-0 OUR READERS WRITE v" Cathýollc reader RC inboard Io.k c etal mir-fan mamagges whoaeciiugeVaIl noa-Cailiol pariifa 1'o pefitn aahamed pf achool truatees a big atep bckVmardreg mend omn C4o1cch oki Hayae n oan: Oea Hlar . and deaignate iheir tus dollars to this wieuherc th y waau < o okfr ee ni4 Thî yrr. i aCaloli paen ofa ciklaiindig S Peas On Tbesdagy May 21 the Hait bo a asl.d As a ,elw vfbmu In SI. Peteras hourd tlha has stipîîed hem. becau: f scitool. 1 haci dmi honour of working on two conummeegi wae Calhlim Sehool Board scieci W adopt a Sehool 1 have c-o<uuu maeru hours Ihear religion, of any dcso-aîg' vrY popular witls our ejildren. Picase noie th&"Lunch lime policy that wiii deprive qie of ar f o <oa& suces ofra lious programgs. peons on schoo couni. Acuivity Club" andi the "Crafts-n-Laughs Comanutee wenr bot accorcid 0111r parents in my chiiena yi~lgnigil S.aiiaam p l Te eaInteswooedorNi- coordinteci by non-Cathoic parents of chidrr a aur scitool. scîtool. lb ita gl il, 16 as, as a vo~ cy, nie Halton Roman Calholic School poiicy shoulci be ashamei of iNemielves On Tuesday, May 21 i attendcd a Haiton Roman Calholie on mite sêliooî cogancil ma ihave a vole in Board Nus srent me a message. chat say for laking the largest step backwards i Y~ Sr l Board meeting anci watclied helilssiy as <Ne nights of milters reiatintg o policy, où« selton. ot n la a o-&Wcprnthv vnse nprna i ei t parents were stripped away. t watched <lhe trams fün n the and curriculuma. YaU aie Mn wecotnge in out schools'. . anada. eYes Of 1 non-1Catholic frirnd as she wasld, mn essence, *ybu can The reaso? i uDn nal Roann Cachoi- In an effort go gel tlie board t0 reconai*tr vase coos ies for us but wr will nom give <lie nighi ro vote on issues regardiag usage of Our schools, progrants, ucuiuum, Schoo budget Priouiues scitool code of student hehaviour. serctioîî of principals, mbeîlods or réporlîng l0 Parents and the community, anci revie of board polîcies at te local irvel., At thNu meeting sevra of 12 trusires voied for a policy requirng parents Whto sit on schoot couaicils to lie Catholar. .1 also lîsteard as Truster Rev. R. Cote spoke eloquenuy in drîrnse of titese parents andi titrir nighis, which itelpeci go PUt my faith baclk in <Ne Roman Catholîc citurch, "Our faiLli <eaches us lm share Witt ami accepi ail People, aad liai bofl parinrs in s mou. fne are created equai", said Rev. Cot. As a concerd parent, i do not undrestnc <hese dinosaume call rosiers. nor do i accepl their liard line apptoaci. fi rernsnm me of lie sgory of th1e Second Worl War Jalpares soldier la thie jungle, Who many years later did not kaow the was cms over!' Sid colcike my non-Catitolie finads go know 1 féei çaly aMorme for thie leustres Whio di nul support <hem. l'heue Muices id ot speal for me' EIfrubah W omn MHOIM, Ont~0 tlyde doth proteSt too much over bookN~ DeardiAtor: Sînce lasi ceek. I*se been rcîgm bottain as Io how i ever miaaaged a successful carcer la journalisin. served as a direejur of varlous coryimuniqy (irganizagiuns and raised <Ca children wîit ilhe wîsdrng of Milton District fligi Scliool studeot Andrew Hlyde, In li coligmn of May 17. 1 tead Foxfire aad survîved", Hyde intîmaqes fiai lies fenlightescj'. while parents Whi, stand agairlil Eux! ire are "uninfurmrd. self appoinicd proieclors, censor-liappy guardsans, saisi- crflics.,.. Why ill (bce mmes Andress' SoumIs an awful lot liSe adolescent rage lu me. Hyde daims thai ce have fu lxîu pasl lthe neyer-rdîng csssing. cursmng and obsi-entiies, <lie racial and religions sisrs, te allieS agama si mothers andi grancimoîhers andi aoc. Ihe scears of Saianîsm and slaughlered kitens.' botcheci abonions and sexuai violence ta ordier lu "identity the uaderlyisg tlsemes. the enlîgli. ri vies- of Fuxfire and il's autitor, Joye Carol Oates. Okay Andrrw. Let's At 17 - slruggiing Io grasp the possibiltiies of flfe, faîliag at so mach Iliai Naci once scmeci coaceîvable.and Fosure is tbere, drawing their anguist. isîaig iteirAge. At 17 - powerless, Washrd in isolation and Foxîire is ter. spealtiag Mur language, acting oui scenea Iront lhkr lives ' offerng them the power of brbongiqg Io a nec wave of gang violence <hl is scepiag <lhe land. At 17 - sensitive, impressiorrable. lookîag for truth mnd Foxfire ls ihere. mnutiernf puofanifîrs, praclisiaf vulgarnitîrs mnd aseddiag darkness on flec ani exery moral issue of aur lime. AI 17 - horrmones ragiag. energy pulling ami pusltîag lient in a thousanci dîffereni <hrectîuns and Foxfure is lhere, ceaviag words mi magîc. nsnaiag suliiminal sugfestions togeiter so iliat tliry can neyer qalte fathont wit is really iteiag said. Ami whai is reaily beîag said is 1?a salne ghiag lta is hejag saici everychere: Tum-agansm your Goci. He is deaci. Titr againsi youe counmry. I< is corript. Tam agaînst your parents. They une alupici. Tuitr agaînst the opposite ses. Thry unc your emomies. liai agalasl racli other. You can truslta ao m. Excep of course, tle Haltsn Boardi of Educaion, diho knows wlis itesi for you. Wlias a desolate ami hearibreakigmessage ta ke giviag our But wliais evea more Nrainbreaiig is ghat titis message la pro- diciag a whoie generation of Andrec Hyde types; aocially saunt- cd, emoiamally ravagei mnd *pritualy insiontifvC youag people Who canti differeatiage betceea 'enlightcanient' andi Paul am-. ,itis plicy affect ail aam-eatholic par- <heir position on titis diagraccfid policy, 1 Milton11 WER'ON'-THEAIR FRIDAY, MAY.31 I 4 pmto 8pm Wireless Connections ant Radio Station Rock 103.*5 wîil be doing a lîve remoicte from thi oatio t 10 [HUBY GIEWY 1 Wire-Less Conmections Ine. maton fliMobillty Centre 377 Main Street Eant BellMobiit y *a~uW.~i~uup~t Bn~i~ ~o won~~UWU.