Local video producer Lynn Keanec tackles harassmient in sports world e an5 UIIA>IUAM rAINt sillembeca ofdh. cait end Çr.w of a school tralnlng film on harast and abuse ln sports worc on à altnient et the E.C. Drury Hlgh School pool ailr test week. Front lot ori. sound technicien Josslco Bannes, cameramen Claudle Barnea, interviewner Brandy Tanienbaumi and Interviewes Krlmtyn Gray of its. Carole Mýirra Mwlf Acerc.my. i I. 5LECTIFY .lT o Q.çROOMliNG Il migml nat le physical libour buW il is liard work. A video producmon. bcing filmed mn pant ai die pool ai E.C. Dw 1 HihSho. rmonstra& i r ly of acl n crew. lbil &gain, do il allant. oune more tmn.sland still.,we milseid ihêmound. do i agaîi, . your mark, " cajoird a vrdco crm liiultiple taises are usually necessaiy genif tic segment wîîî ortly laite two arcontis c6ri lm. flic effort invo1emj issiilar Io a stis ctram ai thc peai t l ibrr cu-urdinalmon.. unexpecieti mivemcjils. spea k clcarly and gel their lines night. Crew have Io monilor lhc ilim. maïa: sure soum is ilipe. and tlien le,.çîîisfied lhat fice asemrs caRtured the spirit ol t ich scelle. ,1 -Good Sports Doni 'Hurt. HarassmenI Dors" is flic nrre of the short training film, bcing produceti by Mion's.Lynn Keane. wlb. las been mn th1e public relaions andi pro- 'Lynn Kesne ,motions husineg fIr 12 years, the ast Iire sth a focus uni vidcu production. Actors liadt t work Ilirosigh a lO-arconti scene, wlicre c&ch harasses a female swîmm&, several [Mes. Firni thcy gutihc movcmnl.s cocrac, ilien sounti. andi then thc opht anioumn airi- tude front the actor. "Wr arc trying tu empower kitis,- said Ms Keanc. "Wr want lu leacli kids liow Io dirai wili Uie things ihat noght have stoppeti ilinm troni participeint; in sports, su4 as exual harissmnent. vio- lente, andi eihnir discriimiation aciIcI them biuw lIat peuple can Parlcipateiust for fun. The video us a scaessof vignettes mn vainons sports whicli deal wiib the issues. One of thk featuned actorsin the vîico isMlton District Higli Schooi grauatc Bren[ Hctknrnglon, 20, wm lias bten in a nuniher ut school productions mn Milton andi ai the ti v'ersîy uft jlrkv The videu ha% a ihird Miltun connciun wmlli members 1,A C.mrule Murrmy*% Swini'm Tai ng useti as exIras training in the backgroundi The icani, teatnning swimmcrs Iron ages.6 16 is iicamnng thé endtil litîmr scason, àid pracmccs ai the E.C. Drury pooli Mundays anti Wetinesdayç sse ViôEOon pagea 23j Tinting Th ied t Enhanced Good Looka and Solar Protection Begins wfth LLumar (Car Wash aVpro-lun Osilifa t am @(wax/iPnliag soraicl Rrnova >yoi W$rin)r Shampoo " pcuei filsulti Serice European Cars / 34#2Biont2mtiutS..0aInt 1.mHiO & . liflu . i I I I. ç a The àiîniwe ýôý (0 Your Towieq Nétiids r7 l0