4inovativre projeet survives another year Ille Bnie Creek Progrant bas bati asOiyear course wbich ignables 90tsecondar) schnol stu- Despite iltraI acceptance.among rustee dit of lige boeatited mie ji dents go spenà an estire semnester ai ose of two tise Bronle Creek Prograng us a poittive ventsure for Tise environmcn;gIIy-baseti study projeci. for environnuental camps: Camp Siîdrabene, ai 111e board, several expresseti *eir coscerni about secondary students seithîn lte Haiton Board of, Appleby Ligne andi Bntannia Road, and aiguoller havrng go talte masey front tiseplace cille, cage- Education. was given a new lepe on life when camp rieur Georgetpws. cially since lite budget bail uiready been passeti. trustees decidcd 10 pwsp argodier $16.000 inic11de The high scisool students laite on th1e dual mile of Milton Tnistee Tim Kingsbuty fei il unfair to 1 5-yca-old set of cuurs. learrser andti icser. Tbey stili do their regular give special consideration tonune programs fojlow- Afpe considerable debaier trsistes votcd 12-6 ini studies. eagning a science credit for example, Nît isg several arduaus weeks of deliberations over a tavor ot a motion to rcallocate Iunds frnt the (bey aise gantr a co-op coetii'sti deveiop leader- S282-million budget. 1I fiii bard 10 crnme rîght reccntif approveti 1996-97 budget ansd direct staff sbtp skills. noteti Burlington Trustcc Santiy Van aliter tise budget and sa; tce Bronte Crcek Pisigram Io iid 11e necessaiy mosey front areas tisal will Harles, anier strong advocatc of the program. ts more important ise insinscionai assistants and sotg affect tise classrnoom. Thte teenagers instruct anti coordinate di1e activi- otiviers" who will 11e laid off, lie'said. Bu rltigton Truîstec Sheila Vlook. a sîrong prupo- tles of about 4,000 grades 4, 5 anti 6 Hautoen stui- Ms Flobk respondei Io suggestions of neisî di thc prngram andtie lisestigalor of th1e dents over lihe course of a school jgar. Tise young- f4vorilism by saying. "Thse doors ta corporate ntstibn. coulini contain lier lsappiness, smtling sters, maRy of whomt do oversigsi siays. enjoy sponsorship seem go bKe side open" and thats broadly wise1 th1e motios-cajied ranis eilitinn bdîlvîmes andi art steered toward a whai pmogeam adinistratiors hope ta concentrait, "I tliin't corne sn wîh fult conffidience tl icoul ti isltby. esnnmntally-fiirîediy lîfestyle. on in order tc0 malte tise plisiect self-supporting fol- pass. Tird-time lucký 1 guess,- Ms Flook saîid Ms Van Hartcs, wiso saîid there is a lengtby lowisg t seat scisool ycar. agiter tise board meeting. She was refemrng go lise waiîng lisI te enril sn tise prograff, indlicateti thse Tise Bmmne Creek Progranil at total budget of facktbertwo previous ancempts toi bave, the Brunle Bronte Creek camps appeal go students Wiso are $271413 in 1993-94 but bas seti% that wiiled Cr@FkPmgram saveti dunng th1e board's marathon Jookisg for sotnething spart fmom tise usuil scistol dows in each ni tise lasi ibree yebrs A peojecleti Ajint budget deliberattons cir rejecieti . format. She sait i er son, oftes disintereste i n bis budget ni $J44.848 sn I9<ýt97 represcrnts ncarly a Tise Bronte Creek Program is a four-credit- regular scbl smuies, palticipatei fslily in il. 50 per cent Mop in expmliffdturea. Doctors: Province r UEF E squeezing By STEVE LeBLANC Specti Io Thse Champion *Ontario rrsidenis.cill likely face atided cois for vartous iseatti care services, or be unable to obiain these ,sergîîces tltogether in tiseir communtty, %a Wâs tise carsisg giveinJty lcal phsyicias Dr. Garnet Maley tiis weein ligit« ni recent funding culs 10 Olsîeto's isealti carie system. Dr. Malcy's contments camne Montiay, on tise ev4 ni a new radio campaign by tis Onte"i Medical Association (OMA>, in> resposse to recent culs. ' In tbree 30-second public service annouincements, tise OMA charges tise provincial govemment wstb underfuntiing' Ontanios beaitis care systets by haILA bil- lion dollars tis yçair. I "Tise funding slasb will lîkely mean passing tise coins on 1, t11e patient.' said 'Dr. Maley, president ni thse Hallon Cpufly Medical Society. "*uics show tisaI, sînce 1992, Ontaio'% population bas graves by 700.000." There are also *140.000 more seniors lover 65) ebo require morte, exten- sive services. If ynu thînit tings arebad sioc. just 55511 a few inu.tbs, He saiti tise province's cals wîll esses- tially Incman expenditure freege for doc- tors, addéng tisaI ;b cap witt bc a parlicu- t deliment lu smal lown tioctors - veho sqgvi ce a grraer ratio ni patients end geseraily provide morte services. 'Tise goverroment always tlIs about .dnctnrs' bîgi salaries, but tscy're usually "aiing about our gmoss inicomel" 11e saiti. '1lgey fofiet "ia about a third of tisaI gaca tu administrative eRpenses anti salaries, anti asnoter thinigs bock t 1 tise govers- nient in taxes. Whgaî's goingt? happait is citise doctoirs; will b1e iess willing.tu pole. lice in simaller ons, or tise oses tuel do will cul bact Crs litir services." t*r. Maley is currrntly surveying lie 614 doctor 's praclîcîng in Haiton Region. Witile resulta velusl 11e in for at least argotiter weel. 11e expects ltaI cilh these lusest culs, n1wa doclors veili bc lms likcftj 10 offer ecîau services - or mgore *.vllin go stang cbaring for th1e nises tbey now offer aino charge. 'Masy doctors may siait aaitî pay- nient for services liège bacie-towweri notes, over-the-pisone ativice or prescription reseveals. Eliar lit«, or tisey simply won't >rvide services lisy're sot getting paiti for aîlyway," Dr. Maley carnet, I AAD' ORGIA wUESO, FO -OU PET- - asemnti - DONT CALL AIR CANADÀ, THEY'RE TOO RUSY! Yed~4mat's rigisI, AIR CANADA's phone lines are un lied up. getting tiseougs laies a lot ni lime, ethier front gettîrtg a bussy signal or beîng ON HOLD witli music playing in youî ear kir what seems like an eternityl Tisere is an even beiller reason nt go rail AIR C.ýNADA, nor CANADIAN AIR- LUNES, oir .sny otiser crrmer, direc4 Thse RéASON? You may sont 11e Settlng tise best information for routlng andi pricingl Ses, a better caltoi malte is tr your loral prolesstonal travel agesey whîch bas ALL THE AIRLINES and CHARTER CARRIER infoFtation, tou able tii assist ysou sn malong tise proper dqcjsio for your partscular situation. Nsoîtytuc4Ilthe camrer direct -they only deal withýw hat tisey have tr offer! Another way 10 SEE CANADA - VIA RAJL'S CANRAILPASS wbtch îifers 12 tisys of îinlimitecd travel ANYt- WHERULN CANADA leîthin 30 days in liseir very çoiortable coach das! You cas combine tl wîts an offer by CIIOICE HOTELS for 5%i off on tise tird nigist of a consecuive slay -a great vacation idca 'for tise summer anti reat oppiorts*sity 10 sec Canada ait a reason.i able rate of cost! Ever becs go lbe METRO TORONTO ZOO? ibere are two atiditmonai reasons toi #go there nove, in addition t10 thse cursent myriati ni animais 10 ore (a super place te laite tise, kids!) - TWO K<OALA BEARS lents [os Angeles. The Koalas arç on ban front fige SAN DIEGO ZOO, anotiser very intcrestisg place ts ait go, ycnur 'tigs 10 sec asti dotsometime' -wîtb a visit to, snutbrrn Califomia. Niagara Faluid stili liteti as a prime location go vieil for tisase wiso rosie 10, Ibis area oi Canada from, bar off' Il veUt be mars invitsng t10 people closer lu tisat area this fait wisen tise CASINO gels up anti rsnniing. Four linurs is tise average stay for tise 14îaiiliindaytrippeis' veio vîsîl tisere gitl numbers wîll change Wits an atitiosai 6 mtllior%.jWcipatei anti longer timesispent - a rea Ixion for u boet ani=oie tnurtsts facilittes hbiu~îtthsae - one oi tise truc 'Wnters ni tise Wonld"! DID YOIJ KNOW DEPT. The PANA- MA CANAL, asotiser Wondier ni tise Wîselt, man matie style, is 51 MILES LONG (somebotiy convert tisaI tc kîjiks for me!) joining th1e two C)ceans. A fas- saling trip on a Croise sisip! TRA VIL TIF OF THE WEIK Wbe. you travel t0 a.cntny dut gives you a TOURIST CARD upos arrivai, 11e sue 10 isolti onto il for deparlure, nlburwteis il couid cost yqui extra $U 10 teaire Voit, hufnaieu4 FU Srike ComawII Inviw lbcveAP.ncy it " u. w-. '- 87-2884 ± f= IlbVdd'WY. J. INV *1