Catbolic schol, council controvèrsy Continue 1Sï l b ine ma Sgvernmea*tinan attemptt<o MWoc linm a asetuluUopstui~t the couel qeilygv M U j Sp.cia Io Th caw s axaef nuela asu osas scurdsoahesaaaucadi<d< e aap pallqy ia danai tWt bard level, h = pwultssand anemberta <ie canast- inleted in Caahlicvtalad 10*imUs ail trains am requirea go bu c ." Essd Mkay solt f acc miul flexi- màty - in tise deasion-making pracesa. to tie taxpayers aud ie Public a pgvo Teplc ossti.cullu fOail biity go the Hilton Romtan Catlboi Scisool As an enginur Mr, McKay lkuenel tise scitool fupalth ls ystae, that it la waathy a onliaaud lui Kevin :Con. Mhaai Trn a ) Board'% poiicy comnsiutu Monday niglU systean b a building. 'Ta maie à building brond public suppait" Leu Lauglalin, ausdoDHisng tuer Ralul But despate thse Burlisgion parent's presettli- a"on. ygu bili n ilexibabity." bu sjd. . icommending the baud drap the ruquirc- Cak mnvi'e *on sad Pflaca Weber bots, thse caanmittue v)ua aet ayed fita chaiig- 'Wbou ame ýonziduting a Policy thil san1 Iqo stread al l 1 cito l naci m bu Cash (Doso nd Weber >urç abseiiL la ais ing t boauds contos sial draft poiicy on wu don.î suyou elp 6nieu ltyC iCaloC.' clic. Mg. Mcliby asked. 'Wh6 tits in judgmunt Wleve compromîse position, wlslcl waa scisool coaancils, requaning ail members 19 bc WVas kjai éÏ pessage docs ihti sena to aur of how Cithalie you arliheb suggessd noUu<t d by ais Iuerase. Titis paitinai Catisolic. biais.. 'nie basaIs polisy rulsfasce s'aime chl' ail schaai couicl mumbers bu uxpecteai Io doua nat min taa aii.cauncil aimbcrs bur M McKa as af Iw-alilepret0 o dfen usd allient tihe luesa of secial puivilege, "agreu toia delaaion duti whle ,son-Catliolic, Catholle, but dmu requin duo. <bey dl bu scpi-* Catitolic chakirets in tise seperatie sctsooi system. inaoîernce andl eucaion." they do mit oppos lt dbuai o the Cadiokl rate seltool supporters. . . siad wants ta sit on te scitool couicil aI bas cil-: Mr. McKay said Caalioilc scitoals were "burin. fait. Pallcy consmtte .mu couid. nt resch a dSes scitool St. Tiiolity's. 'is would flot bu jng at lthe seama.' while lte public boaud wau "I as nut neceuary ta prend Caliiollcity as consut so <bey sen bot the dtaffWIiq and allowed if lise boaud qdèpl5 ils daft policy lter closing sctsools. miembue.itap requirensunt isicludu suaciter a te compromise position ta lte regula boiKd titis aqontit. Suggesaing <bat many nutsls weru crouing principal aWa panas (mreeseusaivesr 'Ibi bu meetings ofbais liatiuage sections. Sclioot counicils are s sew concept, .creaaed by over. bce sud, 'lite Cgliolc cistamei. Iltougit te asiil "atnply cuam a açntng Caioic pres' »0 Re on pffl 10 »bike-a-lf o n -fupidraiser ini GeorgetownOu Padai power will bu in abonuasc it the North Haltais Association fo r tio Duvel-apnelUy Hanaliappeal (NHADH). boIsad <hit sixti suinual Bike-a-tio ai the MmteSm"dyra26Ceent gets undue- way ai 1 p.m. anal bas tu*&rsis biking anda an 11 km course. 'The inside tmucil ýwili bu aviailalle for ciieat anal wSeel-HU FA T R O EC AN ,S V .-râ chasir participants. Two bicycles will bac asearaeal 10 lise top aiea fundraisir% wile $500 seili go, * tosearts à compsu for tise schoai wi Ise tigitest 'participation rate. Otber prizes include food vouchters anal bicycle hall- ie Bake-a-ittbas is a fâhialaiser far lte NHADH. Pmocoeals front te eventsll support programs andl services for thse duvelopmiértatly htasaicappeal. Registration information can bu obned' by callig NHADH at 873-8S18I.I #ai