMue- $766.00 Ipit diceln lund)m *Nusmuodl fComtecial) Dmnclmesit- 0.47% (pce con 0olaeclaa caulnénc asluee unae-M erot.nal s ahsna ret ceeae cfini a) Ne. boomy Ewmemu: Hoq Hm Pl upie of wnWsp wutwhtbe tun excntp P*1, snast inchmai u Fau i"deun u axi;. *pallitifg unutau edaco mi aaeoly Uomm ou. *Conutcrde Wb*l me tan oUmm; *Cumra diwulpoun sui à pop flteur am of 100 silloneu ie or d Teaitionl Prision: drinWiewc ~ h beu ad 'tuoudAmpliy um- Ni=e Wl hniJue3.1996. Peirnîin maits o hci dau o«6ei wu e a bou amaie or ealaer Jaly Il. 199. 1>0 ealet Bp-La. mu mawaN aih au ati PIu.s Dqwimeruce àrsla PsdmdcL.Swbe*-y Direcneof Edwutisasd Scnditla du ohBud // im. FaU Rag. Cnt"Il Sainn Steti Board jw Diori, lm, F0. aou 53a Statoque. OMmln ILIX 3Y7. He y tyts- Truackg~ ~ v Naylier (iroup 13 The highligt o f tIhe garne na, the big bal., of SYtsm beunig la. su,ý(or . No> or Group in tihigt seuting garrir 4- Leading hiter% for the winer, oCre home ra.nsirom V4ne.sa otoxt lenirner and Indy Nerefil t eading hfolers for tic loser, were *home rail, froms Emiey Hunt. Deana MXheri> and CaithyMsandriuu hi Ifrd Nleohinney. AI"~ Bernull.Cuu'ýlt ?u/(dnak.k Aie\ Veouin anil l)snq Wallacee Ponfine 2. Hune Mlymotnut 2 St orîuug Ii lot e One Ifo Bien( 1 'li[ ad GeoIf Stronk . icuinng for Htunm On9fuu A,un Simili anti JuifltOti Muotu Drancders a HaSt Plymouisi 0 Scuîring lut tiranters Threc (or Jusin -Peiciru. t.ur for Aiex Beindt and ,une cah for Cuite Mad.t.ky. Bull Wilkinn, ond Jasuin Kearnu Assusus lin trad Meckinnue ftwlI Atex Berndi lwo)0. Fesse MeCuilWll anud Ryon lxLeky da t ., DonVeerystt Scmrttg for Cherry', Chlu, Ruy osiel. lake Frutinrgéliusel. David Trenoulti and Gregg Bitt lOue).1 Seorong for Wallace, Fric Tayloir (Io) and Graham Sharp (iniur). Assit, luit Otueriz and Dase Muujka Iswo rott