MAY * 1$ INTeRN-ATIONAL A M'ISSING CHILD IS- EVERYONES.RESPONSIBILITY. Chilli Fnd is a non-profil registered charitable organizationa ihic/i was estabi shed in Onario in1984. May 2.5th .Cid Final <Ontano )p>1,cabaay fChjd Fnd Candada ic. is Miusing Childxý.n's-Day IUt t O NT A R 1 0 Toasas a, heicao, riisag OUR MISSION To ssst iith loatonof niigchidrern. wthether siranger abductaoii rentai abduîçtion or ruiaiaw and roi reuntu these chidren wu,/, thacî laiu parient o riarian. To itîcrease aivarenerss oit tZFpbeai0 a1 chidren in Canada. To /îeip trac/i c/iildreii, parents, schooi officiais andi comnnan natttes 'waas to prevnt ,/î& fronti happenaing to our c/nidreni To protide generai a.ssistance aund raotioîîai support to, parents uirdergoiaig t/te traumra of a ints sang chald. To refer ptmasto cotipeteîît profes sioiialie/p ar/jia eeded.-ü C/id Fiaad is pniieiarii a voia4iiterr orgaaai:atioai goieriard bva ivoliiituer BeSard of Directors. Newv ta Piterrs are alîvs sveicçsie. ô/iid Fi1i1 reiie- oaa donations fropti ihepria'ateepid corporair srctorv5 of /ae copnipiiifiiiv to finiance oîr progrianis anid services ist-;irarr 1rov'iled fre of'c/argeý Wl do not rrceaa'r anv fiudiiig frrnpi the provincial or federtîl goveniîairts, 'For furfhqer information, picase cati our head office in <Jakyliie nt: (905) 842-5353 or toitfra a 1-800.387-7962 Thisfspseae as brougha t0 yOU by thèsse ooramunity monrided busmneees: I » 4 1de e6 d 87W-9375 LEAVEA MUSHUOGM CO. LMD. quimSeLLV1LL SN. 'Tour Bank. Your Way" ~10Main Btr-et E. Milton 8 85 6 KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN 270 Mbin St. E. 878-4171 (~~* MILTON COMMUNITY &INFORMATIONSERVICES ~AReouceCHERISH "A ReurceCentre for I»arentd and CaregIvers of Presohoolei.r.s eDroi -InToy Library * Preechool Prograssea * Home Daoi 140 Chgdu Dr.,MIto LOT OI 875-4636 s ÙtOwnACIER mputer HEWEr.E'r PACKARD IBM RESELLE -R egivies & OTEMýR pRODUCTS CoeMx0a SysWen Hom à Buaraeaa. L.arge SWMOasr Seteclio Ntgwot IraUsaatu, Aoeee«aoeia d SuppOse Oukdaity Discounats Avag"bt ObSerte. and Trhiuni IIIIILUI 1 REALTY WORLI ML-i MI LLPOND REALTY INC., REALTYV LD., REALTOR 1% MEMR 1@10ER, 500 Steeles Ave., Miton REAL ESTATE SALES 87-033 MANAGMENT 24 Hour PàgIng Serice netieW world as a corpioraeseponeor and dormio a are acceped al50 Sta»es Ame eOu childrert are oui nanost eprecious esset. They deserve auf utmagt MOeication ta help keep them tramn harm's&way. Please.- suppart the effarts a&Child Find. E * Bonnie, Brown, MAR ab. w.fon ' lice T"Phow. S.20i I I' Hours Mon - Wed "- rirae- Fr1 9-7 Sat 9-S Sprinig Sale 20%, Off.- ENIa Vil AMt»d Ktqhj 15.1-les MAIN ST. É. - Deuxýp4 Deux MILTON ~U~J~J OCD..3@1 I ~1j 751 MAIN ST. 92 MILTON 1, 1 il fb 1