4 1 0 FRIDAY, MAY 31 MITN MAVERICKS SALL HOCKEY Local BOl Hocey Tooméy end 8h11. ooerçaflfu AI niw bfd a hockey tuma" a welSffl Io play fkW racfàrgb pnaia Bon u an Mi à M& have SOCCER Local 3 on 300. sobm.mrf an S4is oêii for nwmre rais, . Bois ywos1h iit u oa b fava r.ecréa". compeMiiv and pruer cafanrIa Cd 17040. - ~ ROLLER HOCKEY Local rutfir hocefy tburmsy anA skif 00fl5)if l 50 I&uIas ., ho"e ana l.0. oPla fr nrhcan a *Both poul and àAIO Alsuior havi raoriai, cornrpahbsav Mid pramu cafeIloned, cem1400-37o-uio: 1 OPTICAL LAD . For Fast PM'ofaSuoeia 878-0554 8 Main St E., Milton mbmt of al nuo enjoy #umoolvo. 1 d robin «Wiglho aid àWgs dey nimhWil owmn Tnnbm. Your Communlt Newspaper gNORVH ENE SAVI 7w The Uf13inmei Tennis-- 'aIub -looking for members -frets TENNIS on pop 18 ael to follow nexf mon[N. Numerous spccàl days are [lime ame at ieast two courts available - regardleslî i -uf tl sde for the youngcr memisers M a club champi- oegaized league tiîns. ,euhip and awards niglu brings tIse wseao#wt an end The club aiso, offcrs top.flight inMnarctions fromn cach yta. Parent and child ficimrnsanmd aumnimer newly hlled pm Chns Boy4t a top mnkcdpmvincial barbecues are thmown inID the mix as wcll. Compeior from Bî nhop llcding Sccondary ScIsool. Along wils courti ad a clubhouse, club facilles "TMis club rcally caters to junior playri. lIn (k&f..incude a practice wall. washrooms and change monts, whatever âge or skiil level you're ai, th4 i. fIsc club a kitcheneffe to, store drinks and snacks, and an ouf- . you wanf Io Isepav of," MM11 Boyd. who is currently in door deck to fake in ail of tIse acftion. "For a small the misi of junior feins fayotRs and early skill buder fown like [bis [o have such a professional and orga- lessons - which cosi jus(t $15 an hour. nîzd tennis club available ai such a low pice is really 1 A rnmer of special events arc plamsed Ismrughouf a bargain,' said Kotack. tlsescason'as wecll The high school challenge is cor- To regisf e., or for me informiaion en [Ne Milton rently underway, wUIs an elensentaay school challenge Tennis Club, catI 876- 1811. =Ao amr imtu à MWAWAC..H.M-"à C«*d - -A wd. 7111 Min Sifos Eau * DELREX mmmIum uivWec r .mUtif Awningp .npi 4awaflohe 48om DOMn 1111111*u 111 z RomUT & ASSOCIAlZS * CulcaiHomo * Uleroomo "o.877-2907. I. - 16E (519) 866-9784 a. S SIIER.OND MAO When the gouzg géts Wough the il IliisFmlalm tough AderUse inf Who Does fi! col $W oosi Cail 878-2341 *pscx1q _ s ., '. . W