SAIL TEE CARIBBEA- mf Ok"4Y4G 'IAY TO GO!' THE VEENDAM, the top taled HOL. LAND) AMERICA CRUISE LUNES newesl vhip was nue venue receivtly fir a two day cniise oui ti Fiorida i) the Bahamas area and back Il was mieonitis iaunch ceulses in mîtroduce her lit the teavel industry Sheisa beautiful home away fnm home for a vacatioin, nio mai- .1er which nf thé many itineraries shte iiiters in the upciiming miinths An advance purchase 'Caribbean Savings' progam vih up to4ý" ofis aaiable on her MEXICO i&-much more than Beaches, although their 6M0 miles oi coastline is whaî they have become besi knnwn for by the tounst Populatioin. But thal us ail chanogîing as the Mayan world, Cnpper Canyon- Mexîc C. iei i the nidest cilles on the continent, and lise many morte unique areas lhey îitter, ame cîîming front & cente. The ergh mo'.i visited country in the wîîrld, Yîîu can cali 41- 144-MFXICO fic further mini Seeing ail the TIIUPS in bloom here- (and in nue vrIsi in British Cilumbia :oime weeks agîî)i nakes ne tink (if a viiii I4OLLANDI RED SEAL TOURS has a si day 'Dîich Treat' package ihey ottir whnch iîsîks like a very înleresling way 40 oetai ieamt Mime (if tbis eaiiui coîuntry Accommoîdation, bTeaktasls daîiy, car eentli airpoci iransier: p>d an Amstrdm caa rtuai eic di MARYLAND i pr gtmeo n ohe time of merfrta cale s iii iur favounlte aceas iii vris BALTI- MORE has much lii offer wîlh ils newv $444 million înner harbour ,veea, home of the amazing CAMDEN YARDS base- bail siadium and the popular NATION- AL AQUARIUM, There is much hisîn- ry in the ANNAPOI]S area, and lusl up the eoad there iv muth lui .ee and do iun 'WASHINGTON' Several Tou, Operaines otier trips - see yuuur locai proiesstinai Iras ci agent tor assiance inplanningandtsokin. 010 YOU KNOW DEPT, Canadian vils tu Finrida eas dcîwn Mime 9% in the finit noute mîînths ofi lffl, - a lot yîîu say welt, mime 1.4 million ofl us stîli made the toumey -pretty gond repre- senlaticuti TRAVEL TIP OF THE WEEKC For the busy on-the go Iravelcer, yîuu can gel your car seeviced whie ynu are away when ascng PARK N FLY ai the aIeporl. (Somte local businesses may niier a ser- vice for your vehicle and transport yîîu 10 1h. port as welî) Y.., Prof#.î ssai , FuS Sm*#c, Tm 1 IAgen"c & 7fl-S wu-Xs Sb. tovi 1 M'~ ,à . :sJ A. pain. in the. neck [W. Lia Drmdas, Who la daoarlighow a sona. nua Ontact eucm <alà n»or4 daW acraang clMl i MmlonfMl. Phîotoby Graham Paine ~f : ' <i s HEALTH RECQVERY CLINIC -, We've moved! Our new.address s e 201 City Centre Dive, Suite 200 MWau54 Ontari LSB IM3 Tel. 905.272-4181 Fgx: 905-2721M20 Weftreat: Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) LoW Back or Neck Pain Carpal TunWJ Syndmmne ' Fib-rnyalgia Headache Sureos Conditior Ou r treatinent tearn incIudes Physioffherapisis. Massage Tlîerapisis. Psychologisis and Sports Medu mne Ph.vsî'cian. cai furaàtee cwaaullftn EXUTUM PMU MIIIAEII SM 1U Over 1000 Sofas. Lomeatas, Sobîue& Lahr Puiture. Mietuca. Pîctules. Dinini flooi & eroaSuites, CulaS à TlsNcs - MusI bic Sold. ALTHE DCUl CANAIIIN FUNnITU es , .7t V fh COMPLE GARAGE FREE YOUR GARAGE SALÉ IN THE Vour Garage Sale Kits Inc<udss: SRoad Signs *a Directronal Slgn a Feature Slgns et Wall Signs * Arnnunicement Master * tail y gheet Master * Marketing lips Brochure * 200 Frics Tickets il Garage Sale SIgn Minimum Price for Garage Soli Ad 4 1' $12.00 Exphes June 30, 199 Phone The Champion Classfle Dept fôt Il the detlle, t 875-3300