i **1 i -i COMPLETE VENTURE SEl VICEY. Laboratory, In Rear - Repaire 1 ho4r -Samne Day Relines Complote Dentures Partial Dentures Implant Dentures Myoloc De tres Lost Dentures * Immédiate Denture Sôft Rubber Uine~ Temporary Relines Repairs Relines- Rebasing Made in 24Hours Dpntures should be checked nylme Ioosèness or sorenesa develops. **FREE EXAMINATION** Dentures can be reined or *uas to improve their fit a¶I fuffction. GARRY T. TRENTON, DENTUPAST MILTON DENTURE "kI~C '- 'l153 Main Street East (beside CjBC) Main SIua III2O r-- ~ ----- -- Dentr Brus , ~ D ~ and Denture Cup' r or Denture Cleansor FREE---- - -- 'local hydro * front HYPRO on pal eoee an las not'rciced sevet* ale.Cursly the union repriesf 24 fulitiffe wokers. If there is lheb"maicsf lîglu ai Amsendss of tlie,lunnel we will wo inwards resolv- ing oui problcems" said Mr. Reid. Don Thorne. Milton Hydrq giflerai manager, did nol wats to say a5lythig thaï mîghi jeapaidze thse negotiating prosons. mding only, **Hopefully, ne'lh be "ta mealv anm diffeienc&' Mayor Gord Keantz. wlio sits on the hydro conimfission, suid Unire am! a lies of issues and everything is on ise table, includîng lienefis and wages. --"Workei have chanWb *%top affliaion ýanî J wonder if tliey fully undersard Une oeality of lie 1990s:' saad M. Keasuz Hi added.' honever. 1 Uon't want tu, iee a utike or poasibly inconvenesce a lo of Tie mayoi vaU Une commUmso laid out goritingency. *flraîng plians on Monday naghi nisicis 11 hae used in Une even of a M~ke. Challenge for youth overseas Ontario youdis aaged 18-25. Ioo&ing for adventure anid inlerested in gli"a devel- opsnwn aminviled tua qsply for a Youis Ctaliengc International projecl in Costa Rica and Gunaa. Youwq peuple fîoap acrou Caigla null woik on a vaiiety. o! oemnunity dveop- nOn., "eth, AMi envirmmsenla piajecla for I0-week peiioda ncxl wiqubr. and moueve guildance humn eqp.iaieed valus- Applicatian for miext ni.Ueia projecla Must ha mn by June 12., Only 20 pasitions am avaita"l on yohh in Ontario. , Appljcuoeufor. voluuteer ouf aod 26 mai UU mxquled et sal lis. To neuve an application. contact -Ya"l Challe nge Ina 0I ai (416) 971-9846 esl. 300. Or tbe Mnie ai bulp<Iw-.yci-.or at this stage ,4 If ail gos w Dcidre euld be Nome liy ,md-July.mt doevi h wouid à« have to ha wasched ckiaely sa lier body pould met tie traiplat fur up la "n Yemp. Mr. Seholl a*s when pL)êl*e imut (cl- liesa nevoe given op on ber huruif" wi S"d -l r ahff d*sjoie aid." The faanly liu bien laU nodiq dm% the identily of ltbe botte maffow damai isider stict ondn mlalit reuain~ thUn uelaedBni" as Regiaiay. The donar' wdn ilnl iemain, u . . wnano I thle famnily uwiliaImaayeau lle imtansplant. AI tht timte. Uie por- * *~* ' ..~ sons namne nuli ha releed only if bath, Last ditch .talks on at'