Vour NeighbolJrhood Bar & Gili Great Service, Great FOO - Chlsholm Rid., Milton 87647311 gv ffl"@MBFUI OF CANADI SECAULSE YOUR UfE I8 WO0(1TH MT McDonaid' supporttD the gýoals of M.A.O.D, and their pOSitive contribution ta the commun fy. 1Biing this coupon intoMconId sFR E Aoh Delux amdwlch.an 1rIt ,m one couÙpon per customf per visi.Mtvadwt I. any oiheoffer. No cash valu Vaid MWay15-31, 1996. L ---- w --I - f- Fr## customer pick Up & r@àul a Low cosi servie atais * oiiatt bilago I.nsurairca companyg *Dalty, waekly sud weekaad âpeais 45 ONTLO T. N siessor New and Used Autoi.iblOs. Sales &Leasing Siessor Motors (Milton) 878-0089 388 Main Street -878-17 97 Milton, Ontaro L9T 1 P8 875-SLES RICHARDSON' CHEVROILET. OLDSMOBI LEIGEO "A 000PLAE TO DO BUSINESS-. 1 ne victona iuay weekend is bere and that means that we ail have some decisions â h to make. Go to the cot- tage or go camping? rake the highway or take the back roads? %ack the warmn jacket or pack sorne sot0 Long weekends don't corne around very :ften, so you'II have to make ail the right zhoices if you .want tb hetve a good time. Driving ta the cottage, boatiqg on the lake mnd drinks in the shade hmke for a poten- tiaIly dangerous combination, espe&ialIy MADDI ~ ,HALTN, Mother's Against Drunk Driving DON'T DRINK & DRIVE 1--84-0096 1~ this wekcnd. Decidng whetfler or < or your driver are sober enougb tad-' e could save not only the weekend býs;yur life. Nov< befdre you brush this off lieit's another one of those public svice annuriemetscorisider s7ne of the 9ta- Nç,arIy 50 per cent of ail atally injurcd dri- verd'have.been drinki'g 0f the drivers wbo whiz past you ota weekcnd e*bning, one out of every eight is legalty impairod. Every seven rnnes. an alcohOl rciated car crash takes plac9 across CAiada. Each Yeur C~DERLÂN Spar Precisior 180 Market Dtiv. Mutin <90W) 875-4000 FaX(905) 875-4082 1 D E.,3