Ou -laru - en -o -la Up Wh As N.uI As6% n ai Riehentg Sofa & Laese $2.749.00$1,999.95 Reuifons $669." $M9.95 Rechar 3599.95 53095 Recline M96.95 $599.9j Racheer $99.5$499.95' Do"M Roclining Lovonent $1,449-95 5999.95, GlideuRocker Occulte $59"5 $M9.95 lKh QUM. Sofa Bed s1.41995 $M9.95 Solas& Lon"ra 32,949.9541,999.95 vAngc Gan 719.95 '549.9ý IN chair s599.95 $399.99 Top otan LuterSi ' $229 $1,499-95 Laier Cair & Oea $3,219.95 51,9fl95 Sofa 31W.995 $699.%5 Sofa, $11911.95 57M9951 Sofa $1,2995 $M9.95 Sofa & LOMeMn $1,949.93 $1,M9.95 IAeOa $1,149.95 $599.95 <catomI O.ki w6699 53.95 ou chai 31.199.95, $599.95 3 PieuO.k &MeoiCoc«il Soi $1»39.95 V5.5 Miui -i"o Gi [ Fwin *QumiAue End Ta*l QM Ama Colfi Tï*l Dialnsae Pin lai Table 3759.995399.95 3199.95 $64R95 3769.955399.95 'a' bon Oak End Tables $459.95 $9.95 MM Oak couine Tii4 $4595 #.95 lKb3k PC.b[ioffée T"CSdIâ5Ç93 $799.95 Qw ien e Poier Boda 31199,9 59.5 Qum Fusnt Pion Wall Unit 4'3,»9.95 $1,499.95. Tua ~k totoe Uit. m-995 $499.95 4'Pim ei~file Bdmo 32-59995 51499,95 Motal3Sa M95 $199.95 F"n~a Bunk Bëd 31499.95 599.95 6 Piie amî lAdr. $4,959.95 53,69.95 'GecsuêWTan Siei 00 1.199.93 5»9.95 6 Fin lo Ww.kr Befodra 6199 2999 Dable Pm SM i$1,399.95 $M-995 9 Pieue ageny Oaa Bsin Rou 4,409.9552,999.95 9 Picou Whntaa O.k Dining Sei 36,399.952,999.95 7 Pieu Glace hp De.g Set $4,499M5 S2, .95 SPieunn,. $169.93 $95e SPIFm Ml Dine $9995 569m.5 5 Pine Ggéoj Oak Dicete "Il*9."5 179 S Pie flue £MI,*e Diaogue 3137.95 59W7.9 kk pmpLoafDaigTë T l . 31199.95 5499..95 k 5 P.GasToDingue ,45M.95 t999 IMLb9 PC amen Diniag Roomn37,999.95 AM99.9 IKW7 PC. QnY Daig Rans $3,919.95 AM79.5 MuuilncousDinGiUrn 3249.95 3 Buffet SM9995 539.95 - flFM RKI M U. Denk Wall Uns $1S.793 499 Oak best, fl chair $M9.955495 Oak Roll Top Desà; SL9~55,9> ;2" O.k DInhL A19.9512.5 06kq1 Oak Pb" oem* $4A99.95 $599.95 .Oak cntnur wout 5<" SI .39.95 $799.95 Oak CoonpteCet $799.95 539195 Gen CcunfeConner Unt S3M*(14 51,999.95 LtdwK Deak Oint $399.95 $M9.95 Oak Deû Chai '419.95 $W9.95 O.kSdM Dinh Suis9 52M.95 SP.k IUWdSy*uain COM ofyBaFie.Cml $1.799.95 993 FmfTie 679.949 .95 à.4Cavai pema Scines Minondi Dow Atene Pino Amour O.k Eaaaaoa Unit Bouim âýPOAniIoù 3 Paime ey 1, Etionsnunt %duIýgéo Bicalple Rcda Put. QMe Bd* Fm.à. Pair. -Ieon L&uja BntnTOIrM $3299.51,9M.95 S 3 $»9.95 SM9995 549.9 $1,799.95151,319.9S $3,799M A ff799> 1399.93 Mis.9 369955999 Top Notch earns medag Irmmn POOCN# on paop 1 Top Nolch was also honoured rc=eikly by [he Hlalon Regiojial Safeoy Counicil as wel as lton Purina, which tnducted Uhe dog lneu the Animal Hall of Faine. AIsoreceivtng civiitaii aneards from police werc Miuton's Garry EilIood. Nicole Plant and Mian MiAL. Ile scrcacns of a I 3-yearoldb7nlÇgW Mr. Ellwood, of Ridge Orivo. thlai sonnte- [bing was w!ong. A group of six young bpyi were walking along Uie batiks of the Sixteen Mile Creek in Match bls year nohen one of [he yoths slipped ai*l cIll im tho rapidly moving, tnigid %vabe. Mr. Eîlwoodl, who happened îo ho in bis hackyard. immediately spraotg toto action wlten ho hecardi the commotion. As the boy was hoi.ng draggdd down [ho creek, the matn gribhed,3i nope, climbed tho fence surrounding th#'vwollen crnek and pulled ie hnoy to satety. -Oarry's qutck-îhînkîng and action avaerd a certain iragedy," satd Halitîn police Chiot Prter Cnmphol Elevefi-ýuar.oId Nicole was honoareol alter calling 9- I-1 lu help hoer lainer, who was havîng a seizuro. Mr. Plant was [îampled by a hall in., November and oofeeed a sestos roncots-' sion.The following morning, ho lied a seizure ai 4on. Thle frghioncd lîttie girrn mrpndw blachel ot durng dm ordea, but NI&le remainodcalm andlcalled 19-Il. Mr. Plant [vas transported go hospital mdia was diagnoood wîi n blond dotg and flinad on [ho brain. i'ak [o [ho heoics of hisn daagh[o' Chiet Canmpbell said, "ho was ablo te Ïie [ho milhical attoention»h noodod. jast in Mr. Mwr and fnlcnd lu Dffield loc&$W a [wo-yeae-old boy wandering oni Bro96 Strotu ail p.m. Febniary 12, 1 45ý "Me youngs[or who bail waridoro pff front Unis ura was wearnng only pyjanpna .9w a pair ot boots in minus 14 dogrcs Celsias weaiher. '1Ihoy [ook Une boy lnoe their casexind codtac[odt poligo." [ho chiot oid. "TMis cbild was relicd honte safely [hankas Io tho quickUninking ofth bt wo mon. tfsi appanoni "Ia ilnoo [nol non blati n'bt [aken tho tinge to go involved, [ho mosuns ctmld bave becn [rgic.'- An otf-dsty RCMP officer was creditel for heping Halion police officers aL the %celle of a brawl in downîown Miltont October.29 Iait yeaa. Police. woo calodwl 1 arn. to respond to a large gîbupsof people figh[ing in a parn let. Tegnsup wus uinnily am deh police prononce wsoa ignored, Chiot Campbtell suid. * Early in the din[urbanceo RCMP Sgt. Tonry Hmslop appeoachod [ho only otricef libsa ft on Uhe acelne ad offonnd go blol. 1Wdch your pet in warm weathe& ln a lragrm apoaoed nt aA by si.n Ornauf Mlnia[ry of Naeinaa Reoma May an beinge rcoognlud aa Rabi Wuah mmfy, peua Venerins manIc lan the warm w"abr it beéoasa eây fir, dmi [o coneho Sntages with tW we man. Iie >obnIt beconnea oven axas gtnen u infnom poMhNli rabinb»un la ovsnnr Raglas ay doigt die bons oM-c bonI lionr people [o vanu &hWl ma - Iliondw . - ra, a U6,Un o hi. TL am% 9pot L 9 ath.i. ta bil) w&eBNeo.t(5 Pam (M)> 44121 Of edl& ca i400.9.7 ,il 1 - 1 ,, 1 ]; , 1 1 . 1