fHorse racinzbettiniz clerk strike hitÏ l5th- week Héated labour dispute fshows no signs of settlement ji Vý KMBB SMMIT S77W chaspaion Mutuel cltulAs m Omntario Jockey Club <OIC) are nowlitre ntc seffling as a bsitter lockout approaclies its fifteenîli week. ->No talks have beis sclieduled mnd the two sidea are curccssly befote lise OMMtrl Labour Beard aller wsaera cisaredw liahei IOIC sas bareg.iun litd faith. Tht employtas. mtisibers ai' the lervice Employes SInternational Union (SEIU). have litas locked eut silice Ptlstuaay S26 in a htatt labour dispute ta lias involvtd a court injusiction and job tiination notices to diree wouters. Thse 5W0 fulîtiffse and psut-time bet takers ai lihe OJC's tire tracks. inchuding Miqsawk Raceway lin Canplvile, and 26 off- basei on a 35-heur ýork; iteeli. Fulihm employea would lic track wgrsng iii axis have ben wilisout a contract sînce offéed tise opportui to yvork up ta 35 heums grweek inatea Dcn r 31. ai' tise avengr 23 heurts curatni wli 41nboite of coetosic is pay structre but ititrai s s 1%id the meve would gîve workcrs cçpatitwii to eatif 7h.yr Is 'setldng pvage Wcrease. Breit Cordail "mam of " miscy. depending ais hoi often drey watd to wedc WsAl 5 tsaid lie OWC is tsyimg go introduce a new wage syster *Sete people suill i Juas mai and aimen n mc as prple ihait tna~cwould work nite beurs for the sérne monag dul wil mtei mar monsy. lie saad. l'le mat ae cutrani pai uns a daily bai bus the ICi flhe employce tumed dosis the OJC's Iançonn*oer lin propsing te, py heury rmits. If a fulltsme employec woulced a AMtI byaà siîvsng majetlty. usual i'eur-and-a-lialf heur shtift. lus wage seuld lie reààced ftem *'As desptrate as people arm, thse contraci was se bad. sil aiver $109.35 to $74.25 (ait a pay rate cf $16530 per heur), M. Goodail 80 pe cetof oceissrejtct il," Mr. GodalIIsiiîd.1lmrhi M said. gitiagus aconidactt asay diettyatl. sis ' ý "We thin dit Iast hty ciul do wau gtvt us die saint tsmsecy The proposstd deal included the tersimisain cf th"ro mssiky as bde." :lie qid. whe the OIC say cletrl commitied picktt line v i l~ss thal However, Oic director ai' corporate communicationis Jack invalveli damnage to cmr esterling race traeka. Sausiders poittd out a diffrenst persptctive. UnIesu contraci negotiattons thwari the firings, tise worktrs He sséd the OIC -sants ta chiange t schliehlng sad pay sysieint '*sait lie asked backi saîd Mr. Saunis notsng it's illegal te lire an tssployoe during a forma labour dispute. Fellewing t capfmiStaion. Ur OIC sais an Ontario Labour « ébr Il * cti n Iimiiing tise Iocktd-oît workers' acsmvity aos pceMr Zy four pickettr cmn lie as uy aim site ra a tuis S.00 i thty caso Islock vehicles. Wltli rtplcee.m s'orkers and a straig injucios on is tji l&s GIC lias a clearadvastagç and the ftuturt of thm local iv unsir tair. Mr GOaial suid. W/orkees have received ltile picket psy sisrit emupîcytes have liadt te ge up their hembes lie said. -- FlisnAcîal sitsuais am despenite for bise woekers and the inter- 3/96.9 1)111 amg" na ion rcently stepped in tolsetp. Kens Brown, SEIIJ Intenationsal vice-presîdtiit, suid lie docsi buy dt OIC' Wal foc a tics sage systemt. 'Ibe OIC lias been usuasg finascial difficulties as an excuse for trintg te rtduce aur wemlcers' sages by 30 pet oess,'ls said. -With exptctd revehsues of $4b millison frin VLTs (vidto lot- si terasisarl d an estimati tas savings of $54 million led ed tai tIsern id <Ontsio Finance Minîster) fiei Eves' =îen bud- gel, se find it liard tesyié." 90z 10 XLSDoctor says: Hayden may dieiff he's sent to prison Dy KAAN 8111117H ie lifc of à rttired firefigliter accusai-of ausoe soold be in serious dangtr if lie sas senst tojuil. a psycluairist ttsiified Fridiy A prisons enviraimnes would sci upi Richard Haydtn. slios mntal litalth is desetnoeasig. for abuse frous aibor smai ýr. Aisgus McDorisa told Onitario Court (provincial division) ini Oakvilie. 'Tri caiscernd le ougi ensd Up dying tin cusiody." the payçls- strist said ai lise tra) in cconn~ci wsll an mros rmpaig thsasugl tesis lam yeur. Lawyer Fred Forsyts lias raised a defence iliat Mr. Haydes, chargedl witli six coums cf mos and tlieci ofcbrak ansd enter, isusi cniminally responsible for lis actions due to, mnistal ilîas. Aithougs dt former City cof York irefigiter lias pleaded aiea B g ' gsuelty to dit charges, lie liasn'i.caiaett evWetace that lie torcid R YSTIQ E SP RT vacan buildings scui as bains mnd ohutclmes un aown besworss ngid m 29, 1995, ca 'usiqs miith ia $800,0W ldasage. Hoever, assistant Cr6YAl&Mmsy Amy Steveso is saftit ing toi prove tisai Mr. Hyde1h'Dfs, ls criens were wruaisnd appreci& e n 'ature jsd quaIi of dii act. flie mnalt diserdtr dtfetse uiidtr thse federal Cnmisal, Code saies dut the usspkt nmli duth uine o tht criait, have sffered (ismn a ilisasi of the mitsd tisai "rYcred dit peau.n Wmeafsi of apçeciang tht nwan d quailt of dm *ai or tif kowln dut l Court Istan Dr. McDaiaid suite in a luse. 1995 repait dtht e belisie Mr. Haydtn didn't quatify for tha defuiset. but laam chais M ae litsnnd. '*A peracis aseidmg alltist uti ng" ais, i m usstha ditistessi datan msi semat, bc = 2sl-d 8 * 5 ** iettiny kesiut wiithewdis assmegmddu il soud u hlm isistit mo trousble. Bus ie dli'i ri"thde scauuuoas of' msa ie wau doi Cust luia mia the 57-yelc-old Churchill Ave« -i uhMala inea police ltie dut h le a rss ao Wrbmll 57 r Ra ,slhsn. sdit u d u htdi acem o % ='ie ;zig bas- là tieub policgoe bc smi - go i im. at the01.»."1 dti is y raional pe omstd alitit to Il Umma ou mmtie empm sa go litase dit au isi . D. lifDoi t u *~~~b 1c Whoyd mi ma brai m àu a troha, la cu- 84e 3 7 msly aseommumi n a gaywot init. aMW Ottasa