*üe music wilI fil stage Datein e 'ecf Milton's inesti n"c talent Lion. wlsch reasibedint an eugsm-cry soo tise icag 'fWssdY aibI to raise concert A5ur of dei eut cow's major unW.n.uh ay2 Iheir inwqmafora goodicass. tr= lm fai. eMYMy t soltrano Lusa Ieffrey will join Mi Jelfsey, a Milton baud recitala &W i au Mail Dia Day ai t a winning peanua Dàvid Shffe anti voice teacher, w 99 dor Mikmn Senior' Activîty Cenin si Judy iHumm for "An Evemng tofm " slc d sciolarsihip for 50 Chl Dr ro foo aml of ne MusiV" At thse Mâton Seniors perfoemisrngexccien. siwdpm.13& aditorium. l'ie pufaoe lis , ricietspre 15&M$10S,' asi ae avail- cOU à.7 Teon.CAý as ay ai 7:30 pais. pie ai thse St. Pmsi' United Cisqch or1km i trip sed Art Gallery of Oniari M -Sharpe, a graduite of the Mi. (87848@5),ý at Dëlacouri' I ànd ai for'Ofl a I'. YOuuuaged 1 Ani University mic.program. won Leosifl aqluriSea . Proceeds go1 tadi St Io 19 yeon ore kwvieto c0 ake Pa tis 995 Atlantic Youtug Aisi competi. Paul's *t " U ion , in tise interactive, banda-on work *shoé. Part icipants Ineet ai1th mipbellvile goes on lin »e (cm fTolpo n i * 1mi SAPES on5.94 Iusineusse dos/ïat WU d sefénaon ow «io.'ca Ad.s ai IIM6 or do àn entie prodûct liqe.' saud MAr. tisese. it's hike a nsisiàe ativertisenent." Thse Oskvilliaiato. Fibre Ric , Ails suggeutedl businesses begit Hec added tisat by opening up pn-line cayig Suppot GrA"met tihe' oss-iinesssarkeîing'wilh hot-seHing advertiÏing for rdasonable costs. more tise Sir John Colborne Centr btsssnese will be able to laite lie pbfflg (Lak#hore Read anti ibist Liste can make.chkinges qumckty,". said iobtM new milceting format. Grass Mr. Gosse. "We'r# real tlters about09 Rool Cojsulsng can be reached ai (905) tisai If informiation bas cisasigedi.*1. tise 456-9333 ai 7:30 p. lsctIei yoga As à includes lunha As ie Unie 'Aie J.rn cf F seaaiot S arie- Pavillon. a Visit te01h. Marbie 111111k- cal Caniln At 927-4528. 'A"lai Patowy, & snack at dm ig C C di Raure. SurVc Apple PA is Io11 telUre Campbll g eneiaé meeting ai PAru. Cai the Milton Seniors 3=arveser Rd. ia Surlingblon 'Aetivity Centre ai 875-J681 fo àAt 7pn. .. hiformaion amdjk 3 , h Muvbis w CNre a q 2 3 Ni s <b r q& ~ ~ Itind 1~h experlence ai local Sstaurant.- e 12f Main S.., et 7:30 p.. o Participants ueebat the Millol le by nurses. lipCSduospo Seniors' Activity Centre i 5:30 vide nboufll appo p-m.foretheecar poqI or ai 6 pm.oa ý igudace o anerpatients and catfa i s 877s. >1 * ' Ut% Vicwdran Ordér of Nurses 19 Milson seniors cauve an bus tri op d flcr lnca h e - th Dl.u.. Tm, orP< l Milton Seniors' Centre,' E dward Co.nîy. Thse jour DalAlll*Uon pgl12 - OUR mWESTçj É PRICR-EVÊR WHM SUPPBE LAST 1 ( ýý P \ 1 1,ý W -, 1 1 \ 1 1 R'l( )1ý !,\I\, 1