SDive rsified ènvironments for discerning homeowners' OOAY*S BULOIS of WMMjr Mffl reconiz %bat bonis- leaito Homes bas maj duis conufutLnt Io dewilop borne of -nie introduction of tieae 10 plansa mons that chora bave ITbuyers are well-versed in die faturca anal workinanabîp în.vitng living spèce andl dhveraafled envitmenta 0c rates the never been as prevaient. Plana vary frein Tbe Maple's matiss J'offereal. To make a memorable impression. the amenifiea demandes nasala of detnIsg conammis. Thos ame tbe key 1,460 siaue fees 10,th dis tely Silva r ub tie 2-W4 aquarefWe of dhie propernes otier must extsnd beyond die ordinary and aitove cornporeis found wst lPhase Il ot its River Omdaloietlvn çsd Not only dom lelait HOmBI javest co.udsa"l il.~~dn acetdle inalentle on disie or onstuction 0of uts boom.-Aut on tbeir placement sithin dis propeny and dis actual lay ofth adis.c lliat's wby>Bertio offeta sover choie locations for boûmas cont pists vAth ful walk-out basmentsanmd balonea otfening dires levels of family living. Placed on 44-fodi iota itd dis conventionai placemçot of a gaag mi rot Tu Mountain Ah and Silver Birch tend ien- slves inoirovenisnt living Inioors MW out. Wit sqluare f~oag froin 2,310 to 2-W4. they're priced firoint $255,900 to $27 L.40 ImsrieillateaSPReat Those prepa4ng tu expand dhie horizons and style of living will recognize ths iminediatetpppeai of The Spruoe. nie Unden and The SandcbszTy isiti 39 test of frontage mnd backyaids thaï are' gradually graWa forsa dsck lot wili walkoue Oseeper windows in dt baesment iavite ia mm orelt à&Ç basment living la no longer dartkamd dspreaafag. Priceal froi $240,900 to $246.900. disse à properfis are situalali &long Aadovsr Road just, seconda frons LAS0T he eihe proposaid abools mnd retait n md er Oak Rereaio Cetreisnearby. and Sheridan College. Oakville HA CPlace and Glen Abbey amswtin minutes. N ments in thes ruyketplace. flelsito bas esalâida niberep- utatlon amongi tbose moviag int Ila naigbborboods in Cbarnwood, Cynara Drive. Beacon Lane. Durt Rotai. Encore Place. Carrington Place mnd RoseborougbRosebrcomugh. Another *discemibL-eeltTiuc bomebuyers isilI notice irmsadaatly ta rte solîid construction of s Belsito Home. One walk tltnug die River bakskiveroaks inodel home isili secair that dougbt. a LieTeSlaBrc fPaeI h model teature% wiading. curve of ths adjoining wall. A spacious enley of ceramics opens loto dis living room and kitchen. Tiough double Frencht deor. visitons will flali a charming familly rooi mih gas fireplace and mande staineal a sootltng rsge green to match dms rails and pick- els of the circulai staittase. The colonial titeme is apparent again 5 in dis bassboards. tnimmsd archways and mantils. Andl wbssber dis dsign selected is a minimalistic approach or one 10 acottmmodats growtb mnd a grandrer lifestyle. te lufusy features traserse ail 10 plans. Clay brick. quoined cornes mnd sol- q die coureing are ;ypical of te alitit Belsito invent in die ouI- ward appearnce of i homes, alto standard are trick arches. key- ITI stonea ad odier masonry effects dit coïstribue character and O W N seharmn tu dise homes of distinction. Witse an esuite 'bath is iacluded. Éficalurea an elegant raiSa bath mnd separale ahower. A bigh efficiency gas. forceal air fumnace. duct woek for future.air C A R R IES '-L -I< , R T icondîtioning. rougb-in for a basement batbroons. a wiac HOMES r~ m ~ r~îmcellarlcolal storag arsa mnd a fully aodded lot are adist of dmt HOME 4IKVLJY I URO le IJJgohf ven careffil coallisiat. èjetFU~~lft?~ rîrnr mrwI AkIT If fter a quartar century of home bpildfing. Tony Belsito bas $136,900UUurI Bm NEDL ~W PLAN THE combnaidqualiy craftamanhip and equisile dtagain diI"aoe ~~. "~~ 'etek rC C ~ I pbase of dsvelopmsnt in River OasleRiveroaks. Belsito bas 1726 sIL. iT DE IM yLE It achievel ltse deaignation of excellent front the Ontario New FaulusFretol ' i&kg 1620-S4.t weekauestinhto dtqualiey mýd adhering tu dis age-old w FaWlus Fe* l dars éablibedby bis hlt. c doik Io3 Bedraom Wbt Says Pas. diss borne am ieaignvrea fori Smmffivy lividge te .COOdOU!UTI ToWlhOmeS Î,iiM90 Lo~ir Lefel ndid als d famihies sa t it bsà cotmun b"nd mei dm bhm in f Mkut o anlsd dsem tu seek ouît a nemglibpoS of periecy &W~ seabiity ~IVI$flU I1 II~ lWJ. ~ ' Valu trm ihere dietr "lin2 cmo live and grow fqr di l tern, nhis W a ihdN .Vle.o $141,9D wbyddtitse bonis; bave beat lisignea widhil inMid I ffNhAcklAIJfl denonslrated by maintaining dis loçadon of dis garage se the 5 FEE PPLAM "CO E I AN S9 USfinal of lte properes wo living space inside and out is maxtind. FREE AR-CM IOTION~NG BEFORE IT'S T.0 L TE!- ad isinter mom eismoval ismafninsissal CoSerseno umng 2xlOs FOR A LIMITED lIME w-rb uasrnem oi fousidaion. lIeraly and figu- S JUN IN OPN CON E P ~ flase coamltig ins Beluto bornte ktds cn negodéte s clos- PLANS WIIM CO N R Immng date riortglage for dissummaer o! 199. Saft agents for ______ Kell~a 4rettSmily0of White Oab WPty.Tey cmibe -U S . M reacbd ai dis site -'t 905/27-2643 or 274-7474. To msch dihe FR y modal bonne. take Trafalgar Road south. Jast befote Upper Il A.M.-5 >~~~NW Midis w.d tt uet se Osarla Drive mnd <511 dm lin River fimÎ Boulevard. Hom use 1-S pa.,Mnssy so flltsily. _______________________OMM* __________________ _ ad mm au 6 pin. Sau"wy sud Sudsy. or by swpoilnisn