Krptz resists dropping'new homes-to be ef up businesses Iv MBM AEAUME f'e Chmpon- If il cornes clown ta new houaing or mocre business- es, ilis utng ta kc more busîneases, say big lant- es in Mihton. Nut necesaily, tntm Mayor Gard ICranz.- NA net setage plant lber systemt bas provideti mom for tnodest growth in Mfltan. whleh many pel wpnti tese in thse forci of hauses. But others, ho utc indusul lad there sparse taler se"ice havýe restricted thse type of businettes tiey eut aitraci, tant their utlities upgeaded. They are mare dit wil!îcg t write cheques for tisa. Mr Krantz is undeiereed. He said aSeO-50 splib betwcen .bousîng and industnal iye of thîe increawd wter capacsty is a reasonable expertation. H-e a#ded Ws would ke willmcg go move autside the urban isaund ares ta acbieve ibat goal, sortsetbung muiucipal cour- cil angically did not wvent. -I dont have any iea of ees those bouses taulti go but te wouidot tant to tec bops-oicing amund, tiis 100 bere andi 100 ibere." scid 'ke mayor. "Sucs a projeci tili bave ta kc Cnanctally viable for tIhe toWis as weli as tise developees." Indusîrial-comciercial landisalders requesérd and agreed ta psy devel.opmrent cbarges on more setage ctpacîty tisse the peojectiss exglcled go yield. If qt-iiration project gocs as platiseti. there sisoulti OF Our Reg. Price Choosa f r SPecIal Baladons of. LIEN-LOOK 150cm wISe. Our Reg. 9.9-i12.e8cm NOW 4.00-40 VOS SAVE 0%l GAUUE SOLE»0 & PANCIES 100.107crn titIs 100% caBan. Our Rgsg. 6.90-7.90 mi NOW 3.40I-30.m VO SBAVE 50%! REGÇNCY SEMIERO LIINO ll50Mtide. Our Reg, ..em NOW 4,4S m VO SAMVE 50%1 ASOAT mNIT 150cM tISe. Our Reg. 5.90 ci NOWt2.3 m - YOUMSVE U%! RAYON PrimT 140cm tISe. OurffReg. 10.90 mi NOWt&7SU VOLCXSAVE 08%1 CRINLI PRIMT 135CM mISle. Our Reg. l3.9&14.U111i NOW 4.4, m VON MAVE lti DMO CMEPE £ JACQUARD Somid à PIn l 115 100% pa!yesl. Our Rat 14.0-15M9 qp NOW 5»0" m3 VO RAVE Mi k Cnu i caacmY for tise equivaleci af 772 ainl delahed homes. Led bY Harry Sngoek of Highpoist Business Park, business collectmvely requested aee- vices eqluivalent ta 1, 178 single desached unita. Whie Mr. ICeantz tacts Io alkxc torme ai tis capecity ta homnes, kc is equally concernai thsai industriel la"i gain increased capac.ty, "Cretysame lands are party servied and resictel to s4sçtsrtng dry inéu.hy." said thse mayor. "Full iervicing would increas tise llexiiiy of bust- cessà thics could use tise sites." ,In addid'aa tu tbuae'wiàing la enter 'dgo -n agiteL ment, svees otite develupers expresscd suppenl for the plan or interegi in net conasruction .ootside the cure utisan envelrtpe. iseme, develupers tif kc min . - MOR E HOMES on page 12 SFLVER SALE la1 Enl, bs-ore Sic Vogue/Butterick PArrERNS MI1 tlsM.sR. PRICE"! GET 2FREE! Osoce from Spqcla SsIp"ln uf. wOOL BICS 150cm %vide. Our Reg. 12.50 mi NOW 0.0 mi YOU SAV! S52%l Gomvto ABARDINE 125CM tIde. Our Reg. 12.98 mi N&O$ SAS YOUYSAVEW5%! conoM SATeN um a SaNdal IlSouldwe. 100% maton. OurRs. I10.111!-12.98 m NOW 5.411-0194m COTGE PLAID à CHIECKS 135cm wide, anSte monl Our Rqg. 10.90 ri NOM 4.U0. VOS SAVE 54%! 140cm tISle. Ouw% Reo.O m NMM 3.»0m VO SAV VI &1u±owns - Moed NOM 20% Ow Our Rae Price EMbu SeeN MkR DAPWR 145400cm 100% pclyaser In fIle a K"oo. 0wv Reg 3.0-24.80n. NOM 30% OFF 0w Rise P"e cHIIwC OU FASAICANDS SpWa 11g11e1fon cf Olsapinuxed aPAPmNT A UPIOLSTER UP TOOMOFF owRPAUPrime4 547 Main St. t r- Look- hoo's here, Ailm RIcharde cf %*abr RWlrCt.vststs WS - targ,.gggg oe os a Y~~..W.W m Our- bt, - 155 MAIN STRI E.. MILTON <908) 876-eia Telehbp Is also yopr Local Intemet Provider ft 9 poe m W. Dalgo Custm W.b Pa9n. 'msmis upn yosw tota long dibSta wfli lblehp. le-0y