Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 May 1996, p. 21

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p . - *. i sM i m'y g. - 1~ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ - - rn He came in during time ihtW inning afîcr a shaky sien hy ieremy Ridley. Who gave Up four fûmts and Ilirec runs un the second. A Miltoni Distri High Scimortîs hoys hase- tlirowmag ettor hy sttuîislop Shayne KRillry ball leant uefealed lime Lester Bý Pearson resulted mn lime, Pamniols' foturtit mn mn lte Patriols Tuesday ai Bnian Best. Park. hut thîruf uhe opening-round playofi match was Bot Rudicy itrothers rederrned tkem alinou ton0 close f or coniforil selves later emn. iremÎy came hack to pttcm 'ýThe imavyy favoreuf Mustangs -nimo thk seventft and had a titre up. titrer down lied ntoved up 10 top spot în the Tnronto nnmng nimile Shayne canme mn loscore on a Sars Mtri Poil last week nereded ail sacrifice hunm hy Kevun Wilson un hk sith sevetp lnnings mn dispo se ni heucr fuur lime tymng mnri Burlinglon rupprunens mn a hearl sioppung île a[ssu made a nucc' snag andmi hourt 5-4 corne fnum-bkinu vlclory. u mn lthe top uf the suiih o itelp kr:ep In thk emi. il was Pal Lynchi nia- sltked Pearsunas uullense ut hay a lrniely priglc Io kift fieldf, whîch hmngimt Next îuu LynchugNante ssinnung RBI. Je!f lianecatchkrAnd n Mercier fo)r lhu>wn- I angulle haI the îughlught. uI lthe game ning rua, . 'wml a home mon ru îIt fueldf un lthe ecntP Mercier. ci Itar reac d.hase safly un *for Mltoa's lîrsî rua. A crulu ltron IbFcqe pre nus plaie appe ces, made ut itroigit Mercier un luter it unnlng. Theur 10 fl- imen Pearson*% i si haseman oiimer rua caine un the fourlth nien Mark dropped an easy pop fly. He 1 ter stuule sec- McPtaml bitt an RBI single lthaI scorrd Jit ond and Iben movemi up 1 tdm on a sacru- lay, fuce itunt hy Nick Aalkr The Mustangs luook on Oakville Lynchtwas nom only r herl 1k gante Tralalgar yeslerday (Thursday) in Milton bt he star as wvell. Inn separate %finis *hile QE Park hosled M.M Robinson. on the ntund. the e pîlcker collected sux liMe Iwou rentaumng leants will hbelle ut ont sirikeouls and mel ed aIl eighî hatiers tc luur lthe lialtuta con Tuesuiay aflen tum ai facednîlth.vsne tanding relief nuurfc Nelsun'ýark un Barlingun, A we ienginelered comeback Despîte allo mng he lirait sevenisalters ___ 10 score on ni e consective his mn the fmrsl înnîng, S ncer Eagmnecrng foughl thkir initial si oty of the season. Reholuidin nit fmve mans of fikîr own in týotai f tkelirs. thEngnersgot i e t hrere bit erformances front im Wedgcw TemnyYoung, Dennis Glucku and imc *surv7yor' Mail Spencer Io Balling fron tihe aunther.14 fitole, don Traeler 15-8 Mailands ýe -.selir titrer forr tltree was clf So eénce was ohvmously theluey fac- nîeiy an unspiration In his mates, a train or liswin; as UIc Hood Gang maly limati s finaîll roumiing malo shape - nt aged uine rua osver the final etghl Tru keep the trend aIve. lthe frrllowing in ags. Breal McAmihurs perfect Ilirec for evenîng saw the only undefeaicd ean se outlag neni for naugii nile Lucky far Ibis year. lite Royal Canadian Legirun. lie and Larmy Banker. each wîith a pair absmrrh, thkr first f055. Held lo oaly sixnis; of frines. provmded lime halance of lime hn a slmngy Waltizng Wea.sel defrase. Tkb H allack. *see 81.O.PITCH on page 24 Côllege bail matures Young Bv STEVE LeBLANC Specual to TMe Champion *Milton prospelct 8v STEVE L&BLANC* Spemla Io The Champion For mort young pmckrs, thk transition liant hmgh sczhpol to courege hasehali can kc a mocky« one. For Milbon iWrIrr Shaync Ferrer fowcver, 9 the transition has liera a.s smorulh a% bis delmsery, which has aiready èstabliskrd hmm as nm oi lime arua*stop prsects it reucflthislory. Ferrir. 20. recenlly curmpletcd hsrixrkie sea- sont ai I uncoin rul Junior C'nîlege mn Rohinson, Illinoirs, wkere k madolamn immemimale contibtiaon in thk Sialesmen linenup. Aller accepting a luil scholarsifp wilb lthe schooru lasi year, Ferrier ýenl loin th 1411 traininlg camp ani rauseri more th.mn a kew eyehrows among lte team's coachung staif ani playet rus- ter. Ilis conidemnce, pomse andi sourit! nichanies canted hum the numker Iwo spot mn hk foumr-mant slanung rotatmon. -Fming a spot un the mafiing rîltaimion was am greal felinj, espe mtly kming a rookic'sui Ferrer. Once the actual season kegan in Marcit, ki proveri hîiscif Wotiy oihis rutation placlment rsmth a regular contribution to lihe Staitsnurn's 1996(ca8îpaign a lie 1)ivlînI Gîcal Ruverç Athleiu ConfLecncc (GRACI lie led thk tram un inntngs pilcked (66) ami rusted a strong 2.17 eamed-run average, alumg surmîl a 5-4 record He cullccied 65S sinkeouls and alluuwed a mere 24 walk%. 'Wiîh DHs usrd un college hall. 1 was ahle tuv corlralc solcly on niy pitchmng. Alontg wih tny regniar olc a.s starter, 1 van sonte relief work uni toumnament play. Id %ay nty grealcsl morment over thkurason %aus un a 3-ft wîn over Cjucage s Mary Mach, whon 1 wnceu a cumplrc gante am timmew a omnç-hîttet.'* l-mer recmlld UlJ¶riunately. the St.tcsrn dîini &ajuuy the sanie mnnt of leamt sucess bhis yrm. Thcy dud finmsh ovef 3(1< wîth a 311-28< record for suath place in the 11 -teant lop, iutl rl 4e~ to Olney Collcgc un thk GRAC Sectînnal finals. Ferrer. who led Multon District Iligit Sciruml tuu lis lin't regmmai hasichaîl chantpionship lastýpning . saud kc lcamed a loi frontis mxsl scason, mosi nolahly the importance nf imima thk cor-ners wimh hms fasiliali. "Il doesnlt gel hy lîke tl nse Io, you rrally have tr fmnd ymmr spots. il. IClairk's Golff 90rraphite Drivers SS.k e pt eJmbrelles $10.95 ame l zzo 0Us D<,ouIbl. Strape *7T2.95 Ga Cam" Leater $18.05 LllhrGloves 0.95 __-I'SNDY mustangs playolf wîn too4close for cornfort PiMnI by 0f AHAM PAINE Sayne Ferier has lmpmovd hi$ pltching mocIýanls 80 thet ho cornez aval thme top In h r. dellvery more conslatlly, and bosati a lder varWey of pitphes. He was able tIo gel his lasahaîl up mn a conasistent f miles% per iu and develmped i hs curve hall aHemug Up. Ha lso workmng do adding a ;p l linger fasthali inmu lus ggýraal -My cumpo- sure amd ineimanits arr a loi helier non. Béfuîrt fitus ycar I ssas alunurst thruunn uicarli hum tte Statesntffwc,mct sitr;wed mIe tow mur use ttî' witole N&Iy un Che dclmsery m)u arunclmn titruuing nighi river thk rop. F-errer w-Ill arî showu Iral hall rattusmasis bis slulf am ime prepares for asiison wmlli th Hamiltoun Senior men lcl Jshaîl expel ý*wmll ke paymng pa-cua aliontt î effortls is BIne Jas eu J'i R dl y. nitu apgnears impre.ssemiwilh il It lijis scea river lime pasi coruple of year. Simayarna lim te kundort pl.myer whuu dida'i raI- lie wial lic hada ai. h% ut I luke thk waeltrs iteen malunng. lni anxilus lu seelhm pîlcit nuuw. said Rudîr. "Il'hk realI> nmurks, iard ruser thk nexi ffirec years. 1 iimk Siayar has a real future mn hasehaîl if kc wanls ut.- Asnd wile nol lmokung trx uru lah aia. Ferrier ceriainly iniends Iu ntake every eltri In go kLyulm thk crulfege lescl..11kb watehmnq the Olyntpie itasehaîl gantes dosLly iimsut ilrr11 kc ahouat lume lor the 2(M Olymipie mals wlirt 1 tilism scitool. so Iliums senemlimng Iur cuunsider. Vnm alsmi hoitpng lu cvcntually gel dralird. I gtmrss ltaIs whl rvei player really wanis.- S () C C 1 ilz 1 1OCK l' , Y RUI 11 R1ý1 Wl 1_ liCROSSU 9 'l ne Mole 878-7m

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