HISI & WOD RELEoTELI) 18 an tetMlo Fences for pivacy pro<ection or attractventess Fencing omes o idn à Uai of dinadma .M4 diat pur- Porn You wons Yon fonce ID serve cmen p uis âo vMad Soris fonce Ms PU UP for Pflvâuy. som for PsoWeon Andi olhers Ma" ha inAlbs slniY tq povUla M iacive, background to show a gardent ait1 mita bon! advgst. ManY fenicliale buift for ail dos. Bt thoe'. a lot dmir ID PuIsin a4lce aroatd youir pwoporty iliso jus orteet- ing a f-wposetsand fillinginethui Ma wilh dis malarwa of yow chcim You ould fint aif yow uitar work is for nothing of you don*t Oumi jiou're woffing within the restrictions of-your local building code. loick In ne how thme restrction sflfe= beigbta. materaIs styles amt localqon in> relation la, your pliperty bona. 'liere may ails Iolaal requiremeoit dia neigbo a thei cot of cuectingt ard, mainiainmng bosidary or cfivis iosoncest behtwenhe prop- Whlch city or municipal departmenî you deds witi cl depend on whmve Your fonce is going. A boundary or divisionfonce may neet par- _______- I *alling ail first time buyers Tibsa exacuti 2 ak>ra èa baud F ~ ~ wt miEs bl Peraltaits.i Deu" for total anloymaoet of ISsos pie- dioua aoura hours. Cool central air cnonrng, bovsy mn l 000 ti>Ily aoo vlh frirtace lase mésafr suite andi tampllng -qon ol Dam k> compara. . th llsalunadon"ahl LO tm ons local gowoenecl dapajtn a prived mm ay bave 10 lAVe dus p4mWa hmai mtitr Md hscls un Yffu Ot Yard toY requi auàoaléG1 us1101 t yetcmn tm. Tlsr us als speii tug- uiM 1111swii% fams Moiuidawbofsnpiot YOn should , Meese ho t hbttr y-on di aYwhoe atont yow pmuPeny Yom Ilhould check widi youw local bydro. gas Vid telephone conyxaiea. 'fluy vrl ,d ioson ouit fiee of chaire bo urvey your ProM9Y andi sr" the #[oM. whoe underground pipeltns or cables us Public utity coqlaiia ay aIm bave eoentsl - alquiruights or pivilegtes - on your propety fout spocify wha! you cam andi cataot do wtd fsncing. Iliey may nut particular ares t o cief unobsoucenk allew for eqaipoint repairs antimd leaie The dtile tisai b your bonte cquld also cornaifi fencing mastirion. if Youre looking a! a property you'd like in buy nd belie e idition of a fonce le a necessîtY, check wifo dié laid tilles office or regîolry to, enaure toere's nothing in dis tille dleedo dU nught preven you froin pacting unse bp. lt'slo nt unu"a for new-hom builties tu iIclIMl preds. specuiâ calions for fonce buding in ortier tu give a parlcular teveiWoont a dis- Vos could i nti yourself wasuing time.and money if you do>'t take stops go fat ont exadlly v4wa fenclng rides and regulations ynu may oeed Io çonpIy with. As we a heing forcql ta reniov MilIrae Adit Cmmulty your illegal fonce, you Affordob,, Lktmig n ïModulr nomt Par coulti Ai yourself facing of Onodroomdi.. i- t. $59*o fines for cootravening T-. .irot T-. bMltw. local by-law. Tbee's inhtek lie sid for "ak a nalghbourly approah In nsarklng off your propecty with the foe of yasmcoce. Fights oses >ocig can Millcneek sdup beooe aritnot oin court and.die oa! k> (5l)473,l>4Sbotb parties could hoe AIe<OI.W1IO -counled m far moreton min ai .s ROUMfhRVLOCa=JO, 575 OX4VE OMM EXCepîlonal custom buit Thia J bdrnst 2 stofoy homeé la l r eolandi walout. Lag soti WS .'is'O <go) S~.0o7 m::: 2 tepaC,3bat.bil'- iS yê.hl Torordo Une: dacits. 828-4405» -7.00 $4, Ia I or . 7? .2;4e Yvonne Christie - Broker/Owner 878-2095 «Sal» Rop COMO(on Gall'876-4512 Allan Chri$tie* 878-2095 D.n p-, 878-1029