Some pa«rents angry as non. Catholis exclude e ay Km %AnT te echoal deciits-takng Fots ','pýito tnsChm M t's not jus ta ue ofdthe holic fauth who have a gaMe in di 1 0W THEY VOTED: S.ciin lta hol baud.' Mr. McKay talt tîsiates. F tP W p ýtu A ecsin y atonsqe school board trastecs tu ban non- But several trusees expresetd cecemt t.hat FO*nn OIY. idO poI1r Calholic, f..i echoo1 ouncils will do mort ta damage the Caliolica tu ait on due courecils could weaken :: =urnsAi IUna _iv .m a ICaiholie school system dlim proteci, ar ays ont angîy parent. anAeetal eu nudufilWeîrteuafi ~ 'Iis baud lias done mare tu luian ts future than te help it."' I do't feeltanycait et -a ing ta umdemithoi ys - Pe~la S(mb at OCavir <O.k udBrd Mcay, onicntsafte Lruteesvotd seen t fiv tutern, bu 1 d kn dutin te Per Wm isgain(la, Jo) sad5îrtiMca, ioidtsafe hettevotdsve t 1w a ~i.bu Idoliat li mduiurfuture mur snet ta Mdng ta mîw ta~ a). Gerny OItaora (0.1 I wv aroth duew pacdieZf they don't have rooni for paretnts 1 ha challenget," saidOalvlle Trastec Maflme lesaupI Netale1 Osusisu DauMon (uf den't thinli tiley havesa viablie systent," sa the du ulington paren But Fisdur Ronal Cote, a Burington wutmo anti peimet argant Don BOutÉ (Ose)n Mr. McKay. a non-Cathoahc Iatrit wîith two chultiren in due eep duat allowleL.Mr. MclCay anti coter nm-Cadialice cran dhur Il - arase systen, itantedthed right ta sit on due counicile tbicl i ll cils womslt hetp builti a uniteti Cstholiç connnueity. nM diftwe it. t tatmtat dut 40-50 par ccix of due bud'à itdemi enie eeon take over sanie decimon-making polier gt local ichools. 0f du 373fmiageawhich tolplace n Hailmi panatan fer a hmtathold ititre nly ontparai mi dioli. An initiative of due proVincial govemmnen thed comincil itent je 1994, 42 pey cent were wixtd-faiii niuae bttetl Cadialic "Wt teach det chiltifn ta respct"bath parents a&W 1 tË" we ta involve parents, teachers, students anti coinmunsty memntere in anti non-Catlil, notet Faiter Cote. neeti te, do dii," lie said. s i . i - I'.-a.... ...u h A.,a rnS Introducing our 'Peace-Of-M i nd' spring training' programil Jane, 1 thirij we could use a litde spring training. Il', IM,SGINATION b FOR YOUR SERVICE HOME RGM Get your furnace and air condittffer in shape with aur 'Pece-Of-Mind' pre- veatative service packages. This sp rpg, get your raturai gas hea4ng and cooling ,.equipmt t in shape wvith Union Gas. We'II akrange a convenient day or evening appeintmneni.gnd aur tech- .nician wiII inspect, cIdan and service* your equipmnent fý0rm top-to- .bottom for In affordable. ail-inclusive price. Our'Peace'9f-Mind' S prlng Service Packqges Include; Air Codtoi $7995* *End4-Sm $79954 Furnac Servic Furnace «Wi Um Air Condhioner PLUSWeff $39? S Hurryl CaO you koca Union Gem Ofce today. 1-800-226-4160 ediool, expresacti dismy ai te board"s decision. "L.«'i mnovçmawith how omit sacicmy bas dIpad1 dmnI' thénit Describing theciom toi ecihade nonCa aadmw, intoletaint aid archair, Us Nottella su¶pd die bad dImItI cmder excludiq Cdmajicaa4o dms't cisacdun reguly. But utnae &Il hma fm m n uaiitlmn pait ho eqipoos due all-Cataic paliçy. Gloaa Laace, ca-preaident of the Cliurçh-Pamet-Tmaher Ahtociatiml i gSt. Mail's echoal. sawt th de Vau ujarty of puans gt thaï school arc in favor of keeping couiila catnpkmely Cihobe. "'Sometimes decisions have ta be matie foi die betterinert of tb whole aim nul just the few." she argueti Mr. MçKay sys lie is stitl consideing bis ntxt mave. but doesn't mmied ta give up the figli alata t palcy yot. Ht says' he may contact provincial and education nunisaay officials about' te board's dlcs~e which lie secs as clealy discinmrtoy. lstany of (thie trusices). 1 "ar'1 think, know the meaniina of dis- crimlisabon." lic sasti. While non-Catholic parenîs.will lic excludett front sitting on school councils under the new policy. thcy wiltle bc' llowed ta talit part ih commltiees which report back tu the council. New volunteer award Governor General Romnéo Ls'blanu u;sint 1 recognize Canadiai caregi vers andi volunicers. -lt's time Io give sonlething back tsi the givers,- saiti the Gov- emor Gencral en regar" ta his new award. The award recognizes unpaid, votuntry contributibasory. Winners muât liavf provideti care or servîce toan indiv0usj, group. communlty strvice or other hunvanitarian à~use. VJommnces must have serveti for several year or lisve matie an ýxrrardinaiy contribution over asehort duration. Send nominations ta Tht Govemor Geeeral's Caring Castadiant Awaid, Rideau Hall , 1 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ont.. K IAOAI. .4 e A .4 <n A I#. Burtingtl ss lune 13 - %j 19 Làoking' for volunteers» to participale in lte GranjFestival Parade on Saturday lune 15 as bamne carniers. kkally fle volunteer wiltbe bel ween ffic ages o( 10 10 14 years of âge. As a volunltee you wiII receive a (çsival t-shirt and bte chance i parti kipate in te kqies! anual ontiiece nuai fesival i Ontario. Pleas cail 333-6364 Wi tell Mhn ySu want Io carry a parade banrler, là1l Tia rg. p.q.. For Yo u ~ t1 ar~~~.,q9re..ds..ifoa d 5 0 1