4 t. ~7~j ,~ --'~ ~ 'F N. il', %Y, . We'vetegun construction on a riew building which.will serve to further enhance our already awardvinping dealer- ship. Construction'should be complete by the en*d of October, 1W : lnn ildm.. Our. Sales Staff have on their hard hats and are »lorking on the blueprints fora dealforyou. . SWe cUNentIy have over 200 vehicles'in stock and ready to go! cmi.k~. .0 - 4/w1996 .4Ime Wotkm Md~ rouI, rtmout Brou.e 0.0I.u,mcO A/C U. AM ioemof.d4 comMn ad VW 9gDde Tl1500 Plckup CHRYSLE o «i1 u iiii à àdi'e .wisro d*k a w,- I s."- 'I a. . 1 Imm qWL