Tips to help you getyour home.reddYfor saWon the market .frojx GEIiWo o a~bydra bom odie fBmuq, ormtrie it hard of your kiérhen dor ia bweing dtme of du deck. for edenple. May flot b. recoftid and ý grbby haflwy ,41 'm'n hoflt à iie frdamto imgin bowdWtheirbsginga aill abole roM fOr eamuPle. inexpenove udek and duro*s a higoe usllins pice. ahîle ,omedig 'CO£ of paLin à nu" rj o - this ja rot thte look in the rocoL -W Wu con del a îfrmasi différence. as impe as replacans tom scréens or fillins Ii stats ezpoermenting vri dramatlo pa"n If you oni repabt oruaWe die w"ll i a m- Aid Yfoeself if imProvemnta lIke this wsiI cracds iifraafl nd oeilfigs cmo add contider- de Colojr. make your home more haleable. and do daey ably ta yowrhni',s salabsifil Similarly. heavi4~ pattqned waUipaper or lt'8 ofben amthqbeeinn carpet or floor nov- juuify daecoct. bthty wimoue acoen walà a y ted c diw -rng d-t m mrefy tugiu shaPe. If Mu MaM Reator nre fentilir w1th tuhOme 11'uaket M Nit article li prnMded ly local Reiors _________________________________________________________ and un help yon deride which improvensents and thme Onstario Real Estate Association Swifl be appualng ta byer. 0 <ORFÂ) for tdu bemjlrt of consmrers in thmp'al I WR' E IALIYV )KL mU A major inveatet-adn aaeo semre bU Miz N V E L T7 IN C ., R EA L T O IR w ,t e t - a d n a a e o i ae n a*l R'7~LEM~qq ~