il e I Photo by GRAHW PA&NE f . Can you spare séme change? MqooMI founi Ih.mmlvm c&Wnfmnd Wlt à toN Saturdy momln on oen oa a ton Roglia POlo. mlUi mon.pfor the. Onni. UpecWa Olymv ca OO.d4uty aflue.r un Ilç1 ph wU Cormetona Conr waqk- ilins Mal driva for d «na ton the If.gflc Wfii «@Oah FLIC. Dfwy Hflgh SOhool. il Alert citizen leads_-cons to oiar A citizen hclpcd police nab ihrçe sus wasitollen pecis in conneciion wih à break-in ai a I Charged wai break and enter is a 22- SainShexitcho le po"My1. h ice M te erodHmknmn Thic culprils broke ird the building and* m e knckdnoe -ek and chairs aroond, Mmi bte;thoe ra@ overnlt Hailg Regmonal Police un Noihing wu Two "vesc retaWn aiW Two occupantà of a Mill Siocel residence damaged. fIbree I4-year-old male yquths One man voas larresied àfter police round were sleeping al; soineone broke in was areted and charged with break ind a break-in 'in progress ai a Stecles Avenue ovemighi May 10. enter and dr>ischief afier a cifiz6l reported lawncentre May 7 . The m'sidenis. who are dec! rcmdied smhog peo3ple cnterng the portble sllortly fliree suspect% verte spôued takng ihree aslecp while'ihe culpeit made off viîh a before :30 p.m. .garddn tractors and a company vam ai 4:20 video cassette recorder and a "0de gamer flhc citizen providd descriptions of thé arn. syàem. police aaid * suspec<a, which belpmi irai ta arresis, Pigice managed ta make anc arrcvi. but The break-in occurred sometime Police sad. fr - iwile suspeclta away. No pitPertY bclwecn 1 "i 6:3M ai. MILMt "sS TEE-I3 4bi1Uff Dm~ J.t. id- Nowimber il lm Clet NoOfOi Unenim nt Insuranio. recipWuts Lm eIpoura Eemntery Sehool Suikgton -CO@Mat Slidan's Ski *lis Traning Cer <U>15400.PM) 119990 *35" Iresr PmIam mionitor reSever .thelre rnii. coritrai *2 AV ennui ilms faaUitnle adoneSu *Tri.igu em menu M >1 an wM0 bus. be ére bise.c ~1299; CT32G1 O ana8lat pelure tube *Comb fille, *AI sôcli *Eas,con MufitBoamsd remnote $7995. CT2701 1 *pmOa*pna i * Iaia eab= nt o AV#% W.irs vwftb ramai.q PV4UIlk I 4 uýelm MWmi lmci L5~ j -Mb ,,Lou