Heated -debate rages -over.-municipal,.changes enfile procedluie he put'«f for anoiher poliis loto munticipal goveumatit calhing r o s su g g eire d ecf'mnme ad M* vincial ciia Accordimg ta i N. Keaniz thme Que a' a ale n o r l aie lielleir undérsiocid. 'P. ff grapvime indicoen majo chtnges 10 alt rin c uncl "Ail l'fin heaning rc broad generaitîz- the Municipal Act anci only days fron to seven m em bers fions and very lithle fact," sid Mr. heing nmade publi. Mito's chef adilis- Cliallimor. midi pomiied to inercased work tmauve officier. Dýavid Hiprave. sais whît C MSd!. 8v BRAD REAUME loidsi n a smiller council aimd fcwer peuple uling suggests proposed changesini !ho Champom 10 sit onl vaious committees. "T'here ame in place by iuly 15.- ai~a riu Ai lies heaes, dehule Monday night ar neyeraI ceuricillors wlmo donti have suffi- "*Show me what is broken in our. sys-' - &1:1111868' ceed with municipal reforin nMilton, ltme impacts of whai lias heen suggested." only two or thme weeks i fiction. No 1c- hU à7 h g until provincial guidehlnes are announeed. Despite warntng his colleagues In move ter exiaits, telbin us tbis inui bc donc. lintil W&f #bar, Mayor Coord Kramlz tummesi up thme heat slowlà,; Couricillor Rics Day was permips dwithei.Iis ispoinîlsi" by prodding counicillors into debate, and the mont foellmcoming when bc suggused The vote on foming a commattec and U* d Ll Councillo <iermy Brooks stokcd tho.fire Nîssagaweya. Kilbride and Nintit Lifte orgenizing ! publici input precesi wu$ -"' whcn lie suggesicd changing Milions N ward houndaries to, producç a council of H seven clectcd representaives,'rathcr timan ime cuiTnt 11. He added fuwtler fuel when ho impdcaled he would îpproach ncigh- houring municipalitieregarding amalga- million. or border changes "1fs discussion is entmoely inappropriase until the province annouinces mis plans." saisi Councillor John Chlilmnor, who accused Mr. Brooks of grandstanding. "1 w^ould bc vemy disappointed if there are indvidua1 councillors skulking &round dis- cussin boundary changes wýiili otl1er municipaiies. Mr. Chalmnor s4oosi frmly agansm any action, mrcludmng a second suggesimn ýmy Mr, Brooks thi vete a comitter of cmmn- cmil.whmch would discuçs changes and invimide public input. Most couincîllor'. were unprepaçed Io vote on any changes tu locai counicil. hut several wcre open Io the iea of exploning the malter andi askîng for public input. -l have no probleri discussmng the issue.* samd Couiillor W.ully Hunmer. ~Peuple' want relormin m Ward 2 (Mr. lluntv'r* c ontmltiency). ('ouricillor Colin Besi agreesi. saymng thecre is a noed for discussion os reform hciause chaniges mn municipal tîrganr.Ammon -ilml ha~ppen, we just donti kmow the dame. CoujvIcior Ron Farmk quesmmmsed the wsdom of nom illowing the puhlic mnput part (if thv prrcess 1o move lmrward. Mr. Funik aiso saisi lic fit Mr. Brooks" sugges- lions were necessary to stimuline discus- sion and was "offendesi by Mr. Chêlmnor termmng that *grnistamdng. "l stjil feel Wr shoulsi have an open bouse andi nvite public comment and 1 wmll ho presenting mlii acotmoi imexi week'- Mr. Furmk simd after the meeting. We shoulsi have had fhns discussion monthis ago. l'mn worrmed abmout self-sersmng couru- cillors prosectng themr finile Iicfdoms." Mr. Fuumk added monte VArd 2 courmemi- lors have had informai discussions on houndies He sid ho favoured i ndividual counIcillors representing cleîrly delines meards. rather than the 'i large' systein now used. were several coumcillors; are electasi to repsesnt the saine areas. Cosancillor Bmim Peninan sid the timing of the debale was "horrible" but called mime discussion "beîlihy" and suggestec;the Asthmatic kds. «ign g?0 to camp -lhe Lung Association of Haion mvq sàg_ mmmg a Safari Day camp in attempi tu edu- cite kidi wîit astbin d have a mOtle fuin. Astbrmaitc chikiren agesi 5-I3 and iler non-istbmalk smlngs are inymîrdto take partimn the camp. whlch runs froin Truesday tuly 2 Io Fniday July l2t loly Cross School and Dmck LicitiPool in Cleogetown will ho the day cafmmp mites. Coul i $»0 per week per chmld. For more information or Iolregister. cali 'lme Ling Aswe ai (905) 847-1033. e cauionediagainît întroducing party Chair Barry Lee bmeaking a tic. - jaillis